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Open Your Heart: Companionship Services by Vetiver Chastain [Closed for Good]

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You're sick and tired of it, that lingering sense of romantic longing. Perhaps you're shy or maybe you don't wish to burden another with your emotional struggles; whatever the case may be, its wearing you thinner by the day with no end in sight.


That's when they appear to you, that Moon Keeper with the white hair, cherry blossom highlights, an intoxicating blend of citrus, flora, vanilla and sandalwood clinging to her presence. Standing strong and confident two-to-three ilm away, she offers you a business card, tucked neatly between the middle and index off her right hand. You take it into your own. Not like you could resist that subtle grin even if you wanted to, much less those night flower eyes piercing through your every thought.


The card itself? Understated, yet all too effective: 'Open Your Heart: Companionship Services by Vetiver Chastain', penned in a black cursive, offset by a tinge of pink and a linkpearl pinned conspicuously to the upper left corner. It takes a moment for it to sink in, but when it does, she's already gone, your mind left racing with questions. Only one in particular surfaces, however: "could it really only be one call away?"





Independently owned and operated by Vetiver Chastain, Open Your Heart offers genuine companionship to the lonely women of Eorzea, serving as a gentle respite from whatever may trouble their broken hearts. While this may sound similar to a relationship with a courtesan of sorts (and by all means, she is just that, a courtesan), my intention is to create something much more personal in comparison.


What this is:

Driven character development by someone willing to challenge your character in ways most people aren't willing to.


What this isn't:

An outlet for senseless ERP. Sex is inevitable given the theme, but I'd at least like for it to be justified in some way when it does happen.


"What can Vetiver do for me, then?":

Most anything, really! If you need any inspiration, however, here are a few examples of things she's done with her clients in the past:



• Bathing

• Conversation (typically in-depth, reflective and with honest interest in the client)

• Dinner dates

• Overnight companionship (think bedmates)

• Physical affection (cuddling, kissing, etc.)

• Relationship advice

• Sex (reserved only for her closest clientele, inquire for more details)

• Short-term adventuring



Important Information:

First and foremost: I have a right to refusal at my own discretion. This should go without saying, but given some of my past experiences I feel it prudent to mention it now than to try and deal with it later.


Vetiver is only interested in women*, particularly those of the Hyur and Miqo'te variety. The vast differences in size between the numerous races of Eorzea can make things uncomfortable for a Moon Keeper in her late 20's that's already near the max height available at approx. 5'3. That's not to say that exceptions cannot or have not been made, but it is something worth keeping in mind.


*Transwomen equally as safe and welcome should you have one!


There is no money involved. Broke as I might be in this game, my reason for pushing this concept with Vetiver is to watch both her and those around her grow, simple as that. If you do wish to involve your gil, however, we can possibly work something out on a case-by-case basis. That said, please don't feel obliged to do so. Seeing you and your character happy is payment enough.


For a general overview on the subject of polyamorous relationships in RP, please see Polyamory: A Roleplaying Guide by Lilithium.


Contacting Me:

Assuming I haven't scared you off by this point and you still happen to be interested: I am available here on the RPC or in-game, though I prefer the latter as it is instant and I play quite frequently, even during hours most don't. Do have patience if I'm duty-bound, however; I will get back to you soon as I'm done, promise!


Setting the Scene:

The main thing is for our characters to ICly meet in-game, long enough so that Vetiver is willing to offer one of her cards to yours. From there, it's as simple as contacting me via my IC linkshell (which you will hopefully be invited to by that point, I have a habit of forgetting so feel free to mention it) or through a /tell if you're particularly shy and/or want to plan things out first OOC.


"Anything else?":

That's it! Let the heart-mending commence. :love:

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S-So Female Lala's aren't allowed..? -pouts-


Anything but a pouting Lala face. ;~;


I'd love to say yes because they really are adorable, but those proportions + prospects of romance makes me a little uncomfortable irregardless of their actual age. Then again, 'companionship' can mean a lot of different things depending on who you ask and I did choose that word because of that ambiguity, so *shrug*.


Could always let me know what you're looking for in-game? :o

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S-So Female Lala's aren't allowed..? -pouts-


Anything but a pouting Lala face. ;~;


I'd love to say yes because they really are adorable, but those proportions + prospects of romance makes me a little uncomfortable irregardless of their actual age. Then again, 'companionship' can mean a lot of different things depending on who you ask and I did choose that word because of that ambiguity, so *shrug*.


Could always let me know what you're looking for in-game? :o


Hi just seen your reply sorry! Well someone who I can hang around and do activities with, who can make her laugh and generally be there for her! :3

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Haven't been able to catch you in game, would this lovely lady have a chance?








If she's got the personality to match, yes. :3 I'll be on this afternoon/evening for sure. I'm CST for timezone reference.


Hi just seen your reply sorry! Well someone who I can hang around and do activities with, who can make her laugh and generally be there for her! :3


No worries! Send me a /tell when you can.


Miqote and Hyur only?




I guess Evangeline's love of catgirls will go forever unfulfilled.


Mmm, about that... I've kind of been known to make exceptions, I just haven't gotten around to updating my initial post. >_>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping up with something that a friend brought up worth mentioning: if you happen to be eternally bonded with someone but would still like to partake in Vetiver's services, then please don't worry and feel as if you shouldn't; confidentiality is very important to me on both an IC and OOC level so your secrets are safe with me. :love:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Still heavily recommend this to anyone! Vetiver is an amazing RPer, and I always thoroughly enjoy our RPs!


You're too kind to me. You really, really are. :love:


Man, that sounds fun, even if the relationship would most definetly go into Big Sis Little Sis, since Quki is literally a kid by all senses, she's barely on her teenagehood. She looks so pwetty.


I would definitely be interested in this. It's a relationship I haven't RPed before and I'd love to give it a go.


My character Lost River is currently dating a Miqo'te, perhaps she should seek her out and at least ask advice. My Hyur Highlander though, Mylla? She's single and fun to hang out with!



Regardless of what goes on, I'd love to see you in game too!


They wouldn't be the first to come to Vetiver with advice. Feel free to hit me up on either of these characters, I'd love to have a chat with them.

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