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New to Balmung/ Looking for Miqo'te connections? Or any, really.

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Hi! I've been lurking around for a bit so I think I'm close to ready to make a post? So I haven't RPed in an mmo in a really long time and quite frankly miss it. I still have my main in Exodus, but I really want to give Balmung a shot. That said since I wont transfer my main, I have to roll a new character which is fine just kind of annoying having to go through everything again haha. I feel it'll be better though because ~*rp friends*~.  


I still haven't made my character (sdkflj I fell asleep last night), but this gives me kind of a chance to dip my toes in and see what sort of connections I can potentially make? I haven't decided on a tribe yet. I'm leaning towards Drake, but if I have the chance to make more char connections at another tribe I won't mind switching.


My concept so far is that I want her to be originally from a tribe in Ul'dah but would have left with her mother to join a keeper group in The Black Shroud. Though from what I read there isn't a lot of RP in Gridania so I was thinking of having her go back and settling in Ul'dah?? Maybe going back to search for her old tribe? 


But yeah basically I'm just trying to find potential connections? Maybe flesh out more ideas here before I actually roll her and start playing her.


Thanks and sorry for the tl;dr!

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My character is a traveling Miqo'te whose first role play stop will probably be Gridania. Like you I have not made my character yet. But am willing to roleplay with you whenever we both get our characters made, even if you are not in Gridania (Travelers can go anywhere :3) Sadly I won't be tribal if that is what you were wanting.

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I have a miqo'te who resents his tribal heritage and was raised by an ex merc based near Ul'dah. Long story but that's condensed super tl;dr gist of him. He's currently in Gridania and I can keep him there for a while studying riddles. 


Though he's tense when dealing with other miqos. That said it's possible your character and mine come from the same tribe. I know his tribe is Thanalan based but I havent set other details in stone. So maybe we can bounce ideas around or not? I dunno.

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Welcome to Balmung! I remember saying I was here without having a character on the server - it helped me continue to want to be on Balmung. The best time to make a character here is right before/after maintenance. As for Miqo'te connections...


My character, Y'lani, is fairly tribal and still continues to visit her tribe while she lives in Ul'dah to train at the Pugilists Guild. She is the type to feel pity for Miqo'te who have lost or ran away from their tribes, because she adores hers. Her tribe is a sector of the Jaguar tribe, located in Southern Thanalan. I like to think it puts a great weight on fighting and breeding, so most bad omens would come from anything that interferes with thise two things. (Just an example of one tribal Miqo'te. There are many more out there, I promise! You'll find a lot in roleplay situations.)


I'm completely willing to offer Y'lani for any roleplay connections, should you ever be interested. Good luck on Balmung, and creating your character! I always think that's the most fun part of a game. :D

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My character is a traveling Miqo'te whose first role play stop will probably be Gridania. Like you I have not made my character yet. But am willing to roleplay with you whenever we both get our characters made, even if you are not in Gridania (Travelers can go anywhere :3) Sadly I won't be tribal if that is what you were wanting.

Sounds great! Let me know when you have your character ready and I'll keep an eye out!


I have a miqo'te who resents his tribal heritage and was raised by an ex merc based near Ul'dah. Long story but that's condensed super tl;dr gist of him. He's currently in Gridania and I can keep him there for a while studying riddles. 


Though he's tense when dealing with other miqos. That said it's possible your character and mine come from the same tribe. I know his tribe is Thanalan based but I havent set other details in stone. So maybe we can bounce ideas around or not? I dunno.

Ooh! I'd love to bounce around ideas with you. I'll go ahead and pm you!


Welcome to Balmung! I remember saying I was here without having a character on the server - it helped me continue to want to be on Balmung. The best time to make a character here is right before/after maintenance. As for Miqo'te connections...


My character, Y'lani, is fairly tribal and still continues to visit her tribe while she lives in Ul'dah to train at the Pugilists Guild. She is the type to feel pity for Miqo'te who have lost or ran away from their tribes, because she adores hers. Her tribe is a sector of the Jaguar tribe, located in Southern Thanalan. I like to think it puts a great weight on fighting and breeding, so most bad omens would come from anything that interferes with thise two things. (Just an example of one tribal Miqo'te. There are many more out there, I promise! You'll find a lot in roleplay situations.)


I'm completely willing to offer Y'lani for any roleplay connections, should you ever be interested. Good luck on Balmung, and creating your character! I always think that's the most fun part of a game. :D

I would love to have my character run into Y'lani! Maybe help guide her in Ul'dah since she'll be pretty much like what is this. What am I doing.

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Ok, so, hello! There are some things that I can tell you that might help you decide stuff.


Firstly, don't fret too much about tribe. Choose one that sounds most cool to you, and fits the background you want. Being from the Drake tribe for example will not effect your connections more that being from the Eft tribe (or any other tribe). Unless, of course, you join a group of players who RP together as part of the same exact tribal group. However, there are not too many of those.


Secondly, just want to make sure you know there is no evidence to say there are tribes -in- Ul'dah. The Drake tribe is in Forgotten Springs, Southern Thanalan, not the city of Ul'dah.


Thirdly, there is RP in Gridania and the Twevleswood, but it is not always easy to find. My FC is a group of Miqo'te (mostly Keepers) who are trying to make some semblance of a unified culture in the new era. We are from the Twelveswood, and wish to return home one day ICly, but live in the Goblet with another FC right now.


That is an example of how RP has taken us down an unexpected path.


If I may offer you advise based on my own experiences. Feel free to take or leave any of it.


*Make a vague background with plenty of room to add things as you go, and adjust things later.

*Give your character a reason to be anywhere.

*Don't limit yourself to only Miqo'te connections. That can be fun, but it can also be fun being a Miqo'te around those who are not.

*Don't have your character share too much of her past until you are sure it is something you won't want to change (or have to change) later.


Examples of what I did with my character:


*She was from a Keeper group in the Twelveswood.

*Her family was one of the two families in the group.

*Calamity weakened and reduced the Shroud, so the group needed to branch out and learn more about other lands and resources.

*They sent scouts into the rest of Eorzea, and my character was one of them.

*Eventually I came up with a reason for them to disband so I could have my character join a FC of Moon-keepers.

*My character's story is now overlapping and linked with the stories of many other Miqo'te and non-Miqo'te characters.


Now I have put great detail and complexity into her back-story and origin. I added to it as I went. I never changed the core of it, but had to learn what worked lore-wise and make it fit with on-going story with other characters.


I must admit that I have been crafting her past as I have been discovering her future. However, it worked out well because you just never know where you might want to add something to the past that can tweak opportunities in the future. ;)


Yes, I went a bit nuts with this post. You will find that I do that. Welcome to the RPC...

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I have a Seeker from the Lynx (X) tribe! As do a couple people in my FC. While most have cut ties with their tribe, I do also lead a linkshell for members of the Lynx tribe called a The Lynxshell. We're working on getting some RP set up for the tribe. :)

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Well, my character Adeya is a miqo'te and was raised by a fairly traditional (and isolationist) Keeper clan. However, she has since pretty much cut all ties with them. She also rather dislikes traditional miqo'te culture (and is perfectly willing to debate people on the matter).


While she usually hangs out in Limsa, she does spend time in Ul'dah and to a much lesser extent Gridania, so just let me know if you'd like the two to meet up.

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Hello there I am the FC leader for a Keeper Clan, the Morbolvine Clan. And we actually do take in others who are not Keepers as "employees"  for what ever reason... weather it be for work or that they are looking for a place to be. 

We RP in both the Shroud/Gridania and Thanalan/Ul'dah mostly. And we currently live in Lavender Beds.


If you want to read up on us here is a link to our LS. 



If you have any interest, questions, or just help with anything in general, please send me a message here or in-game. And I will be glad to help you out in any way.   Miah Polaali, is my in-game character.

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Firstly, don't fret too much about tribe. Choose one that sounds most cool to you, and fits the background you want. Being from the Drake tribe for example will not effect your connections more that being from the Eft tribe (or any other tribe). Unless, of course, you join a group of players who RP together as part of the same exact tribal group. However, there are not too many of those.


Secondly, just want to make sure you know there is no evidence to say there are tribes -in- Ul'dah. The Drake tribe is in Forgotten Springs, Southern Thanalan, not the city of Ul'dah.


Thirdly, there is RP in Gridania and the Twevleswood, but it is not always easy to find. My FC is a group of Miqo'te (mostly Keepers) who are trying to make some semblance of a unified culture in the new era. We are from the Twelveswood, and wish to return home one day ICly, but live in the Goblet with another FC right now.


That is an example of how RP has taken us down an unexpected path.


If I may offer you advise based on my own experiences. Feel free to take or leave any of it.


*Make a vague background with plenty of room to add things as you go, and adjust things later.

*Give your character a reason to be anywhere.

*Don't limit yourself to only Miqo'te connections. That can be fun, but it can also be fun being a Miqo'te around those who are not.

*Don't have your character share too much of her past until you are sure it is something you won't want to change (or have to change) later.


Examples of what I did with my character:


*She was from a Keeper group in the Twelveswood.

*Her family was one of the two families in the group.

*Calamity weakened and reduced the Shroud, so the group needed to branch out and learn more about other lands and resources.

*They sent scouts into the rest of Eorzea, and my character was one of them.

*Eventually I came up with a reason for them to disband so I could have my character join a FC of Moon-keepers.

*My character's story is now overlapping and linked with the stories of many other Miqo'te and non-Miqo'te characters.


Now I have put great detail and complexity into her back-story and origin. I added to it as I went. I never changed the core of it, but had to learn what worked lore-wise and make it fit with on-going story with other characters.


I must admit that I have been crafting her past as I have been discovering her future. However, it worked out well because you just never know where you might want to add something to the past that can tweak opportunities in the future. ;)


Yes, I went a bit nuts with this post. You will find that I do that. Welcome to the RPC...  














Thank you so much for all the advice! I really appreciate it. Like I said this is my first time RPing in FFXIV so I will take all the suggestions and advice people are willing to give me!


I noticed there aren't too many tribe groups so that's why I kind of wanted to do a shout out hear since I wasn't sure if some where still active or not. Just really wanted to get a sense of things. And yeah, haha. I meant Thanalan. I was reading this like wait what did I say and had to reread my post! Sorry about that! Last night I was running around Thanalan and The Black Shroud looking for ideas/ inspiration and remembered there was a tribe in the Sagolii Desert and that's where I got the idea of the Drake Tribe. 


Again thank you so much for this advise and hopefully our characters can meet at some point?  ^^


My character was part of the Hipparion tribe, but was exiled. The tribe she was part of originated from Sagolii desert. But K'ailia now lives in La Noscea. Don't know if you'd be interested in that kind of connection :)


Honestly I would love anything! I do know I want my character to try and rediscover her past. Perhaps maybe she can meet K'ailia and ask for help? Right now I'm thinking that I want my character to have some sort of catalyst that forces her to leave Gridania and discover other lands/ make her want to find her tribe/ family. So perhaps on one of these adventures the two can meet in La Noscea?


I have a Seeker from the Lynx (X) tribe! As do a couple people in my FC. While most have cut ties with their tribe, I do also lead a linkshell for members of the Lynx tribe called a The Lynxshell. We're working on getting some RP set up for the tribe. :)


Yes! I was creeping around your linkshell post haha! It's kind of what prompted me to try and figure this out. By any chance, are your Lynx tribe based in the Sagolii Desert? 


While she usually hangs out in Limsa, she does spend time in Ul'dah and to a much lesser extent Gridania, so just let me know if you'd like the two to meet up.


Ooh! I'd love this. Since I want my character to have been raised fairly traditional, but I do want her to question whether or not Miqo'te culture is for her or not. I'd definitely would love our characters to meet up and perhaps Adeya might unintentionally plant the seed of doubt. It would definitely be something interesting to write out!!


If you want to read up on us here is a link to our LS. 


Yes! I'll probably PM you in a bit with more questions so I can perhaps bounce ideas with you? I'm interested in potentially joining your FC!!



If you have any interest, questions, or just help with anything in general, please send me a message here or in-game. And I will be glad to help you out in any way.   Miah Polaali, is my in-game character.











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To do our best not to have conflicting lore or mess with anyone's backstories, we decided the Lynx tribe had several different sects across Eorzea, especially with most getting scattered during the Calamity. We decided to have most of the tribe based in the Shroud, but for fractions of it scattered all across Eorzea.

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