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New to FF14 ARR RP

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Hello. Recently after the launch of Final Fantasy 14 ARR i found it to be just plain boring at endgame content and too much of a hassle since i still play World of warcraft for my raiding. However, I was interested in RPing for the game but i do not know where to even start with.


I would like to know some basics for RPing a Miqo'te (Paladin at that) and since i do not know how naming rules are for this community, I doubt my character's name of Arala Makeo would work :(


So please any starting points to know? I am not building her off as anything much but the basic character as.

Father was a paladin and wants to follow in his footsteps kind of way. 


I would also like to know what server to transfer to since currently i am on Hyperion.


At this time I do not know how often i will log on but it may only be not often when warlords comes out. I really want to RP in FF14 but I hope it's not going to be too complicated on my brain.


Here is a link to my character at this time. Hoping to implement her soon with welcoming arms instead of bashing on the heads like in wow.


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Hello there! :D Always good to see more role-players! Gilgamesh and Balmung are the main servers for RP, so you'll probably won't to choose one of them. I personally recommend Balmung, but Gilgamesh is great for RP, too! You can learn all about Miqo'te and their naming conventions here, and there's a trick you can use to change your character's name when transferring servers.

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Here's a link to the Miqo'te Naming Conventions. Hope this helps! ^^


As for Paladins, they are not your typical "lawful good," goody-two-shoes characters. True Paladins are the royal guard of the Sultana of Ul'dah, Nanamo Ul Namo. They are sworn to protect the royal family until death. But there's some divide between the Monetarists and the Royalists which are currently vying for control over Ul'dah. I know there are some threads on the RPC discussing such things. =x I don't have a link off hand though. But there are also "Free Paladins" as well, that may be a bit more RP friendly if you don't wish to be bound to Ul'dah.

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Here's a link to the Miqo'te Naming Conventions. Hope this helps! ^^


As for Paladins, they are not your typical "lawful good," goody-two-shoes characters. True Paladins are the royal guard of the Sultana of Ul'dah, Nanamo Ul Namo. They are sworn to protect the royal family until death. But there's some divide between the Monetarists and the Royalists which are currently vying for control over Ul'dah. I know there are some threads on the RPC discussing such things. =x I don't have a link off hand though. But there are also "Free Paladins" as well, that may be a bit more RP friendly if you don't wish to be bound to Ul'dah.

I have learned at least that much about the paladins while leveling her up before. I had the plan out that she had no idea her father became a free paladin. So she will think being bound to Ul'dah is the right way for the first major character arc. As time goes by I believe she will slowly start to realize that it wasn't how it turned out if you catch my drift :3

So the first part will be to get accepted, then she will go through the next RP part and finally end up at the free paladin phases later where her RP is more opened.


Hello there! :D Always good to see more role-players! Gilgamesh and Balmung are the main servers for RP, so you'll probably won't to choose one of them. I personally recommend Balmung, but Gilgamesh is great for RP, too! You can learn all about Miqo'te and their naming conventions here, and there's a trick you can use to change your character's name when transferring servers.

I'll transfer to Balmung then and get started there!


I thank both of you for the time.

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Looks like i just screwed myself out of 15$ -_-

I just looked up the method to force a name change and didn't think of it ahead of time. I am stuck with Arala Makeo :(


I don't want to for more money out so should i just wait to do a double transfer for 'Z'Arla Paru' ? I really wanted to get things going.

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I went with making my character's mom a whore who was the daughter of a miqo'te couple who weren't with a tribe (hence, she was named Zhavi and took the bastard name 'Gutterborn' which she later changed to 'Streetrunner' when she was a bit older and wanted to make herself sound a bit less. . .bastard). You know, like city folk who leave their families behind for a better life only for things to go horribly wrong!


Think of it like any other conventional naming thing in the world. Many cultures have naming conventions, but you know, people wander and intermarry and decide to be rebels and buck against tradition when they have their kids. Then you have people who grow up and decide "my parents were high when they named me" and change their name. Or just change their name because why not.


Go wild!

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Just go for it on the wiki! Here are a bunch of people who have made templates: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:Wiki_Templates . Log in to the wiki, search your character's name (preferably full name), and then hit the create button when it says no page match the search terms. (there's also a small faq on the home page in the wiki to help get started)


Additionally you can post in the Balmung directory, though that's more of an ooc thing about how you rp than about your character.

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For the record I think that name would work awesomely for a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te or even a Midlander Hyur if Fantasia is an option, since you haven't begun really RPing yet. :)

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For the record I think that name would work awesomely for a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te or even a Midlander Hyur if Fantasia is an option, since you haven't begun really RPing yet. :)

hehe...well you did give me some kind of a jump on that. Not the Fantasia thing. Rather the idea of Father being of moon and mother being of Sun (which can explain the odd black highlights?). For the moment I am still not going to RP until I get a good enough OK to use it (plus i am still working on this profile for now. A lot of information is missing or has not been implemented))


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There is the idea of your family being from outside of the Grand Alliance territories if you wish.  The continent and the islands one can't access isn't the whole world, and about one third of the continent is conquered by Garlemald.  Though, that method tends to be shooting yourself in the foot once they get implemented in the game, -if- you like following the lore to the letter.  Then again, people made the Red Wings FC, so I guess it isn't that big of a deal if people are willing to gamble with those odds.  As long as you don't do something ridiculous like the child of a primal, you should be fine.


I would suggest tracing your lineage from Doma if you want to have a strictly IC lore or not want to bother with rewriting your bio once SE can and will implement the area, as the entire continent will be unlocked eventually.  Otherwise there is the risk of the isles of Pearl and Maalgys, the Dravanian half of the northern continent, the mountains of Xelgkatol, and the territories of Garlemald, which have very little, if any lore.  You'll have some -very- unwelcome guests in your RP if you choose Dravania from characters that are raised in Ishgard if you are open about that heritage though, fair warning.  Garlemald and its territories will also make others nervous, as the Grand Alliance has been at war with Garlemald for several years (If the RP'ers in question care about lore, that is).  There's the option of being from one of the factions of Keepers as well within the Shroud (I don't remember the exact name, and that one seems to fit)


The RP'ers I've met who choose areas outside of the Grand Alliance are usually quiet about their heritage for a reason.  If WoW's story (if you played both sides) gave any hints about how each character is, not everyone is merry and perfect in the Grand Alliance.

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There is the idea of your family being from outside of the Grand Alliance territories if you wish.  The continent and the islands one can't access isn't the whole world, and about one third of the continent is conquered by Garlemald.  Though, that method tends to be shooting yourself in the foot once they get implemented in the game, -if- you like following the lore to the letter.  Then again, people made the Red Wings FC, so I guess it isn't that big of a deal if people are willing to gamble with those odds.  As long as you don't do something ridiculous like the child of a primal, you should be fine.


I would suggest tracing your lineage from Doma if you want to have a strictly IC lore or not want to bother with rewriting your bio once SE can and will implement the area, as the entire continent will be unlocked eventually.  Otherwise there is the risk of the isles of Pearl and Maalgys, the Dravanian half of the northern continent, the mountains of Xelgkatol, and the territories of Garlemald, which have very little, if any lore.  You'll have some -very- unwelcome guests in your RP if you choose Dravania from characters that are raised in Ishgard if you are open about that heritage though, fair warning.  Garlemald and its territories will also make others nervous, as the Grand Alliance has been at war with Garlemald for several years (If the RP'ers in question care about lore, that is).  There's the option of being from one of the factions of Keepers as well within the Shroud (I don't remember the exact name, and that one seems to fit)


The RP'ers I've met who choose areas outside of the Grand Alliance are usually quiet about their heritage for a reason.  If WoW's story (if you played both sides) gave any hints about how each character is, not everyone is merry and perfect in the Grand Alliance.


I thank you for a nice alternative...giving me more ideas as we speak.

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