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Caster Soldiery Chest pieces...

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I really don't want to be wearing a tutu. Bu I also don't want to change it's looks. 

But it's a tutu.. but... 




Regardless, getting it when I've capped out this week.

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I really do feel bad for all those BLMs and SMNs out there. xD


Though at least it's itemized well... I really wanted the Daystar robe because I'm kind of tired of looking at the Allagan tunic but that crit is just dumb on a WHM so I've got gloves and hat first. >_< If only the Pilgrim robe would drop instead of Filtered Water...

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Most of the soldiery left side looks like they're also Accuracy starved which is still a problem for my BLM. Like, most of the good pieces for coil seem to be the high allagan stuff.


And the high allagan caster robe is kinda.. er.. pointy??

I -so- love my Noct Lorica though. So love it.

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I bought the evenstar pants. They look awesome. Fishnet topped stockings. :D Too bad the top has that weird-ass stiff-tail thing.


I'll be mogging the evenstar body to allagan when I get it I'm sure. Problem is I can't have it look two different ways because you can't buy two sets of them, for both BLM and SMN... grr... Squee, a proper vanity tab would have prevented this. ><

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The vanity system does not work for people those classes *cough* who both share a good item that they would want glamor'd


Left with the appearance they don't like or one they do not like -as- much as the first appearance that was added on...

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I'm not sure why you felt that if this was going to devolve into a complaint thread that it needed to be revived almost a week after no one's posted in it.


Synaesthetic's comments about it were valid comments on what I think are flaws to the system.



But if you had to revive it.


I had thought that the weird stiff tail thing was gonna get fixed in 2.21 but I still see it? You poor poor magic Miqo'te.


I saw a Blackmage Roe wearing the Evenstar coat with the Sorceror's Tonban... I don't know who said that the Evenstar Body+Sorceror's Tonban looked good (here or the SE forums) but it did not look flattering on a Roe. At all. :lol:

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