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A Mew Miqo'te has arrived!


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Hello everyone! I'm really new to FFXIV and haven't really played many MMOs to be honest. While I'm still in the free trial, this game has drawn me in since day one! I was lucky enough to make it into Balmung and am so glad because of it. While the game itself is nice and all, it was the roleplayers who really got me to love the world of Hydaelyn. Everyone I've had the pleasure of running into so far has been in character which, along with a great first-person camera view, has given me an immersive RP experience unlike any other.


Now, onto my character. Her name is Q'lekhsi Sahno. I suppose just Lekhsi, or even Lexi for non-miqo'te, is fine. I'll be completely honest and say that her character is still something I'm developing, so I haven't jumped into anything too deep yet as far as RP goes. I still have lots to learn about her race and the world's lore. I've done a bit of reading on the subjects but it's all so complex that I think it'll take time before I'm truly comfortable and confident enough to have a more solid character.


From what I've read as far as tribes go, I'm still not sure which direction to go with that. The whole nunh thing is just strange to me. Other than that though, I really don't know too much.


For now, Lekhsi is a rather calm adventurer who has taken the path of a conjurer due to her love of nature. She finds being outdoors to be much more pleasant than indoors. Though, even a light drizzle is enough to dampen her mood. While it's great for the plants to drink up, the cloudy skies blocking the sun and the constant downpour do not paint a pretty picture in Lekhsi's opinion. On top of that, she just doesn't like getting wet very often.


I'm willing to accept any advice, resources, critiques, RP requests, etc. At the moment, I'm not really looking to join any FCs, but I do plan on joining one eventually.

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Welcome to the RPC! I hope you enjoy your time here! Don't ever hesitate to ask for help here, the people are very kind and accommodating and while it might take awhile to post most will jump at the chance to help another out. :)


I'm not playing a Seeker myself, but this thread recently popped up and it might be worth a read as it really gets down to the basics of what a lot of people here feel makes a good Seeker character: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=10025


Really the entire RP Discussion forum is a trove of information that other places on the web might not feel the need to collect, or collect in a manner that would be of any significant help. I highly recommend just reading some of the topics there, they'll all have something to absorb. :)


If you ever want to RP just hit me up in game! I'm currently power leveling Enla, a Keeper, but I can also be found on Cylin on occasion.

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Hello and welcome! And congrats for making it to Balmung!


Right?! I don't think my experience here in Eorzea would not be the same if I haven't decided to look for roleplaying opportunities~ (I'm so glad that I discovered this world of RP VwV )


Definitely take your time in using the forums, such as the thread Cylin gave, for your lore, especially that concerning the Nunh mechanic thing.... Although.... I'm curious... What is it about the Nunh thing that is strange to you? 



"May the path in the light of the crystal" be filled with many memories and experiences!

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Welcoooome...I'm really bad at welcomes.


Aww it's okay. You'll get it eventually X3






Here, perfect welcome -3-

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Welcoooome...I'm really bad at welcomes.


Aww it's okay. You'll get it eventually X3






Here, perfect welcome -3-


I think we all just bore witness to some obscure Lalafell summoning ritual...I's sure that is a good sign, LexiQ!

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I think we all just bore witness to some obscure Lalafell summoning ritual...


You're telling me. Even an F5 refresh couldn't remedy Desu Nee's complete and merciless destruction of physics just now. Not even the protective confines of the forum's borders could stop such an assault.







Where is Freelance? We need his LB3 down here asap.

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Welcoooome...I'm really bad at welcomes.


Aww it's okay. You'll get it eventually X3






Here, perfect welcome -3-


I sent it beyond the void. I have summoned.



The text primal.

*shakes with fear*



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What is it about the Nunh thing that is strange to you?

I don't know. Like, I'm just not used to the idea of having like an alpha male type of thing. I've never done anything remotely close to being related to that, so integrating it into my character is going to be a challenge for me. Nothing I can't handle, I don't think, but I'll need to read up a bit more on it and let it sink in I suppose.


Welcome! Great name choice. I use Alexis/Lexi often. Hope to see your character around!

Thanks! I love the name Lexi for some reason. Figuring out a lore-friendly spelling of the name was fun too!



Hehe, mew. X3


If you want to set up a casual RP session just send me a PM or a tell :D

I really wish I could send tells, but they don't let you do that in the free trial. Maybe in the future once I actually pay for the game.


Anyway, thanks to everyone so far for all the warm welcoming messages. You're all great! <3

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Hello and welcome!


What is it about the Nunh thing that is strange to you?

I don't know. Like, I'm just not used to the idea of having like an alpha male type of thing. I've never done anything remotely close to being related to that, so integrating it into my character is going to be a challenge for me. Nothing I can't handle, I don't think, but I'll need to read up a bit more on it and let it sink in I suppose.


I may be wrong here, but I was under the impression that it's not necessarily the Nunh that leads, and therefore becomes "alpha male", in every tribe. Sometimes he does take on the leadership role, but I think that's by no means a given...?

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Hello and welcome!


What is it about the Nunh thing that is strange to you?

I don't know. Like, I'm just not used to the idea of having like an alpha male type of thing. I've never done anything remotely close to being related to that, so integrating it into my character is going to be a challenge for me. Nothing I can't handle, I don't think, but I'll need to read up a bit more on it and let it sink in I suppose.


I may be wrong here, but I was under the impression that it's not necessarily the Nunh that leads, and therefore becomes "alpha male", in every tribe. Sometimes he does take on the leadership role, but I think that's by no means a given...?

From what I gather (Since I'm not much for the Miq'ote lore, really), the Nuhn IS the alpha male, and in many traditional tribes, his word is law. But some tribes may have multiple nuhns, so ultimately, it's a case-by-case basis. Maybe a Nuhn does a vote of what his people want. Maybe the Tia have also some control on the tribe, like in example the Forgotten Sands tribe, it's really depending on the tribe.


Again, I might be wrong, since I am not big on the miq'ote social structure, as fascinating as it is, tribe structure isn't my thing.

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Not even introduction threads are safe from derailing into Miqo'te lore discussions.


*cough Nuhns are the alpha breeding males not necessarily the leaders that is usually relegated to the huntresses of the tribe cough*


What Session is probably trying to say is that there's plenty of discussion on how Miqo'te tribes already taking place in a couple threads in the forum! Feel free to peruse the other sections and take a look at any threads that catch your interest! Some may have the answers you seek, others might be a good spot to ask for some clarification.

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As has been said, there are numerous threads for this but to briefly clarify, nunh's are typically not leaders according to the lore. If your character or any other female in the tribe wanted children then they'd be expected to go to the nunh and no other male - in an effort to produce only the fittest of offspring.


That's it in a nutshell.

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Not to keep this going, (he says, while doing just that) though it doesn't say exactly if a Nunh is considered the leader, it would make sense that the strongest of the tribe, in this can, the Nunh, would be leader of said tribe.


No as stated before, none of this isbfacts, and is just my own opinion

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Sorry! Didn't mean for it to become another miqo'te thread lol. But this is what I mean about having to figure things out before I can be more confident with my character. People all have their own interpretations of how the tribes work, the job of a nunh, non-tribal miqo'te, etc.


From what I've read, it's true that the nunh doesn't have to be a leader. I can see the leader of a tribe being more of an elder maybe while a nunh, as others have said, is just the strongest in the tribe and as many others have said, the one who is expected to help the tribe grow in strength and numbers through breeding.


So for now, while I understand if not everyone agrees on certain aspects, I'm just reading all I can, taking it all in, so I can form my own views and have a more developed character that I can get into the mindset of.

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