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Synth Color Orb meaning

Koti Nexus

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As many of you know as your crafting, that glowing orb you see means something, but for myself. It took me forever to come and understand it, till today while I was on Felix. I don't know why this clicked, I think it was sudden curious notion to want to know why it sometimes worked and sometime didn't.

I use to think it was random, not anymore~


This was done, mind you, under alchemy. I am not sure if this is true for all crafting, but I'll test this out on Vaelyn later.


This is how it seems to work 95% of the time.


White = Standard

Multicolors = Quick

Yellow = Bold

Red = Wait


Test this on your crafting and let me know if this holds water for ya'll as well. As I said, this was under a few tests and this is how it worked out on Felix. I am curious to know if this is the case for all of you as well.

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Well, I've been finding synthing difficult. Based on this particular interpretation of orb colors, it seemed to be doing better, however after moving up from anything more difficult than spinning Moko Grass into thread, I'm seeing an instant 94% failure rate. Even the first "normal" synth attempt fails.


I'm sitting at a Weaving Rank of 6, the stuff I'm trying to do seems to be either R1 or R2.

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I've wondered what the colors meant, but I never connected it with the synth type to use...


I'll give this a shot when I get back in town on sunday...(really shoulda gotten the regular edition...)

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I've had more luck doing standard on the solid colors than anything else, and I wait when it's pulsing because using rapid, fails more oft than naught.


But I was informed that the correct, at least more successful way to do it, is as follows:


white = standard


Yellow = Rapid


Red = bold


and pulsating, it's equal failure rate for either one so it's best to wait.

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I've noticed that when using rapid synthesis during the rapid color fluctuation that it does indeed fail pretty often, but the durability hits are often low, and I have never seen an element grow unstable as a result of it. Therefore, I think it's pretty safe to use rapid in those times.

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I am not sure the colors are tied to a specific type of action. In my experience, this is the way it seems to be:


Gold - High chance of success. Good gains for success, lessened losses for failures.


White - Normal chances all the way around.


Red - High chance of fail. Big losses. Smaller gains. Best to wait.


Multicolor - High risk, high reward. Success/fail rate seems average, but the gains and losses seem to be big.


I have also noticed that success chains and failure chains seem to change the odds. For example if you get 2 or 3 failures in a row, you seem to have a much higher chance of failing from that point on, even if you have a gold orb. On the other hand, landing 2 to 3 successes in a row seems to boost the characters confidence and they seem to get a solid success rate even multicolor and red orbs.

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I'm with Rreeth on this one. Colors =/= actions.


However, I have a different take on things:


Gold - Highest chance of success. Has a chance to provide extra quality on success. Less failure damage.


White - Standard, normal, boring ol' humdrum yeah yeah etc.


Red - High chance of failure - however, successes grant a high bonus to progress. Failure, however, is devastating with this one as it not only hurts durability but also greatly increases instability (sometimes on SUCCESS, too).


Rapid colors - I never bother with this one. I prefer to play it safe.



Also, in my experience:

Standard is the best action all-around - unless you start failing frequently. The durability losses with this one are ginormous.


Rapid is incredibly risky - every failure has a high chance of causing instability. However, the durability loss is also the lowest. It's a trade-off; standard for high durability but low instability losses, rapid for high instability but low durability losses


Bold just sucks. In my experience it has an extremely high failure rate and even doesn't increase quality that much when it succeeds. Only do it if you're at 80%+ and still have a huge chunk of durability remaining.

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Red - High chance of failure - however, successes grant a high bonus to progress. Failure, however, is devastating with this one as it not only hurts durability but also greatly increases instability (sometimes on SUCCESS, too).


Yep I confirmed this myself as well. In fact when my friend and I were blacksmithing together he would shout about going Bold on a Red and when it succeeded we cheered and he got LOADS of quality from it.

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I feel it has something to do with the timing too.


One time I chained 4 success, all of them was standard and white, 4th time failed and changed color... can't remember to which one. For the 4 success in a row, I waited for the bar to get near the TH from the word "Synthesis", the 5th time I got distracted and pushed the button when the bar was almost empty and failed.


Also chained about another 3 successes in a row by doing Rapid when the bar was like 3/4 empty and white.


Somehow I also thought that red is for bold, so I been testing that but I only got 2 chain successes so far.

When red, bold synth when the bar is about 1/4 empty. Most of the time is only 1 success, and it changes color either way. Still trying things out.


The only "tip" I got from Chinese websites (and I say with "" cuz is pretty obvious) is to use 'Wait' when the element destabilizes, tho every time you chain Waits, it adds 1 dmg more. =.=

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Gold - Highest chance of success. Has a chance to provide extra quality on success. Less failure damage.


White - Standard, normal, boring ol' humdrum yeah yeah etc.


Red - High chance of failure - however, successes grant a high bonus to progress. Failure, however, is devastating with this one as it not only hurts durability but also greatly increases instability (sometimes on SUCCESS, too).


Rapid colors - I never bother with this one. I prefer to play it safe.


Alright I got both Armorer and Blacksmith around 8 and I have to agree with the above.

I can also add that Rapid synthesis has worked well with Rapid colors, but it also worked well with Gold.

I think Rapid Colors has the same benefits as Gold, but without the added chances of success.

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