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Looking for RP buddy, (possibly FC or LS too)!

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I recently managed to get a keyboard for my PS4! So I've decided to break into RP in earnest, though only light-medium RP for now since I'm still pretty focused on leveling and the story. 


So a little about Victorique. 

  • She is a Duskwight Elezen in her late teens. Originally, her family is from Gridania but due to the situation there they moved to Coerthas long before she was born. Her mother was a travelling bard, and often told Victorique of the places she had visited. These tales enchanted Victorique and she resolved to follow in her mother's footsteps. Hence why she is becoming a bard. (More on here wiki here)
  • Right now, she can most likely be found in Ul'dah as that is where her adventure has taken her. 

I'd be interested in joining a Free Company, or just having someone on the friend list to RP with. 

Please feel free to PM me or leave a reply here. Thanks!:love:

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Hello! More Elezens!


My char is Evangeline Primrose, always up to RP with people! Just send me a tell some time.


There is a Linkshell/FC listing if you want to parse though the list of FCs, but otherwise welcome to the madhouse!

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Hiya! Welcome to the community.


Should you see Franz wandering about, feel free to interact in any way you'd like! (Whether it be an awkward stare because he's a Hyur, or if she's aether-sensitive and senses something amiss, etc).


It's nice to see another Elezen RPer. Best of luck around Ul'dah. It's a very friendly (but noisy) place!

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Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested. Also, I'm glad to RP anytime! Say hello sometime in game! :D

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*Chuckles* Faye, Faye, Faye... She's a Duskwight. She doesn't want a good-aligned FC...


Seriously, though, if your RP passion lies more on the villain side of things, look us up. We're an organized crime group based around a linkshell (so you don't have to join our FC to participate). We do a mixture of in-group RP and cross-group RP (either playing as antagonists in other people's arcs, or simply providing "NPC" villains for folks), and have a lot of fun doing that.

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The bard-and-other-performers group Soliloquoy might also be worth looking into. I think they're just a LS, but there might be an FC or two attached to it that you might fit in well with. I'm not a part of it, so I wouldn't know. Nathan Telluride would probably be the guy to talk to about that.


As for RP buddies, Chachan is always out to make frands, so feel free to wave him down if you see the little green-haired dork running around the Quicksand.

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*Chuckles* Faye, Faye, Faye... She's a Duskwight. She doesn't want a good-aligned FC...


She wouldn't be our first! Duskwights, Voidtouched, psuedo-Tempered, slave traders, necromancers, sociopaths, pirates, mercenaries, Garleans... you'd be surprised what all worms their way in with the "good" guys! ;)

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*Chuckles* Faye, Faye, Faye... She's a Duskwight. She doesn't want a good-aligned FC...


She wouldn't be our first! Duskwights, Voidtouched, psuedo-Tempered, slave traders, necromancers, sociopaths, pirates, mercenaries, Garleans... you'd be surprised what all worms their way in with the "good" guys! ;)


Tune in next month when Faye and I reveal that HoD and TN are really two sides of the same organization!

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*Chuckles* Faye, Faye, Faye... She's a Duskwight. She doesn't want a good-aligned FC...


She wouldn't be our first! Duskwights, Voidtouched, psuedo-Tempered, slave traders, necromancers, sociopaths, pirates, mercenaries, Garleans... you'd be surprised what all worms their way in with the "good" guys! ;)


Tune in next month when Faye and I reveal that HoD and TN are really two sides of the same organization!


Shhh you're spoiling my plot twists!

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