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Hello there! I stumbled upon the FFXIV RP Coalition site on accident recently, shortly before I rolled my recent character - I was looking for a resource for learning more about the Elezen, and after a few days lost in the wikis, and browsing the Linkshell sections, I created an account to post, and thus, am introducing myself here!


I’ve played World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV:ARR, settling into quiet little niches in both games, and have an interest in RPing - but never really the schedule to be as involved as I’d have liked, though I enjoy the character creation process - past just the “looks/class” selection, but in thinking about what led such a character to their class, the sorts of personalities one would need to do The Thing once they’ve chosen what they’re aspiring to, and so on.


Currently, I’m playing the Elezen Scholar/Summoner, Nivie Georjeaux on the Balmung server, a character I really don’t have much of a grasp on, aside from being fairly haughty and vain (so, as I understand it, Elezen).


I hope that by hanging about the forums, I can learn and ask questions, to learn more, to find more answers, so that I can help contribute by knowing things as well: and, maybe if schedules and the like work out, manage to do a little RP while I’m at it, as well!

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Hi, Nivie, and welcome. ^^ There's lots of great RP around Balmung and tons of diversity. If you want to meet a bunch more Elezen, however, I'd be happy to add you to the All Ears LS.  It's OOC, but we're all Elezen RPers on there, so it's a good way to establish some contacts.  Someone there can probably help with lore questions as well.

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Hello there, Nivie, and welcome to the RPC! :D From a fellow RPer of a haughty and vain character, I'm always glad to make new role-play buddies, so feel free to say hello if you see me around in-game!

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Hi, Nivie, and welcome. ^^ There's lots of great RP around Balmung and tons of diversity. If you want to meet a bunch more Elezen, however, I'd be happy to add you to the All Ears LS.  It's OOC, but we're all Elezen RPers on there, so it's a good way to establish some contacts.  Someone there can probably help with lore questions as well.


Thank you! First step to meeting folks is to get out there and meet folks; I'll be happy to join and see what I can learn!



Hello there, Nivie, and welcome to the RPC! :D From a fellow RPer of a haughty and vain character, I'm always glad to make new role-play buddies, so feel free to say hello if you see me around in-game!


Of course! It'll be fun to run into others, and haughty and vain characters are always fun to bounce off each other!

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Welcome! I'm also from World of Warcraft. The first day I was on Balmung, it took me all night to get to level 10 because I kept stopping to role play. There's just so much of it here! The players are great as well. If you're ever wandering the streets and see Kheo, make sure to strike up a conversation!


I'll have to! I think I've seen you about in city, before - your name definitely looks familiar.


Balmung's a really nice server for RP, I've just shied away more than I ought to - I do look forward to meeting up with folks and playing soon, though.

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