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Greetings from a rper/ gamer from Balmung!

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Hello! I just joined today and I hope to make lots of new friends rper wise and what not. Please be patient with me, I am still reading up on lore and such but i'll get everything down eventually. If you ever see my character Xhida Rhaligr on, please feel free to send me a PM I always enjoy hearing from new people. I have no done a lot of roleplay though yet on this game but I hope to soon.


Nice to meet you all!

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Hellos and welcomies to the RPC! :)


If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask, there are lots of knowledgable and helpful people on the forums. 


It's always fun meeting new RPers, so get out there and RP! :bouncy: If you ever see a C'eleni Meztli online, feel free to bother her for RP.

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