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Looking for a cottage >_<!

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Hello everyone,


Patch 2.3 came upon us with lots of exciting content, from quests to PvP to amazing new weapons. Personally, what I was looking forward the most was chocobo raising, and of course, the private rooms.


I should have probably expected that the price would have been higher than the base 2M the other small plots had been in the past in the other wards, and when I saw it in the patch notes, I realized that what my small FC had saved in the chest wouldn't have been enough.


Luckily, I knew that among our members there would have been enough gil to put together at the last minute. All I needed was for them to log in.


However I must've underestimated the gil-making ability of the players of Balmung, as all the small plots vanished from under my nose, without so much than a moment of wait for the prices to lower a bit. Needless to say, before any of my other FC mates could log in, all the plots we could afford were taken.


I have made a similar post in the general forum as well, so please don't think that I'm pointing the finger at the roleplayers specifically, this is something that any player does. Before individual rooms came out, a lot of wealthy players who wished to have their own place saved up enough to make 1-man FCs and get themselves a small plot to fulfill their goal.


I mainly blame SE for releasing FC housing before individual housing honestly. It was only obvious that this phenomenon would have happened; who doesn't want their own place?


So here is the question. Now that personal rooms are out, giving a good opportunity for personal space without needing a whole house, is there anyone out there who is considering to sell their personal cottage to maybe move to a room in someone else's FC?


Or, since this phenomenon is occurring, although much rarer, is any of those "cloned"(?) free companies willing to sell one of their cottages? I'm talking about those FCs splitting in two or more free companies (under the same name/tag) in order to acquire more houses.


I am holding no grudge against anyone here for possessing 1-man FCs or multiple FC housing, and am aware this is a big shot in the dark, but seen how we will not be able to afford a medium or large house, this is the best I can do aside my other thread asking for more wards on the official forums to try and make my free company happy about this patch.


Sorry for the long post, and have a good day!

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Whoa. Are you telling me that all the smalls in all wards are already gone? If so that is insane. Ugh people....

Unfortunately yes, they are. Now that housing actually gives access to restricted content (chocobo raising, and incoming airship building), it's fairly normal. Though even I was surprised by how everyone seemed to have 4-5M at hand and nobody waited for the prices to drop. I guess I am doing something wrong in how I make money, cause I could never manage such a huge amount in such a short time. x_X

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Tank privilege is real, my friends. I won't disclose how much money I've made just doing dailies and roulettes for myth, but...




I'm sorry you're stuck looking for something new to come along. I'm envious you're getting to play with Rogue and Ninja already, though!


...you mean 2.3 landed, not 2.4.


I hope someone's able to hook you up. :(

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I won't disclose how much money I've made just doing dailies and roulettes for myth, but...

*slides an arm around Warren's, batting her eyelashes. So... you're single now, right?


(Just kidding ^_~)


Good luck finding a place, its a shame that housing is such a limited commodity.

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I won't disclose how much money I've made just doing dailies and roulettes for myth, but...

*slides an arm around Warren's, batting her eyelashes. So... you're single now, right?


(Just kidding ^_~)


Good luck finding a place, its a shame that housing is such a limited commodity.


This is the wrong thread for that sort of thing! Besides, it's complicated...


I heard nightmares about houses being snatched up yesterday. It's a shame that wards are set up like they are: Would be nice if plots could just match any sized house.


Then I suppose the problem would be that everyone snatched up 30 plots for teensy houses... Hm.

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Nat and Kage were up at 3AM PDT to grab their house the moment the servers were back online. ..Apparently they had neighbors within 10 minutes of the server being up.


Everyone should come stalk them once they've got it sorted ICly. ...there's a personal cat room and a Garlean holding chamber.

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Indeed, as soon as my friends and I resolved to make our FC we decided we would aim to get a house in Ward 6 of the Goblet. We knew that a 6th ward was going to be added and that most likely prices would be ~ 5mil. Possibly higher if Square Enix was going to be a massive pain.


So we had pulled the gil we had saved already (2-3mil) and spiritbonded and retainer-quick ventured our way to both buying mats to rank our FC in 2 weeks to also getting 6mil+ saved to buy the plot we wanted.


We also planned for the fact that the patch is available for download during the maintenance and that typically things go live ~1 hour before they say it would. In this case, one of us planned to be awake at 3am PST in order to buy the plot we wanted. At 3:30am I woke up and saw that we had gotten the plot we wanted and were the first to get one. I woke up at 4am to get ready for work and at 4:30 we already had 5 other small house neighbors and 1 medium house neighbor.


I hope you find something from people who have moved from a small to a medium or even a large.

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I think the single wards opening was just an oversight, according to reports on Reddit, its really only a few servers who were affected this way, unfortunately, Balmung was one of them.


There are a lot of predictions as to whether or not servers like Balmung will get additional wards in light of everything and most are leaning towards very likely. There are no guarantee's though...


As far as making Gil goes... as Warren said, Tank Privilege FTW; Guildhests and quick CT pops were how I made most of my money alongside Alchemy and gaming the Market Boards. At any given time people are buying Myth materials for 60-120k a pop, and I hear Treasure Hunting can be quite Lucrative if you've got a good like-minded party.

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As far as making Gil goes... as Warren said, Tank Privilege FTW; Guildhests and quick CT pops were how I made most of my money alongside Alchemy and gaming the Market Boards. 

Hmmm, I just gave a try do duty-roulette as tank, and got around 7K for a 40mins work. Am I doing it wrong or is this the amount/hour I should aim for? I don't think I enjoy tanking enough to do this for hours everyday :dazed:...

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As far as making Gil goes... as Warren said, Tank Privilege FTW; Guildhests and quick CT pops were how I made most of my money alongside Alchemy and gaming the Market Boards. 

Hmmm, I just gave a try do duty-roulette as tank, and got around 7K for a 40mins work. Am I doing it wrong or is this the amount/hour I should aim for? I don't think I enjoy tanking enough to do this for hours everyday :dazed:...


Strongly recommending grinding something you hate. I made a decent amount but consider that was since the Animus weapon patch. I benefited from selling dress mats from treasure maps, I got lucky on some retainer ventures before they got patched, I sold a bit of materia earned while grinding FATEs for Alexandrite.


Tank bonus gil is nice. Mob kill gil is nice. It all adds up, but if you're looking for a cash injection I don't have an answer for you. Once my cash reserves get blown out by blown up Tier4s for my sword I don't know what I'll do to replenish them.

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So... now I need to be MORE social and join an FC to get access to ways to make this game more fun. I know this is an MMO and I love RPing but some of us are not as friendly and open to joining people as everyone is. 



Anyway, people I know say gathering, melding, and doing soul binding and selling good materia is a good way to make money. Gathering and crafting being the most easily controlled form. 



Other than that... playing tanks and healers for popular and worthy dungeons seems to be the best method as those are the least replaceable roles.



P.S. A friend of mine made 20k or more quickly thanks to crafting, melding and gathering, and that was within an hour or two of her being on, even more cash as she worked longer. I know some people who get decent things from MAPS too. 

So... yeah, but I'm not sure I have the time to commit to all that as much as I'd like. Work an all, as many of you endure.


P.S. Some of us RPers also just aren't ready to let our characters join ICly as well.

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Hm, so it sounds like I'll just have to keep doing what I've been doing. Thanks for the advice, everyone.


Again, if anybody is interested in selling their extra house, let me know. I have enough to afford a small plot, and will probably keep adding little cash to that amount as I wait for an offer or new ward to be up.

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So... now I need to be MORE social and join an FC to get access to ways to make this game more fun. I know this is an MMO and I love RPing but some of us are not as friendly and open to joining people as everyone is. 



Anyway, people I know say gathering, melding, and doing soul binding and selling good materia is a good way to make money. Gathering and crafting being the most easily controlled form. 



Other than that... playing tanks and healers for popular and worthy dungeons seems to be the best method as those are the least replaceable roles.



P.S. A friend of mine made 20k or more quickly thanks to crafting, melding and gathering, and that was within an hour or two of her being on, even more cash as she worked longer. I know some people who get decent things from MAPS too. 

So... yeah, but I'm not sure I have the time to commit to all that as much as I'd like. Work an all, as many of you endure.


P.S. Some of us RPers also just aren't ready to let our characters join ICly as well.


I know what you mean. It's going to sound like I'm bragging, though, so I'm gonna spoiler it. Move along, people.



Check my lodestone and my FC. I'm not part of the 70+ Night Blades FC, mine's made up of a bunch of unplayed alts, one alt who doesn't play a meaningful amount of time and myself. It's difficult-but-possible to cobble together the pile of gil necessary to buy a home, I assure you. There's a reason "our" FC icon is a wolf! A lone wolf! Rargh!


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As far as making Gil goes... as Warren said, Tank Privilege FTW; Guildhests and quick CT pops were how I made most of my money alongside Alchemy and gaming the Market Boards. 

Hmmm, I just gave a try do duty-roulette as tank, and got around 7K for a 40mins work. Am I doing it wrong or is this the amount/hour I should aim for? I don't think I enjoy tanking enough to do this for hours everyday :dazed:...


Grinding queues implies earning gil from:


Rewards, Daily Bonus Rewards, Drops, Soul Binding Equipment for Materia, Acquiring Myth to exchange for High-Value Goods.

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Check my lodestone and my FC. I'm not part of the 70+ Night Blades FC, mine's made up of a bunch of unplayed alts, one alt who doesn't play a meaningful amount of time and myself. It's difficult-but-possible to cobble together the pile of gil necessary to buy a home, I assure you. There's a reason "our" FC icon is a wolf! A lone wolf! Rargh!




Yes, unfortunately there is a large amount of people out there who did the same thing, which is why SE should've released individual housing before group housing.


Hopefully once individual housing comes out, those people will move out of the FC wards, and give smaller, slower free companies a bit of a chance >_<;

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So... now I need to be MORE social and join an FC to get access to ways to make this game more fun. I know this is an MMO and I love RPing but some of us are not as friendly and open to joining people as everyone is. 



Anyway, people I know say gathering, melding, and doing soul binding and selling good materia is a good way to make money. Gathering and crafting being the most easily controlled form. 



Other than that... playing tanks and healers for popular and worthy dungeons seems to be the best method as those are the least replaceable roles.



P.S. A friend of mine made 20k or more quickly thanks to crafting, melding and gathering, and that was within an hour or two of her being on, even more cash as she worked longer. I know some people who get decent things from MAPS too. 

So... yeah, but I'm not sure I have the time to commit to all that as much as I'd like. Work an all, as many of you endure.


P.S. Some of us RPers also just aren't ready to let our characters join ICly as well.


I know what you mean. It's going to sound like I'm bragging, though, so I'm gonna spoiler it. Move along, people.



Check my lodestone and my FC. I'm not part of the 70+ Night Blades FC, mine's made up of a bunch of unplayed alts, one alt who doesn't play a meaningful amount of time and myself. It's difficult-but-possible to cobble together the pile of gil necessary to buy a home, I assure you. There's a reason "our" FC icon is a wolf! A lone wolf! Rargh!



Rank 8 with 9 members, or 9 active members. Jeez. That's impressive. Lone wolves can get far I see. Anyway, I'm not too worried about it.

You ever plan on adding real players to the FC? You know, more lone wolves. Like a big lone wolf pack where you can all just look at each other and say:

 "I got this, alone!"

"No I work alone."

"I do, move it!"

"I'm the lone wolf here!"


Then it's just a mess, a beautiful mess.

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We have a lot of "lone wolf" characters in our FC. In general, They seem to be popular among the RP community, so over the years I've put a contingency plan in place in our guild stories where it makes sense a lone wolf guy could join us, go do his own thing ICly, and still have a community to hang out with OOCly.


We're the more populace Night Blades, but had we known the FFXI holdovers from the old guild back in the day were coming to FFXIV, we probably would have stuck with Crimson Blades. AH WELL.


The best you can do if you refuse to join an RP Guild and want to stay a freelancer (Easier in this game then others because of Linkshells) is just wait for personal housing, which as far as I know id still going to be a thing.


FOR the guild having trouble, I'm pretty surprised they got all bought up myself, I think they should have opened more wards. I know we have a dummy FC with a small house, but it's the house we owned for 3 months while saving up for the mansion and we grew all attached to it. I'd look around for guilds who are doing the same, upgrading, and then snatching the house they don't want. You'd probably have to do some digging though -- when the Grim moved from their small house in Mist to their medium in Goblet, the place was bought up within a half hour.


Also, waiting for personal housing too will be a thing, since some people will probably move out of their cottages.

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Rank 8 with 9 members, or 9 active members. Jeez. That's impressive. Lone wolves can get far I see. Anyway, I'm not too worried about it.

You ever plan on adding real players to the FC? You know, more lone wolves. Like a big lone wolf pack where you can all just look at each other and say:

 "I got this, alone!"

"No I work alone."

"I do, move it!"

"I'm the lone wolf here!"


Then it's just a mess, a beautiful mess.


I ain't fartin' on no snare drum.


Google it.

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FOR the guild having trouble, I'm pretty surprised they got all bought up myself, I think they should have opened more wards. I know we have a dummy FC with a small house, but it's the house we owned for 3 months while saving up for the mansion and we grew all attached to it. 

I appreciate the admittance, and thank you for your support. I will keep looking :roll:.

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Kage, Franz and I made an FC and got it to rank 6 with 6mil+ gil in less than two weeks. All it took was about an hour of spiritbonding a day for Kage and I, and about an hour a day of crafting for Franz (average).


It's not that hard, and now we have a place ICly to live. I don't really like the artificial scarcity, but that's why I got up at 3 am for 5 minutes to buy the thing and pass out out again.

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Kage, Franz and I made an FC and got it to rank 6 with 6mil+ gil in less than two weeks. All it took was about an hour of spiritbonding a day for Kage and I, and about an hour a day of crafting for Franz (average).


It's not that hard, and now we have a place ICly to live. I don't really like the artificial scarcity, but that's why I got up at 3 am for 5 minutes to buy the thing and pass out out again.

Actually....it was a lot more crafting than that. I spent a good 4-5 hours a day crafting. And could only do that because you two were feeding me all the mats and crystals.


It was fun though. And now you're stuck with a Garlean. In your house. Probably forever.

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It's not impossible, it just requires a time investment some people don't have. In the final push for the mansion, in 5 days we raised 22 million. 5 days. 5 million of that came from ONE PERSON and 90% of it came from about 10-15 people. But a lot of people don't have the time or the know how for that kind of push. I know by the time we actually got the damn thing all of us kind of collapsed on the floor and thanked the Twelve it was over. So I understand some people being lost about how to make the money, in this game is can really look like there is NO money to be made.


However, planning ahead is smart. Getting up early, getting the money together ahead of time, knowing it's always going to be more expensive then you thought because it's Square Enix (I was a bit surprised they didn't pull the "Personal rooms are one million gil on Legacy servers!" thing) and understanding this game is much much more populated than we all seem to remember it is is valuable information xD


I'm doing that with personal housing. I'm paranoid as hell and that "800k" Yoshi-p quoted a while ago made me save way over (WAYYY over, but after the mansion push I need to refill some of the coffers to get back up) it just in case. If/when it ever comes out. I'll be up the second it goes live to get the house I want.

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Rank 8 with 9 members, or 9 active members. Jeez. That's impressive. Lone wolves can get far I see. Anyway, I'm not too worried about it.

You ever plan on adding real players to the FC? You know, more lone wolves. Like a big lone wolf pack where you can all just look at each other and say:

 "I got this, alone!"

"No I work alone."

"I do, move it!"

"I'm the lone wolf here!"


Then it's just a mess, a beautiful mess.


I ain't fartin' on no snare drum.


Google it.


No need for Google, Pip. No need.

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