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Gridania/Twelveswood RP Revitalization

Knight Kat

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So I have seen countless directories and threads of late that are gathering and growing groups of RPers to maintain Ul'dah RP, and revive Limsa RP. It is really neat to see, and I think it is time to try that for Gridania.


Compared to Ul'dah, the forest city seems quiet. However, RP in Gridania and the Twelveswood is certainly not dead, or I would have no RP myself, and I have plenty. It simply required searching out and helping to establish the few groups that RP in Gridania/Twelveswood/Lavender Beds. That is difficult, and can be discouraging for players. I wish to make it easier for those that are interested, and maybe help better establish RP focused in the Twelveswood.



I made a directory for Gridania/Twelveswood characters. Here it is:



Please add to it :)


EDIT: The directory is still relevant, but the LS I made was disbanded because of lack of interest. Please refer to more recent threads about Gridania LSs if you seek more than information from a directory.

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Jaques and I have some RP centered around them not quite able to be around Gridania specifically. It would be nice to see some enforcement there :P We do RP in the Shroud on occasion though (as well as everywhere else because we're nomads), so a bit more activity would be welcome.

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I'll try to my best to help and hopelly I can be helpful.


I have been walking around Twelveswood and trying to find RPs, but usually I have ended up sitting by myself in some camp or Canopy. I have met couple people to RP with but unfortunately most of them went to spend most of their time in Ul'dah (Well, because most people are there and its good place for contacts) since there is more happenings and after visiting Ul'dah, Gridania can feel empty and kinda boring. My character ain't much traveler or adventurer, so she spends most of her time in Twelveswood. Doing her "everyday and 'boring' work as local leatherworker". So this is why I wish more activity to Gridania too. 


When time comes, I can relay information about organisation Delni is in and help you to improve this awareness in stage 1.


Keep up the good work and thank you! :thumbsup:

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Erik may be a son of Ul'dah as of right now, he has a fondness for the Twelvewoods. He is currently repairing his mother's old cottage off and on IC (IE ive almost the gil to buy a personal cottage and plan to do so in L-Beds). I RP there often, allowing his personal life to be set there. I would love to be involved in a project like this.

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Ooh yes.. Caelia would love to have more reasons to come back to the Twelveswood. She's been so busy travelling between Ul'dah and Limsa.. She has no particular reason to come back home unless it's money problems. ヽ(;▽;)ノ


Unfortunately, I'm always on my main account but if you don't mind a semi-active player around.. I'll ask for an invite to the LS next time on on~

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I can't garauntee specified times, but I intend to more regularly host lessons on the three disciplines of magic, similar to the one I did on Arcanima (arcany? I never remember which) a while back. So I will be hosting events in Gridania.


That is great. I would totally help advertise your lessons over the Twelveswood LS. You can also advertise on this thread, and even use doodle if you want.


Speaking of that, if anyone who wants to be on the LS can't find me in-game, you can also player search for Yvelont Navarre or Crisiet Liatrojan Liatrokicks Liatronicx.... Just player search by first name.... They are LS officers, and can invite people too.

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