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Me and my crazy sense of motivation...

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The spur of the moment:


So I decided to do something to maybe motivate me to try and unlock at least the HM Roulette and that means doing all dem HM's at least once right? So me, in my sleep lacking state, decided "Hey lets go buy two bottles of fantasia and drain the last of my christmas money. One bottle to start this up and another to finish it."


Premise is this:


Kurt got back after following a lead Nako had on the Wanderer's Palace. Thing is the lead only lead to meager treasure as Treasure Hunters probably already got there first. Now in his lack of preparedness, and over reliance on a intelligent yet taxed healer, he forgot to bring his own supply of potions. 


Now on the way back to the exit, they got jumped by a group of shank-wielding tonberries, the smaller ones that they easily dispatched but ended up landing a few good shanks at Kurt anyway. He hobbled along, lagging behind the rest of the group before he tripped at something that his boot snagged. It was bottle of dark blue liquid, thinking it was a potion of an older make, he uncapped the bottle and downed the contents. Of course, he never felt any different and wounds still stung. 


For healer's part, his face was that of shock and awe and panic rolled into one. After a few seconds of tense silence as Kurt and the healer engaged in a staring contest the healer finally spoke. That wasn't a normal healing potion. It was a rare brew that supposedly changed the drinker when they go to sleep for the night. Of course, knowing this Kurt did his best to regurgitate the potion to no success. The damage was done. The healer realized it too late, he also looked shifty so since then he decided not to sleep at all.


But now his willpower is fading, his eyes are getting heavier and no amount of pain or otherwise can keep him awake.... His only solace is that he already has a list of places to investigate in the hopes that he might find another of this rare brew and by Nymeia's guiding hand, hopefully return him to what he once was. 


What I'm planning:


Well I'm trying to do a string of IC dungeon runs of all the HM's. It'll be my first time for a majority of em so if you're lacking soldieries(though I highly doubt it) or something this might be a good opportunity for you. Don't worry if your character doesn't know Kurt we can easily rectify that. I can dumb it down to search ruins for that rare damned bottle of fantasia. For reference, Kurt is a tank but premade parties don't really need to follow the 1/1/2 rule right? 


Also your character doesn't necessarily have to stick around for the entirety of this arc. If you want say, just swing by Stone Vigil and then leave sure, I'm fine with that. Well that's even assuming anyone is interested in this crazy idea xD


Other Stuffs:


-I haven't unlocked all of the HM's yet and level 50 dungeons, still not sure what I'm missing.


-Kurt's only got i80 gear so yeah, he(she?) might not be prepared for all of em yet. 


-Of course if we aren't exactly a 4 man party (unless there are 8 man instances out there) I don't plan to IC the run then. Gotta take into consideration other players and all.


-As for the times that we can meet up and do this, I'll keep that open for discussion and wake up early/sleep late/not sleep at all if I have to.


-If you're interested but not level 50 yet, I can wait. I've got Keil and Alicen to level anyway.

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This sounds like a lot of fun, and I'd love to join in. :)


I'm EU time but fairly flexible, and I can tank, heal and dps.


I'd be delighted to have you on board. Just need to find some way Kurt and her to meet. Oh yeah I'm at the GMT+8 Timezone so either way I'll try to adjust to everyone else's times.

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Infodump: Here's your list of Hard Mode dungeons required for High Roulette as of 2.5:




The Wanderer's Palace

Amdapor Keep

Pharos Sirius

Copperbell Mines (Hard)

Haukke Manor (Hard)

The Lost City of Amdapor

Halatali (Hard)

Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)

Hullbreaker Isle

Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard)

Stone Vigil (Hard)


Sastasha Seagrot (Hard)

The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard)




Snowcloak requires main story progress all the way up to 2.4 and then some. Good luck in your quest! The idea of someone fighting sleep and trying to venture all over to stop something is pretty cool.

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Infodump: Here's your list of Hard Mode dungeons required for High Roulette as of 2.5:




   The Wanderer's Palace

   Amdapor Keep

   Pharos Sirius

   Copperbell Mines (Hard)

   Haukke Manor (Hard)

   The Lost City of Amdapor

   Halatali (Hard)

   Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)

   Hullbreaker Isle

   Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard)

   Stone Vigil (Hard)


   Sastasha Seagrot (Hard)

   The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard)




Snowcloak requires main story progress all the way up to 2.4 and then some. Good luck in your quest! The idea of someone fighting sleep and trying to venture all over to stop something is pretty cool.


Thanks for info dump, Warren. Very appreciate. Except Kurt already passed out and now the quest to stop something has turned into the quest for a hugeass gamble. He just lost the fight xD

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AS I said to Keil, I can help nearly any time I'm online. I'm GMT-8, but act more like I'm GMT-5 due to work hours. 


To make things easy for scheduling, I'm typically online 11PM-5AM GMT on weekdays, and about 4PM to 6AM GMT on days leading into weekends. (So just count me as East-Coast USA and we're prolly good)


Also available: crafting. I -really- like crafting, and can/will help with anything up to i90 crafted items, assuming I have them unlocked.

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AS I said to Keil, I can help nearly any time I'm online. I'm GMT-8, but act more like I'm GMT-5 due to work hours. 


To make things easy for scheduling, I'm typically online 11PM-5AM GMT on weekdays, and about 4PM to 6AM GMT on days leading into weekends. (So just count me as East-Coast USA and we're prolly good)


Also available: crafting. I -really- like crafting, and can/will help with anything up to i90 crafted items, assuming I have them unlocked.


Well as it stands I'm still trying to get people on board though if that doesnt work then I think implying interactions after the run will just have to do.


Of course with this timetable I think planning it out wont be so hard anymore. It'll also give me the times I can *ehem*beg*ehem* for some equipment but Kat/Kurt is fine as it is.


I really appreciate your offer of help mister Mercenary sir.

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Well the turn out is nice at least. Plus it'd be easy enough to BS some reason they'd all be together in a dungeon. Of course now comes the part of coordinating this and picking out a day where I may not sleep or sleep very late or wake up very early.


And Kellach don't worry about Stone Vigil, Nako ran with me on that already...It made me realize things about Tanking and TP management and really really 'trigger happy' BLMs.

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