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The "Shipping" Thread

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I don't know, there was plenty of 'emotion' going on with him and Fio right behind Coatleque as she was -trying- to eat.  And then he just up and leaves before his sandwich is even delivered!

Are you jealous Miss Crofte?! I don't think I'm a viable Warren rep though....


Speajinhofmore WarrenxHowl plzthnx

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I have to do Natalie x Taeros now because of recent events.

I don't see them actually having a relationship. But I do see Natalie waking up with a hangover one morning going "WTF did I just do?"




I see this too.


Natalie x Taeros.


And this isn't a good thing.

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OttoxThe serverxFalcon.

This is canon and you can't take this fact away from me.


So this means...that...


Wow pls im not a whore


So...how does this work?


Pick two characters you like/know, and put them in a relationship.


Like from what I've seen, something like this.


Otto x Keru


Or for more fun, this.


Otto x Franz, for all the Highlander


Hm, Franz is too reserved. He never even takes his shirt off since he's shy. Have to work on that before we 'ship'

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So...how does this work?


Pick two characters you like/know, and put them in a relationship.


Like from what I've seen, something like this.


Otto x Keru


Or for more fun, this.


Otto x Franz, for all the Highlander


Hm, Franz is too reserved.  He never even takes his shirt off since he's shy.  Have to work on that before we 'ship'


That's the magic of shipping. It doesn't matter how reserved Franz is normally. It's all make-believe.

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I have to do Natalie x Taeros now because of recent events.

I don't see them actually having a relationship.  But I do see Natalie waking up with a hangover one morning going "WTF did I just do?"




I see this too.


Natalie x Taeros.


And this isn't a good thing.


Says you.


I think this would be hilarious. 


In more ways than one.

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Wait a second


Otto x Franz x Warren x Berrod


Highlander power.  I'm ok with this.


Otto x Franz x Warren x Berrod x Oscare


...fixed. I think that's most of the Highlander guys we've got. *looks for a spying Roen*


edit: We need to get pictures. Guys, pick a weapon and we'll all pose with them for science. I call SCH, with WAR as backup

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Wait a second


Otto x Franz x Warren x Berrod


Highlander power.  I'm ok with this.


Otto x Franz x Warren x Berrod x Oscare


...fixed. I think that's most of the Highlander guys we've got. *looks for a spying Roen*

She can't spy if she's passed out from blood loss

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*slicks back his hair "Ey gurl"


*smiles casually* "You mean you don't want a story from this book?"


Otto x Franz x Warren x Berrod x Oscare


Their love is communicated through their muscles. I'll donate to see this happen.







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