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The Tavern (please remove)

Cirina Qalli

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Folks that still need an invite are:


Gus Pumpkinweed, Nhia Nahri, Rhu'to Brom, Reilan Orycia, Kamome Greywing, Iskander Ionius, Sigrid Jerriksdottir


I could'a sworn I saw Kamome in the channel but I went through the list of occupants about a dozen times this morning and I couldn't find 'er! :o I'll be actively checking online today, that being said there will be days and times we will not be able to always check, so please, please, if you're interested try and contact us first because we don't always know when you'll be online!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sorry I haven't been on much for a while, been preparing for a trip out of town, and I will most likely be unable to log on until next Sunday. If anyone needs/wants invites, please feel free to poke at Zakash Firemane, who is usually on in the evenings. Thanks guys! :chocobo: *flees out of town*

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update: The Tavern LS is still bursting at the seams as of 4/30/15. I would like to begin carefully cleaning names out of the LS, but with no "MoTD" or "Last logged in" feature for LSes, this will be rather difficult to do without clearing innocent bystanders.


Having said this, I would like to ask anyone who is no longer using the linkshell, perhaps has an alt in it that they no longer play, or has it turned off due to chat spam or for any other reason, to please be considerate and leave the LS to make room for those who would like to make use of it. I'm not asking those who actively use the LS to leave, just those who no longer make use of it or don't want to be in it to make a little room.


I would also like to request that if you have time, please submit a request to SE (this can be done in game via the Support & Information>Contact Us>Leave a Suggestion menu) to add the MoTD and Last logged features to LSes for cleaning purposes.


You guys are all awesome, thanks for making such a great community!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went through and cleaned out all the names that have been inactive in this past week. If someone was booted who -is- still active and I either missed you somehow, or you were taking a week off from the game, please get in touch with me in game and I'll be happy to bring you back in.


That being said, Tavern LS now has a good amount of open spots. I'll be recruiting in shout starting later today or tomorrow, so if anyone would like an invite, please /tell me in game and I can make that happen.


Looking forward to meeting some new friends!!:love:

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  • 1 month later...

Just a reminder to all my Tavern members: We are NOT allowing ANY kind of spoilers in the LS. This includes the main story quest and job quest storylines, as well as dungeon storylines and, until further notice, also dungeon mechanics. There are some people (myself included) who want to enjoy the game firsthand, so please be respectful.


For the time being, I am enacting Martial Law in the LS when it comes to spoilers. If anyone spoils something, tell them to stop. If they don't, or they become belligerent, screenshot it and send it to me or any other officer, and they will be removed ASAP. Remember, we can't remove troublemakers if we don't know they're making trouble.


Thanks for your attention and your respect guys, and I hope we all enjoy Heavensward.

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