Faye Posted July 26, 2014 Share #1 Posted July 26, 2014 Recently I've gone through my linkshells and left any inactive ones, and now I have a few slots open and I'd like to refill a couple of them! But as I browsed through the Linkshell Hall on Balmung, most all I found were solely free companies, or free companies with linkshells only relevant to the company. That being said, does anyone have any suggestions for any linkshells to join? I'd like to join some linkshells pertaining to RP, but I would prefer them to be OOC. I am open to any IC linkshells, but they, of course, have to be something my character would logically happen across and accept, and you may be hard-pressed to convince her to deal with yet another linkshell of strangers jabbering away in her ear. And just to clarify, I'm looking for linkshells only, no FC's. Thank you! I appreciate any suggestions! Link to comment
LiveVoltage Posted July 26, 2014 Share #2 Posted July 26, 2014 Well, this was an idea I had a while back, but I thought it would be cool to do a type of military RP linkshell that was centered around Carteneau Flats PvP. It was a good idea, considering it promoted not only metagame content, but also allowed the maneuverability to create a story. I scrapped the idea though because I didn't think it would receive too much attention. Link to comment
Faye Posted July 26, 2014 Author Share #3 Posted July 26, 2014 Well, this was an idea I had a while back, but I thought it would be cool to do a type of military RP linkshell that was centered around Carteneau Flats PvP. It was a good idea, considering it promoted not only metagame content, but also allowed the maneuverability to create a story. I scrapped the idea though because I didn't think it would receive too much attention. Somebody's created something similar! Sadly, though, it doesn't pertain much to me/my character. =/ Link to comment
LiveVoltage Posted July 26, 2014 Share #4 Posted July 26, 2014 Lolololol. That was my post. I scrapped it though after it didn't garner much attention. Still, its a good idea nonetheless to implement if you feel like doing something of similar taste. Link to comment
Faye Posted July 28, 2014 Author Share #5 Posted July 28, 2014 Apparently there are none! Link to comment
Nebbs Posted July 28, 2014 Share #6 Posted July 28, 2014 Faye, I have come to the same conclusion. I think a lot has shifted to FC rather than LS chatter. Also I think the "daily" nature of things promotes a lot of solo/pug play rather than interaction. Most FC also seem to be closed and not have an open LS option. Not an issue except it pushes segregation. I'm not sure of the answer as a few LS that have or still do address this space seem very very quiet. At one point I remember having to drop PvE LS to fit RP ones in, now I have more free slots than not. Balmungs Finest is active though PvE focused and my own FC has a small LS of company friends that does wake up at some times. Link to comment
Afghan Vet 2009 Posted July 28, 2014 Share #7 Posted July 28, 2014 This is our Keeper clan's LS. It is usually used for those on alts who have characters with us, people who RP with us closely, those interested or starting to rp with us, and OOC chatter mostly. But, we also go IC withit sometimes when we need to reach peopel who are not apart of the Clan by ICly have our LS. http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=7564 <--- The LS Page. Link to comment
No Longer Exists Posted July 28, 2014 Share #8 Posted July 28, 2014 Hello Hello! Black Hat Here! I've been thinking about a "Mage Specific" LS along the lines of what Mippa created on Gilgamesh, it was a smashingly great idea and I wonder if it will work for Balmung even better. If you want an idea of what I'm talking about then take a look here I doubt I'd use the same name, but the premise would be the same. An IC linkshell for the aetherical and intellectual (so as not to exclude you alchemists out there) and perhaps even work some events up surrounding the conclave. I know there are a handful of mage-centric FCs, but perhaps this might help bridge those FCs a bit. Course, I have to rekindle my passion for the game in order to do this. I've a bit of the end-game blues now that Galen's i99, but I'm sure it'll clear up quickly. Cheers! -Black Hat Link to comment
Kage Posted July 28, 2014 Share #9 Posted July 28, 2014 Mmm I hesitate to say that "Friends of Momodi" LS is an active one because I'm still not sure if it would fit what you're hoping for. It is primarily an LS filled with people who RP [occasionally] in Ul'dah. So we do talk about topics in RP but we also have an enormous amount of OOC chatter. It used to be a good mix of OOC/IC but when it grew to encompass lots more who RP in Ul'dah... well it's hard to do that when your character may know 1/4th of the linkshell. Now, you might see something IC (indicated by quotes, though sometimes I'll quote something and some will tease me about it) about once a week It's honestly the channel I have on by default to chat in. Link to comment
xelliexell Posted July 28, 2014 Share #10 Posted July 28, 2014 Rendezvous of Stars accepts people who want to be LS-only, as it is not my intention to pull people away from their FC families! However, it's an IC linkshell that's based around a very specific RP concept. (Website here.) I understand that not everyone would want this sort of thing to happen to their character, but some people enjoy the twists and turns of it. Since it is some what of a more involved and personal concept, our recruitment status has changed to Restricted. What this means is that unless someone is personally recommended by someone who is already in the LS, they must meet the following criteria before they can join: - They must express enthusiasm about the concept and getting involved. No, "Eh, I guess I'll try it out" mindsets. - They must be on board, at least in part, with the Stars concept. Originally, I had planned to allow people to join if they wanted to be a part of the Host Club aspect only, but I'm changing that. It can be Stars, or Stars + Host Club, but not just joining for the Host Club. - I need to get a sense that they'll at least check the forums every now and then. Especially if someone is linkshell-only, this is my only point of contact to convey announcements and events (sans spamming the LS with it in the hopes that everyone who cares is logged on at the time, haha.) - No more people who will 'conveniently ignore' Dreams and Visions. I worked with one person on not having them happen to his character because we mutually decided that it would suit the hidden effects of his Star (and he's a really active member in game and reads the Dreams on the forums anyway), but having too many people who just don't feel like reading anyone else's stuff is counterproductive to the concept. In short, we're not really looking for names to pad a list so much as people who would like to get involved with us. ♥ Anyway, not sure if that's what you may be looking for, but Rendezvous is one of those "LS-only-is-okay" sorts, and we're active. @.@ Link to comment
LiveVoltage Posted July 28, 2014 Share #11 Posted July 28, 2014 That registration process seems unnecessarily complicated, but I digress... >_> I think RP linkshells will kick back up eventually around the end of the year, when Christmas roll's around and everything is all fancy and spirits are high. That or we will be seeing alot of winter RP's. Too bad Gridania never gets any snow. Would be cool if it did though. @_@ Link to comment
Gwen Posted July 28, 2014 Share #12 Posted July 28, 2014 Well it's complicated for a reason. It's a story driven LS. Not Just a looking for RP LS. So it's a pain when new characters join who then disappear after a day because it's just an alt and they were never really into the concept. I think it's simple enough really, just show enthusiasm to the concept pretty much covers every single point. Link to comment
LiveVoltage Posted July 28, 2014 Share #13 Posted July 28, 2014 Well believe it or not but I read the concept and thought it was extremely interesting and would like to apply my main to it buuuuuuuut... That registration process is a bit of a turn off. I mean, how can you get accepted into a circle that anyone barely even knows you, let alone wants to support you're application. I mean, its pretty elitist at that point if you only accept people into you're fold when an insider of the group says it's ok, but I digress... Thats just my 2 gil on the whole matter though. Feel free to ignore it or say something in response if I misread anything. Im not operating at 100% brain capacity ATM. ._. Link to comment
Gwen Posted July 28, 2014 Share #14 Posted July 28, 2014 I think you might have been reading it wrong, or Maia didn't explain it well enough. But it says -unless- you are recommended you have to meet that criteria. And that in itself is literally just saying you're not joining just because you are bored and it sounds fun, and that you'll contribute to the forums, either posting or just reading (Because that is a large part of the concept) It's just at the point where there's a lot of inactive members in the LS, so it's just a way to select people who are actually interested in RP'ing it, I don't believe the conditions are at all restrictive, are they? (And don't get me wrong, not trying to argue here just I am obviously biased since I know what the concept is, Maia's list just seems to be asking new people to actually be interested rather than just wanting to try it out for the hell of it. Because running intro scenes for 10 people a week who never RP again is quite time consuming) 1 Link to comment
xelliexell Posted July 28, 2014 Share #15 Posted July 28, 2014 First, I just wanted to mention that I respect your opinions and feedback on the recruitment policy, and I'll work to revise the wording to make it simpler (or perhaps less harsh?) But, as Gwen mentioned, the reason for this change is because we've had people join up, only to never check our site, never show up to events, and never make an effort to RP with us. (As in, not even a stray IC comment over the LS, when IC chatter goes on in there.) It's confusing, and it is counteractive to the personal and connective nature of the plot. I totally understand if RL comes up, or if things get busy. RL should always come first, and I'm a huge proponent of that. But many of the instances we've come across did not seem to be like that. If anyone is ever confused about how to get involved more, I'm always more than happy to work with them! A lot of my time is spent working with people on their characters, even beyond scheduling a personal intro scene for everyone who joins. It's an investment that goes both ways, though. ^^; I mean, its pretty elitist at that point if you only accept people into you're fold when an insider of the group says it's ok, but I digress... Thats just my 2 gil on the whole matter though. Feel free to ignore it or say something in response if I misread anything. Im not operating at 100% brain capacity ATM. ._. That may have been a misinterpretation, I think. All we're saying is that if you're totally new to the group, please make an effort to check the forums and RP with us/participate in the concept. This is due to the phenomenon described above. We're actually pretty open and friendly, generally speaking. (Also, please forgive my phone messing up that quote. Phones are super fun that way!) Link to comment
LiveVoltage Posted July 28, 2014 Share #16 Posted July 28, 2014 Lol, its fine. I personally thought you're post was great! I may even give you're RP a look since im not in anything ATM. Link to comment
Jancis Posted July 28, 2014 Share #17 Posted July 28, 2014 I did join one recently which might get some potential if it keeps getting built into. Estellise Levesque started one for people who are known for to be medics or healers and other adventurers kind of like a help hotline of linkshell connections. It hasn't gotten a lot of ground yet but it might be something to look forward to as it grows and more adventure role play pops up. Idea came up kind of from events like the Grindstone or other FC-based storylines when the typical healing crew was unavailable and someone could sub in to keep the plot going. Nothing on the forum board yet but she is online pretty much every evening EST. Link to comment
Faye Posted July 28, 2014 Author Share #19 Posted July 28, 2014 Well believe it or not but I read the concept and thought it was extremely interesting and would like to apply my main to it buuuuuuuut... That registration process is a bit of a turn off. I mean, how can you get accepted into a circle that anyone barely even knows you, let alone wants to support you're application. I mean, its pretty elitist at that point if you only accept people into you're fold when an insider of the group says it's ok, but I digress... Thats just my 2 gil on the whole matter though. Feel free to ignore it or say something in response if I misread anything. Im not operating at 100% brain capacity ATM. ._. My RP partner recently applied and joined it with no issues and no complaints about the application process. The process seemed to go rather quickly and smoothly for him. It's pretty standard and not elitist. How else is someone supposed to join anything but with a member of the group's approval? o_o I've noticed you seem paranoid every FC/LS is out to deny anyone who wants to join. I don't know where you got this mindset, but I promise you, it couldn't be further from the truth. Groups that are currently recruiting generally want to expand and grow and improve, not reject every person for no discernible reason. And thank you all for the suggestions! Sadly, all the ones mentioned are pretty specific and don't fit my main (except the one for healers, that one I'll need to look into, and maybe one for mages if it ever gets created! Friends of Momodi, perhaps, but idk--Faye isn't much of a tavern person) but hopefully they can help another player or even suit one of my alts. Link to comment
Kage Posted July 28, 2014 Share #20 Posted July 28, 2014 Honestly, I'm starting to think that FoM is going to become just a chat box with people who are generally likeminded about RP and a large portion of them who RP in Ul'dah with no real specific focus except that we're friendly. And like to RP in Ul'dah. Maybe. Topics of conversation recently (from this past weekend) have gone from: Tease Kage. . Warren and Crofte: The Trials and Tribulations of Paladins dancing around each other. Poor Tom. Atma. Kage is shy. Certain RPer who thinks he's Twelve's gift to lore is named. How to deal with said troll. Do our characters like each other (if they have met)? Hello, friends! Link to comment
BaneWarden Posted July 29, 2014 Share #21 Posted July 29, 2014 Please add me to the list of someone looking to fill up his LS list with goodness! I'm only in one at the moment (for hunts), as when I returned all the other ones were inactive or I was removed from! Link to comment
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