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ex primals groups

lia yia

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seems like getting a group for me is hard. Hardly any learning parties and long DF queues with a high chance of them droping after 1st or 2nd try.  The way thing are going now I don't know if I will get a chance at a Levi weapon. I have not even beaten my 1st ex primal yet.

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I know what you mean, I just laugh at the PF where they only want perfection. Yet if you go in these many are not what they seem.


Maybe a LS or get one of the existing PvE LS to wake up?


I have not seen a pwning group through DF or PF since I got my 1st relic back before there was PF. In fact I would say the intolerance only keeps rising.

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The only thing PF is gonna get 50/50 chance of getting done is Garuda and Ifrit Extreme. DF only promises a 50/50 chance of getting Ifrit down only. Titan will always be a (in my opinion) a promised wipe run for both. Unless you're gonna queue up during Japanese prime time DF it ain't worth it for Titan.


If you jump right on it when 2.2 is released I honestly see you having no problem getting Leviathan killed a couple a times, might not get the weapon but you'll have killed it. Everyone will be rushing to learn the fight and spamming her for loot the first few weeks as with any content released and progression. I only see a problem if Leviathan extreme requires you do complete all the old primal extremes first.


I know what you mean, I just laugh at the PF where they only want perfection. Yet if you go in these many are not what they seem.



I don't get why they demand perfection when they are bleh themselves. I Really hate those guys who set a god damn high ilvl requirement yet have a lower ilvl themselves. Like no jerk, I ain't gonna carry your ass to a free win.


Best bet would be a LS with confident people or have confident friends to bang on primals extreme till you learn and get it down. (By confident I mean they won't be bailing anytime soon or losing hope or something.)


You can hit me up if you need a WAR/BRD. I'm more than down half the time to help with learning runs for a bit, ask Aeriyn she is mah proof. I know the fights well and can offer any tips and tricks here and there for tanking/dps. :) I thought about using my social hub LS or just making a LS dedicated for this type of situation people would have but I'm not sure if it kick off the ground. >.< Cause it sucks you know when you're starting late or whatever reason and are unable to catch up and complete content.

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I've gotten only as far as unlocking entry to EX Garuda.  Beyond that, I haven't even touched the matter--no DF queueing, no research, no reading....nuffin'.


Trying to secure some contacts who would be willing to walk blind with me.  Also, slowly chipping away at my fear of the Roulette.


I cry evrytiem.

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I've gotten only as far as unlocking entry to EX Garuda.  Beyond that, I haven't even touched the matter--no DF queueing, no research, no reading....nuffin'.


Trying to secure some contacts who would be willing to walk blind with me.  Also, slowly chipping away at my fear of the Roulette.


I cry evrytiem.

I quite remember saying you can hit me up for things if I've unlocked them now that you're on Balmung... :D


Especially since we're in the best LS ever but you'll need me to actually unlock EX Garuda if we do that @_@;

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I quite remember saying you can hit me up for things if I've unlocked them now that you're on Balmung... :D


Especially since we're in the best LS ever but you'll need me to actually unlock EX Garuda if we do that @_@;


Aye, I recall....and I also recall that I'm willing to walk with you as well. :3


Also, no rush in unlocking things. Truly. <3

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I'm interested in Extreme Modes. I've defeated Garuda and have tried to do Titan a few times, but considering that fight is the ONLY fight my computer seems to mysteriously lag, it's been pretty difficult. Thought exciting at the same time.


I have an i87 Scholar (my main), but also have a WHM and SMN in the upper i70s. Feel free to hit me up and if my FC isn't doing anything I'd be happy to join.

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thanks to those that are willing to help. I will most like go after just one of the weapons because I don't want too put with the way the community is over the fights.  I mean after day 1 it's like exp players only. I don't like when play ask for harder things and yet not help other players with it. If anything kills this game it's going to be most likely be the community.



I mean look at what happen in WoW: cata(pre: 4.3). lots avoided heroics because of the community.

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thanks to those that are willing to help. I will most like go after just one of the weapons because I don't want too put with the way the community is over the fights.  I mean after day 1 it's like exp players only. I don't like when play ask for harder things and yet not help other players with it. If anything kills this game it's going to be most likely be the community.



I mean look at what happen in WoW: cata(pre: 4.3). lots avoided heroics because of the community.

I know that feel, Lala-bro.


Mercifully, it's been my experience--in these forums, certainly--that there are people who are willing to work alongside folks who are newly entering this whole "endgame" thing.  I'm a total noobiscuit at this stuff myself, but it's been REALLY encouraging how encouraging people have been.


...uh...you...you get what I mean.


For the record, I'm only iL71, so I REALLLLY should get over my paralysis of the Roulette to get the final pieces of Mythic kit though.  O.o



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I'm only an i78-79(depending if you want the accuracy or so) BLM. I've been told that I should be able to do Garuda Ex but I've been sorta afraid about actually trying.

Mmn, as DPS it isn't too hard - it's more to do with positioning. At the start you stay around the middle to avoid the AOEs damaging the pillars, then you run behind the pillars to avoid being wanged on, then a few other things..


Though, it'll be much easier to show you in the actual fight. I wonder if anybody would be up for a learning party tonight?

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I'm still in the process of gearing up but once I do I'm sorely tempted to create some sort of group designed to help get people through the high end content. I think a lot of people are in a similar position to me in that they've taken a break or just not gotten around to gearing up and feel like they've missed the opportunity to get in with one of the existing groups out there.


I don't mean to be cynical or mean but even many of the groups out there designed specifically to tackle dungeons together seem to have formed smaller groups that mostly just do stuff with each other and unintentionally and sometimes intentionally ignore requests by outsiders to run stuff that they've already completed. Maybe I've just been unlucky, though!

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Ooh! I could even Stream it for others to watch who are apprehensive over finding or doing EX, to take a look at the Instance and the mechanics. I know that feels - I have social anxiety but I have a friend who queues up with me and it helps immensely. I've literally cried during Titan HM because of how bad it was, haha. 


Mmn,  I should be available 10pm GMT.  But I start RP'ing at 00:00. - 1:00.


Hopefully be seeing you tonight.

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I've gotten only as far as unlocking entry to EX Garuda.  Beyond that, I haven't even touched the matter--no DF queueing, no research, no reading....nuffin'.


Trying to secure some contacts who would be willing to walk blind with me.  Also, slowly chipping away at my fear of the Roulette.


I cry evrytiem.

Just curious; why would you go into something blindfolded? I'd understand if you were a progression raider/content was just released but its been out for a while now. I can only guess for excitement? The info is there to help make things easier and seem not so scary so why not use it?

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I'm still in the process of gearing up but once I do I'm sorely tempted to create some sort of group designed to help get people through the high end content. I think a lot of people are in a similar position to me in that they've taken a break or just not gotten around to gearing up and feel like they've missed the opportunity to get in with one of the existing groups out there.


Pretty much what I said in my eariler posts except better said. We should bop heads sometime.

If enough people are interested this can be done. I wouldn't mind making a LS for people.

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I'm only an i78-79(depending if you want the accuracy or so) BLM. I've been told that I should be able to do Garuda Ex but I've been sorta afraid about actually trying.

Also just stating for anyone who isn't aware.


Primals don't have a ACC cap that needs to be met and if they do it is really low. (I have a FC mate who went as low as 350 ACC and never missed in primals.) So you can switch you gear around to get the most dps/parry you can to be optimal. ACC isn't a concern for primals at the time being, can change in 2.2 but for now it isn't.

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All you i70 folks...wanna trade? I hate the fact that my Blm is i86 yet I've yet to beat Garuda Ex, I've tried but mostly I can't get passed the whole: "MUST HAVE EXP, WILL QUEUE FOR Titan/Ifrit." Nonsense to actually want to do it.


If you need someone to helps with the fires. Drag me along. I want to get Garuda squished already.


On an unrelated note: The coil caster robe is so friggin nice looking...I want it.(Even if I lose like 40 accuracy.) Also I kinda don't trust Garuda-egi, I feel like she's secretly plotting against me.

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I'm a little busy for the next three days, but I have a i90pld, and have cleared them all multiple times. I could definitely help with a learning group this friday or saturday.

Just be warned, if you don't have i75+, or a zenith weapon you might want to wait, or at least stop at garuda. There is a *huge* difference in dps between normal and zenith, and it's basically impossible to do the superbombs portion of titan ex without that dps.

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Just curious; why would you go into something blindfolded? I'd understand if you were a progression raider/content was just released but its been out for a while now. I can only guess for excitement? The info is there to help make things easier and seem not so scary so why not use it?


Before entering a thing I have not done--or committing to entering a thing--I do research. This was more an illustration of how far removed I am from even being a part of the EX Primal fights. :3


Also, I tend to learn by doing--and, frankly, the inference that "why aren't you using the videos" equates to some sort of baffling disorder is a bit angering to me.

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