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Baby Shower for Portia Bartel

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Date: Friday, November 14

Time:  4:00pm PST // 5:00pm MST // 6:00pm CST // 7:00pm EST // 12:00am GMT+0

Location:  Lavender Beds, Ward 8, Plot 59

(Invitation is open to anyone who knows her ICly! Also can be counted as a house-warming event, since I finally have a personal house, hurray!)



For those who know the lady personally, even if only for a short while, would receive an invitation delivered to them. The paper is crisp white stock, edges embossed with flowers and written in deep currant purple ink by a delicate hand.



[align=center]Please join with friends and loved ones [/align]

[align=center]in honoring mother-to-be [/align]

[align=center]Lady Portia Bartel[/align]



[align=center]Come partake in the festivities,[/align]

[align=center]food, fine wine, sweets, good company,[/align]

[align=center]and floral decorations galore[/align]

[align=center]at the Bartel manor[/align]

[align=center]in Gridania's noble district.[/align]



[align=center]Gifts are optional but welcome.[/align]

[align=center]Feel free to bring additional company.[/align]


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Would love to come, and drag Ilwe. We would probably be a little later on though.


Now I have to invent IC shenanigans so there is a link. Maybe a notice on the Lavender Beds notice board or something.we come the new neighbour?

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Would love to come, and drag Ilwe. We would probably be a little later on though.


Now I have to invent IC shenanigans so there is a link. Maybe a notice on the Lavender Beds notice board or something.we come the new neighbour?


Haha, yeah I thought about you two and then I was like "wait I haven't even MET them IC!"


That could work though I think ^^ Or we could plan to IC run into each other in Lavender Beds, chat for a bit, then she could be like "oh by the way you should come to my baby shower"

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Would love to come, and drag Ilwe. We would probably be a little later on though.


Now I have to invent IC shenanigans so there is a link. Maybe a notice on the Lavender Beds notice board or something.we come the new neighbour?


Haha, yeah I thought about you two and then I was like "wait I haven't even MET them IC!"


That could work though I think ^^ Or we could plan to IC run into each other in Lavender Beds, chat for a bit, then she could be like "oh by the way you should come to my baby shower"


Definitely .. or if you want some advice on pregnancy or a fortune telling.. that sort of thing Nebbs can do. Ilwe makes good things, maybe a crib?


Many things, or just runaway chocobo.

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Would love to come, and drag Ilwe. We would probably be a little later on though.


Now I have to invent IC shenanigans so there is a link. Maybe a notice on the Lavender Beds notice board or something.we come the new neighbour?


Haha, yeah I thought about you two and then I was like "wait I haven't even MET them IC!"


That could work though I think ^^ Or we could plan to IC run into each other in Lavender Beds, chat for a bit, then she could be like "oh by the way you should come to my baby shower"


Definitely .. or if you want some advice on pregnancy or a fortune telling.. that sort of thing Nebbs can do. Ilwe makes good things, maybe a crib?


Many things, or just runaway chocobo.

Porita's drake Vanhi goes sleepwalking through the neighborhood in search for delicious fried chocobo.... @U@ hahahaha

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Would love to come, and drag Ilwe. We would probably be a little later on though.


Now I have to invent IC shenanigans so there is a link. Maybe a notice on the Lavender Beds notice board or something.we come the new neighbour?


Haha, yeah I thought about you two and then I was like "wait I haven't even MET them IC!"


That could work though I think ^^ Or we could plan to IC run into each other in Lavender Beds, chat for a bit, then she could be like "oh by the way you should come to my baby shower"


Definitely .. or if you want some advice on pregnancy or a fortune telling.. that sort of thing Nebbs can do. Ilwe makes good things, maybe a crib?


Many things, or just runaway chocobo.

Porita's drake Vanhi goes sleepwalking through the neighborhood in search for delicious fried chocobo.... @U@ hahahaha


Oh I have just the thing. He he.

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