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RE: Episodic Rp event (final draft ver. 1 up for opinions) (Balmung)


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The only problem I see is that the heroes will win too easily because there are so very few Garlean characters that it would be easy to outnumber them. I mean we personally only have about 3 people willing to do play the Garlean side. That means that as long as at least 6 heroes join (and people have talked about entire linkshells) then the Garleans have no chance of actually getting the bomb together. You might have to offer some kind of handicap for the Garlean force to make things a bit more exciting and fair. I don't expect the Garleans to win, but a threat isn't a threat if you can stomp it out too easily.

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Denn's hired Emelie before.


Could hire her again, to run as bodyguard for the spies. She could get a few others who work for her in on it, too.


It'd be neat 'cause as soon as E finds out IC that the spies are assembling a bomb to destroy Ul'dah, she's quickly going to go to "hahaha, kill all the assholes now, folks."


But we could probably work a way to keep her ignorant at least until the bomb is assembled / thwarted. In the latter case, she'd simply wash her hands and walk off, completely forgetting the situation unless she hasn't been paid.


Then Denn might want to ensure she gets Emelie her money, somehow.

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Thanks for all the feed back on combat everyone.  After some thought, I've decided combat will work something akin to this:


Combat:  to make combat a smooth action and to remove level gaps from the equation, we will be rping combat.  However, to keep things from getting bogged down, we will be using the following rules (Which are still subject to editing)


1)  Combat will take place as a back-and-forth.  One side will go, making their attack (or attacks, if multiple attackers) first.  To see if your attack hits, please have a simple, everyday house die with six sides nearby.  Combat will be based on dice rolls with Attacker and defender trying to role higher than the other.  When attacking,  you will post how you want to attack and roll the dice, adding the dice roll to the post:  Ex:


  -Tom rolls his dice and then posts in game : Adin draws his sword and lunges forward, trying to impale his foe with the pointy end.  (( rolled 4))


It's important that your post says what you're trying to do, not if you hit, because the defender will roll and then post what happens.  Ex:


  - Ali rolls her dice and gets a five.  Since the result is higher, she takes no damage.  Ali posts: Meera steps to the side and avoids the attack, grinning. ((Rolled 5))


Now that Tom's attack is resolved, it is Ali's turn to attack.  In the likely situation of multiple attackers on one person, all players on one side attack first, each going in order from left to right making an attack and letting the defender defend. Ex


  -Tom keeps missing so Fred joins in.  Tom is on left so he goes first - Adin attacks ((Rolls 3))


 - Ali rolls and posts "Meera dodge." ((5))


  - Fred rolls and posts - Torin attacks with an axe swing.  ((6))


  -  Ali rolls and scowls as she posts  -  "Ali is struck with a glancing blow on the shoulder and blood rushes out.  ((rolled 3))


Now it's Ali's turn to attack but she can only attack one so she must be careful.


But what happens when you are hit?  You lose a hit point!  All heroes have 2, all agents have 4 (this could change based on player numbers.)


Once you have 0 hp, you are knocked out, or forced to flee, player's choice.


Healing classes can, instead of attacking, heal a wound on someone.  Note, can only do this once every three rounds to prevent over healing.



2) No one player maybe engaged in combat with more than 3 opponents simultaneously.  To indicate you are in combat with someone, walk up to them and unsheathe your weapon.  Once a player has 3 people standing in front of them, no other player may enter the fray until a player is beaten.  An example of said formation is below with "O"representing one side and "X" the other


O  O  O



3) But what if an ally is in trouble against three people?  You may run over and engage one of the enemies one on one by walkign over and standing in front of them with your weapon unsheathed.  Whisper them you are engaging them and both you and the person you've engaged move a feet feet away to show your ally is only engaged with 2 people now.  Visual example below.


O  O  O = O  O  O =  O  O      O

    X     =     X  X  =       X      X


4)  During combat, your emotes should be no more than a few sentences long.  This is to keep combat flowing quickly and from jumbling up the chat window with long posts.


That's what I have for the moment, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Some ways to make it not an outright trampling of the Garleans due to sheer forces... Limit the amount of 'heroes' participating or you can have some set things in the plot that will work in the Garleans' favor?


Emelie brought up an interesting idea about Garleans hiring people to help their side by keeping them ignorant or using specific ideals against them?


I guess it also depends on how 'big' or 'small' the event may be xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

No need to worry, still working on this event.  Just been crazy busy with work and working things in game out.  will have final draft ready for everyone to see around Sunday or Monday.  =D

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Good evening everyone,


I know I haven't been around very long in Realm Reborn, and I don't know even half of you as half as well as I'd like too, but I was thinking about organizing a public rp event that would take place over the course of a few weeks, and was wanting some feed back on my possible idea.


I see what you did there, Bilbo.

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((The Rough draft of the final version that would appear under the events page.  Please give me thoughts and edits so I can iron this out and post =D.))


Do you seek adventure, excitement, and intrigue in your rp?


Then you are home at last. 



The Garlean Empire has grown weary of the city-statesmocking it and has dispatched agents to bring down Ul’dah by means of a magitec bomb.  Will you defend this mighty city,or help turn the sands to glass?


This event, entitled “Saga of the Wind Swept Sands”  is a joint, community based episodic rp event  (Could that get any longer?) beingrun my myself and Erik Mynhier on Balmung. 

Our hope with this event is to bring to community together and have somefun and, hopefully, make a story we all can enjoy fondly.


So how does this all work?

We are breaking this rp into weekly events to make it more manageablefor everyone and let everyone who wants to participate hop on.  My goal is that each episode will take roughlyone to two hours so people can fit it into their busy schedules.  Each week, everyone will log in at a setplace and we will run the story from there.  

These will probably take place on Wednesdays.


There will be two sides. 

The heroes and the spies.


Before this beings, we request that all interested partiessend pms to Erik if you wish to be on the hero side or myself if you wish to be a spy.  All races are welcome foreither faction.  Once we have the setamount of players, we will give a set date for the first event.  At the moment, Erik and I are planning tostart this event AFTER the ball Erik his hosting in Ul’dah, which will be a perfect place to relax, meet other people and have a good time.  Please note, there is to be NO fighting or hostilitiesduring the ball since there will be others there who are not part of this.  After the ball, the first part will begin.


There are five planned stages for this event.


Stage 1 is registration and a meet and greet.  This will take place at the ball and with side rps before and after.


Stage 2:  Erik will receive an in-game letter that is supposed to be for the Garlean head agent, Askier.  Erik will gather the hero participants and go to confront Askier with the direct evidence.  At this time Askier and Erik have alreadymeet and the board has been set. At the confrontation, the Garlean agents will escape, but not before the Erik takes possession of a certain document Askier leaves behind detailing information about the arrival of the last three parts of the magitec bomb and when they will be arriving.


Stage 3:  The race.  The three bomb parts all arrive on the same day at three places.  These three locationswill be described with a short riddle for each. The heroes will have a set amount of time to decipher the riddles and then get their characters to the locations.  The heroes will need to split up to get to the devices in time.  If the heroes arrive at eachlocation before the time runs out AND there are more heroes than spies, the heroes seize the part.  If either the heroes fail to arrive in time, OR if there are more spies than heroes, the spies take the part.  At the end of Stage 3, the side with two parts wins, leading to either:


 A) The spies take the parts to Ul'Dah and set up the bomb.


 B)  The spies are forced to flee, their plan in ruins


Stage 4 then becomes either:


 A) If the spies have more parts, a race against time to defuse the bomb as the spies defend the bomb with their lives unless restrained or knocked unconscious.


B) If the heroes have more parts, they must hunt down and capture the fleeing agents who will be taking various roads north.


Stage 5

The heroes will interrogate the agents they capture and thendish out their punishments  accordingly. 

It is very possible some agents will escape capture and might attempt tofree their brethren.


So about dem Rules:


1)  IC knowledge does not equal OOC knowledge.  For this role-play it is imperative that you don't use OOC information.  I don't think this will be a problem though. 34x17file:///C:\Users\Rob\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.gif[/img]


2) Please note that the Garlean characters are people's characters and we ask that they not be killed unless permitted by the player in (OOC) 


3) Combat:  There will be fighting in this.  Rules are below.


4) Have fun! I want this to be a lot of fun, and there will probably be a few hiccups along the way.  I ask that you beunderstanding and go with the flow. I've never done anything quite like this before and if it goes well enough, I'll try another. =D


5) Registration.  Once registered, I will put your name on a list for your chosen side so players can rp together, even in the off time.  Please note though that for stage  2, there will be a finite number of entries who can participate directly since it requires some pretty personal role play in a small space, though all can watch.  Other than that, there will be no limit the amount of players in this event. 


6)  Please note, any orders given by Erik or myself, OOC of IC, must be obeyed for the sake of keeping this organized.


7) Garlean agents, please understand that as much as your character doesn’t' want too ,  they will lose.  This event is designed this way intentionally to give everyone a fun story to tell, but heroes win in stories. Plus we can’t actually blow up Ul’dah. Lol. Please note this going forward.


Combat:  to make combat asmooth action and to remove level gaps from the equation, we will be rping combat.  However, to keep things from getting bogged down, we will be using the following rules (Which are still subject to editing)


1)  Combat will take place as a back-and-forth.  One side will go, making their attack (or attacks, if multiple attackers) first.  To see if your attack hits, please have a simple, everyday house die with six sides nearby.  Combat will be based on dice rolls with Attacker and defender trying to role higher than the other.  When attacking,  you will post how you want to attack and roll the dice, adding the dice roll to the post:  Ex:


  -Tom rolls his dice and then posts in game : Adin draws hissword and lunges forward, trying to impale his foe with the pointy end.  (( rolled 4))


It's important that your post says what you're trying to do, not if you hit, because the defender will roll and then post what happens.  Ex:



  - Ali rolls her dice and gets a five.  Since the result ishigher, she takes no damage.  Ali posts: Meera steps to the sideand avoids the attack, grinning. ((Rolled 5))


Now that Tom's attack is resolved, it is Ali's turn to attack.  In the likely situation of multiple attackers on one person, all players on one side attack first, each going in order from left to right making an attack and letting the defender defend. Ex


  -Tom keeps missing so Fred joins in.  Tom is on left so he goesfirst - Adin attacks ((Rolls 3))



 - Ali rolls and posts "Meera dodge." ((5))


  - Fred rolls and posts - Torin attacks with an axeswing.  ((6))



  -  Ali rolls and scowls as she posts  -  "Aliis struck with a glancing blow on the shoulder and blood rushes out.  ((rolled 3))


Now it's Ali's turn to attack but she can only attack one so she must becareful.


But what happens when you are hit?  You lose a hit point!  All heroes have 2, all agents have 4 (this is subject to change based on player numbers on either side.)


Once you have 0 hp, you are knocked out, or forced to flee, player's choice.


Healing classes can, instead of attacking, heal a wound on someone.  Note, can only do this once every three rounds to prevent over healing.



2) No one player may be engaged in combat with more than 3 opponents simultaneously.  To indicate you are in combat with someone, walk up to them and unsheathe your weapon.  Once a player has 3 people standing in front of them, no other player may enter the fray until a player is beaten.  An example of said formation is below with "O"representing one side and "X" the other


O  O  O



3) But what if a friend is in trouble against three people?  You may run over and engage one of the enemies one on one by walking over and standing in front of them with your weapon unsheathed.  Whisper them you are engaging them and both you and the person you've engaged move a few feet away to show your ally is only engaged with 2 people now.  Visual example below.


O  O  O = O  O  O =  O  O      O

    X     =     X  X  =       X      X


4) IMPORTANT:  During combat, youremotes should be no more than a few sentences long.  This is to keep combat flowing quickly and from jumbling up the chat window with long posts.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free tocomment.

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Even though the Red Wings came upon the threat, anyone of any FC my join in on the Heroes side however note that involving you may not allow you all information, such as the true nature of the Red Wings mission. I will start by adding four to your list for the heroes, I hope to add a few more so come to me while there is time.


Ahlek'zi Ghria

V'ariha Kyui (does not know IC yet)

Natalie Mcbeef

Kyuuji Hayakawa


This says it all. Good hunting everyone.


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Still very interested though from the looks of it there's at least 20 people who would be as well. xD


On the Eorzean side at the very least.


Any ideas how to work around the (in my mind at least) massive numbers?


I'm going to touch base with you on this Kage.


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Still very interested though from the looks of it there's at least 20 people who would be as well. xD


On the Eorzean side at the very least.


Any ideas how to work around the (in my mind at least) massive numbers?


I'm going to touch base with you on this Kage.


Been busy and havent gotten to you IC. You want in on the heroes' side Kage, you know you're my favorite Lala.

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