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Aeon [EU+NA]


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[align=center]What is Aeon?[/align]


[align=center]The story of Aeon is an original concept set within the lore of FFXIV's world, Hydaelyn.


Eras ago, a powerful aetherial weapon was shattered into countless pieces by a band of heroes. To prevent it from ever being remade and wielded, a spell was cast over the shards of the weapon; each would travel through the aether to find sanctuary within the body of a soul who would act as its host and guardian until their dying day.


Those who bear a shard develop a distinctive runic mark on their skin, and as such have come to be known in certain esoteric circles as the Branded. These marks forge a unique connection between the Branded, gifting them with the ability to ‘see’ each other over vast distances, and share thoughts and experiences over their telepathic Link.


The existence of the Branded is not a complete secret, however. There are many who would seek to collect the shards and take their power for their own.


The Branded must find and ally with one another, and swiftly; for there are hunters closing in from the shadows... [/align]





[align=center]Why Join Aeon?


Aeon is a Free Company created and led by a team possessing over a decade of role-playing guild leadership between them. It offers:




  • An original back story with unique lore, which is congruent with the lore established within the official setting of FFXIV: ARR.
  • A sweeping, engaging FC storyline which is forged and shaped organically by each of our members.
  • Diversity; Aeon seeks to actively recruit rarer race/gender-type characters, and those with unique and interesting back stories and personalities.
  • High-quality RP; Aeon recruits to a very high standard, seeking proactive, experienced and talented role-players to add to and improve our roleplay.
  • Community; Aeon recruits only a small number of people in each recruitment period, and does not recruit again until those new people are settled. In this way, we endeavor to keep our FC small and tightly-knit, to foster a feeling of closeness and involvement for all of our members. We do not tolerate OOC prejudice, discrimination or hate speech toward any group of people. We accept every race and gender of Earth people, and we are LGBTQ friendly!
  • Regular events which offer character interaction and development, and the opportunity to forge and develop inter-character relationships.
  • Events set at times appropriate to both North Americans and Europeans.
  • A friendly, supportive and open RP environment.
  • A zero-OOC drama policy.
  • A fully in-character FC channel, and an out-of-character channel for chatter.
  • Free company housing.



[align=center]Recruitment Status




For information on applying to Aeon FC, please check out this thread on our forums.




To learn more about us and to apply, please visit us at our site, or send a /tell in-game to: Aurour Mhirata.[/align]

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I've always wondered what the reaction would be if someone decided to discriminate OOCly against Miqo'te players joining their LS. It's always been something I've heard joked about but not done, because I think there are most definitely quality characters and RPers that would be excluded. What an interesting topic for discussion this could be. I won't clog your thread with it though! Knowing a new member who joined you guys recently is a Miqo'te, she must have just snuck in before you decided to say no more, haha. Good luck!

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We don't plan to have a block on miqo'te players forever, Aysun. As you said, there are a ton of awesome, high-quality folks we'd be missing out on if we did. It's just a temporary hold until the numbers even out a bit more.


I hope this is not seen as a slam on miqo'te RPers in any way. (Otherwise that would be sort of awkward for me. <.<) People can obviously be amazing roleplayers no matter what race they choose for their character.


As it stands, however, roughly half the FC is miqo'te. While everyone has wildly different backstories and are each unique characters - we want to foster as much diversity as possible in more than just the history of our characters because it can really fuel great RP in fantastic and unique ways.


We will be updating our website and this FC entry in the future when miqo'te recruitment is re-opened.

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Aeon is now the proud owner of a medium FC house in the Goblet! This is all thanks to the work of our incredible members, who came together in so short a time and really busted ass to make this a reality. Given how young the FC still is, this is one hell of an achievement, and really speaks of the strength of our community. Time to decorate and celebrate! <3

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Aeon is currently seeking one more EU-based RPer to join our ranks before we temporarily halt recruitment in order to ensure that all of our newest members have a chance to properly meld and be a part of the rest of the Free Company.


We are also putting the last finishing touches on our new home. o/















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  • 1 month later...

Good luck to you all! The story premise sounds fascinating, and I know Brynhilde is awesome! (probably the rest of you too... she's the only one I know)


If I already had no FC to call home and was in non-NA time zone, I'd be knocking on the door with an application.

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Hello folks!


Just to clarify, we are not only accepting EU members (and folks awake during EU prime-time) -- they are simply what we're hoping for most to balance out our current ratio of EU/NA. o/

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Looking at this message and finding it interesting, thought it feels like a FC recruitment and not a LS. So.. Is it a LS or a FC recruitment ?

So if we want to join your LS.. We are forced to quit our FC ?


About the Miqo'te policy, one loled about it, you're saying that you're hoping that Miqo'te players won't feel it like a slam, but after more than two months and still the same policy (which I find strange, maybe because I am playing a Miqo'te) I think they would begin to lose interest.

So Miqo'te aren't allowed to join the LS ? Or maybe it's the FC ?


I would have been interested as a EU player but I don't want to leave my FC.. And I'm playing a Miqo'te.. So I'm unsure what option is left for someone like me.


I'm sorry for all those maybe weirds questions, I feel a bit confused :) .

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Hey Ilwe'ran,


Aeon is a Free Company with a linkshell for OOC chatter.


The hold on miqo'te recruitment isn't because we dislike miqo'te RPers, but simply because miqo'te make up a very large majority of our active members. Enough of our members have expressed a desire for increased diversity that we feel it's important to wait until the numbers have balanced out more before opening recruitment to miqo'te again.


We know that this unfortunately makes a lot of really solid RPers unhappy, and we're sorry if this inconveniences folks. Again, this is not meant as a slam on anyone, the simple fact is - we just have way too many cats right now.

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A very warm welcome to our newest Branded, Lalavi Nanavi, Zazaraka Chacharaka, Tender Heart and Granis Klensbane!


North American players have until the Monday deadline to submit their apps. Applications will remain open indefinitely for those who play during European times!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You're absolutely welcome to RP with any of our members. The vast majority of them welcome random RP. We're also strongly considering concocting some future cross-FC RP shenanigans. (::STEEPLES FINGERS::)


As for anything involving the FC storyline itself however, that is only for our FC members at this time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is just out of curiosity, but is the no Miqo'te and no North American application acceptance policy's still up?


I mean, I can understand the no Miqo'te player thing because it's to enable diversity to the RP but why limit North American player's? I mean, I don't see the reason why more cant join regardless of the NA/UK ratio because alot of us in America, including me, have day jobs or college. I tend to get out at 2:50 pm every day and start playing at 3:00pm (US & Canada central time) and alot of UK players are on during then since it like evening or late evening over in Europe. So despite how the policy might being leaning towards stabilization for the players, its baring us NA players from being able to join, despite us getting on during EU/UK prime time.


I'm not trying to be rude towards you're policy's, I just wanted to point a little something out.   ^_^

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Both policies are indeed still in effect.


The reason behind the NA restriction is because we desire to keep our FC small. Regardless of how many NA and EU applications we get (we only take a set amount of applications with each round of recruitment, again to limit size), we always close recruitment once a month in order to give our new members time to acclimatize to the guild and get to know one another. Nobody likes feeling lost, or like an extra in a movie; taking this approach to recruitment allows us to prevent cliques and give our new members the extra attention they might need. We are very, very adamant about providing a fun and quality experience to all our members, and that takes time.


The rarity of EU players is why EU recruitment tends to remain open even after our recruitment periods close. It can get lonely being an EU player in a mostly NA guild, and we want to ensure our EU community always has someone to play with. For every 10 NA apps we receive, we may only get 1 EU applicant, and that's why we're more willing to make exceptions for European players. If we didn't, NA applications would take up all of our open slots when we opened recruitment again, and then EU players would never get in.


I hope this makes some sense to you. As previously stated, these policies are not in effect in order to discriminate against players, and we're certainly sorry if they've prevented anyone who really wanted to from applying. We simply wish to retain a small, inclusive, diverse guild, and sometimes that unfortunately means keeping the door closed for a while.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Recruitment has been opened for all applicants for as long as it takes us to fill our recruitment spots (5) for this round.


Applications from all are welcome!

So does that mean you're accepting Miqo'te characters?


It does indeed! :)

In that case, I went ahead and submitted a thing.   @_@

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