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Floria's cooking and health care services

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I suppose this is the best place to put this.


IC Description:


You happen across a flier, posted in whatever city state you happen to be in at the time of reading this


"Floria Raine's Culinarian and health care services! Part time services.


Need a culinarian for your next dinner party, date, or even just for yourself? I am a Bismarck trained Culinarian with 12 summers of culinary experience, and am more than happy to be able to provide my services to make your next dinner party or meal a very satisfying one! -Samples will be provided when discussing costs and fees for scheduled events.


I am also well trained in health care services.


-Trained in the arts of conjurery, healing services are my expertise.


-Massage therapy



While i don't have as much training and experience with non conjury healing and health care techniques, i will do my best to ensure proper health care treatment! All potential clients will be screened before treatment to ensure and confirm treatment goals, to get in contact Please go to your local adventurer's guild and ask to send a message to Floria Raine."


OOC: Adventuring ain't paying the bills for floria, so she needs to sell some of her non adventuring skills to help pay the bills! Small little side story for her to gain some IC dough and possibly make some connections. All transactions are Ic and no ooc gil is necessary.


Send me a message here or ingame anytime you can catch me online to set something up if you're interested.


Update: forgot to include this was part time work

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I would be interested in this! Titor is quite well off IC and I have some NPC cooks/guards. If you would want Titor to hire you that would be neat :D


And mention the healers Linkshell!  Yes you should join that.


Also Nebbs would be interested in discussing your alternative methods. She mostly takes an unorthodox approach, based on more hedge witchery and crystals.

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