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Something about your character few know...

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I think I found something.


Kellach doesn't believe in the Twelve per se. As in, he's in Eorzea and outright saying "Y'all are crazy" would be utter suicide, especially with his own system of beliefs that some more zealous people would say is primal worship. It's an elemental based system of rites that does not have faces itself, but rather worships the elements as they are. Lightning is just a lightning bolt. Wind is the wind, etc.


Lately, he's starting to be a bit more open about his beliefs, but it's something he wanted to discard when he left his homeland, only to find that he still wanted at least some anchor to his homeland if necessary. He's planning on making a journey there to pay his respects to a recently deceased family member and pick up his former book of rites.

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Now these never actually came up in RP, but they are there, I'll attach reasons for each of them.


1 - Iliette cannot use her Aether - This is because it brings her back memories of her childhood, Iliette's mother trying to teach her arcanist abilities (if we have to translate them to jobs, otherwise, just read as basic controlling aether etc.). Both of Iliette's parents died in a house fire, while Iliette sneaked out, she got back as the inn/tavern they owned was already up in flames. Even when she does use it (mostly for teleport or something equally as minor) it has unexpected results, making occasionally Iliette port to places she has never been or even further from her destination, making her even more lost than she has ever been.


2 - Iliette was part of a bandit gang and ate others (unknowingly) - After loosing her parents Iliette was a beggar, an urchin on the streets, nobody willing to take in a Duskwight child, she got recruited by a Crazy Moon Keeper Miqo'te and his gang, she was made to fight others and when they were victorious they got a nice meal (out of the weakest member of the gang) and nobody questioned either where the meat came from or where the missing others went... This sort of life also made her very cold and cruel way of thinking (Only the strong deserve to live). (If any of you played Jade Empire she would most likely be following the Path of the Closed Fist)


3 - Iliette served time - Now above mentioned gang was eventually arrested and put on trial, along with all of it's members, due to her talent witnessed by a soldier (and soon to be mentor) Iliette was released on parole with the conditions of not leaving Gridania and remaining with mentor until her supposed prison sentence expires (which it did on her reaching the age of 17)


4 - Iliette's natural talent is actually fist fighting - Iliette uses a lance as her choosen weapon, because she thinks it takes more grace and skill to wield it, rather then punch things. 


5 - Iliette owns land - The location of the tavern/inn and the land under it does legally belong to Iliette. She has made a small portion of it into a grave sight for her dead parents and their comrades who have called it a home, which she cleans and cares for and spends time there to commemorate their death.

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