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LF Player for Big Brother

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Hello! I wasn't surewhether to put this on this board or in the Making Connections one. I'm sorry if this is the wrong place. >.>


I am looking for someone to play my character's older brother on Balmung. This is a bit of a complicated role as Reina has a bit of a complicated past. Her wiki is here,and you can read all about the first fifteen years of her like in the history section. It's the first two paragraphs, you'll want to read them. Below I shall try to compile all of the concrete points about her brother, but I have tried so far to make sure there's lots of room for interpretation.


To avoid confusion,my character, Reina, was born Andrea. You can read her history to find out why she goes by Reina now. Her brother would know her as Andrea Thorne.



  • His name is [youchoose] Thorne. I had his name Arael in a different game once, you can use that if you wish, or you can choose something else.
  • He's the fourth son in an old gridanian family. Pretty much nobility, or at least on the cusp, and very wealthy.
  • He's seven years older than Reina, which makes him about 30-31 right now.
  • He's sweet, a little awkward, and chivalrous.
  • He's very well educated and very proficient in sword-and-shield combat (those aren't exclusive, by the way. You can expand on that, have him know how to wield other weapons, magic, etc. those are just a few trademarks)
  • He was Andrea's(Reina's) primary caretaker for five years, when she was ten to when she was fifteen.
  • He, at this point,believes that she is dead.
  • He serves as the'steward' of the family estate as his three older brother have taken other paths. However, his eldest brother is the true owner of the home.


A few notes: Reina can't remember most of her past and doesn't know she has family. Upon starting to learn about her origins she'll probably be more than a bit of an ass. This brother character would be driven enough to get through that, but this is gonna be a rough brother-sister relationship. Big Bro understands a lot about who she is/was as a child and wants to give her a home. And probably change her back to who she used to be. We can hash that out.


If here are way that we can change this without ruining the concept that'll make this more interesting for people, I'm open to suggestions.


That is all I can think of right now. I leave off a lot of the details of Reina's history in the wiki cause I prefer some mystery when others RP with her, but should people be interested in playing this character, I will share more details and hash things out with them to make sure things work. I want to make sure that people are able to make this character a whole character instead of a plot-oriented NPC type.

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Hello! I wasn't surewhether to put this on this board or in the Making Connections one. I'm sorry if this is the wrong place. >.>


I am looking for someone to play my character's older brother on Balmung. This is a bit of a complicated role as Reina has a bit of a complicated past. Her wiki is here,and you can read all about the first fifteen years of her like in the history section. It's the first two paragraphs, you'll want to read them. Below I shall try to compile all of the concrete points about her brother, but I have tried so far to make sure there's lots of room for interpretation.


To avoid confusion,my character, Reina, was born Andrea. You can read her history to find out why she goes by Reina now. Her brother would know her as Andrea Thorne.



  • His name is [youchoose] Thorne. I had his name Arael in a different game once, you can use that if you wish, or you can choose something else.
  • He's the fourth son in an old gridanian family. Pretty much nobility, or at least on the cusp, and very wealthy.
  • He's seven years older than Reina, which makes him about 30-31 right now.
  • He's sweet, a little awkward, and chivalrous.
  • He's very well educated and very proficient in sword-and-shield combat (those aren't exclusive, by the way. You can expand on that, have him know how to wield other weapons, magic, etc. those are just a few trademarks)
  • He was Andrea's(Reina's) primary caretaker for five years, when she was ten to when she was fifteen.
  • He, at this point,believes that she is dead.
  • He serves as the'steward' of the family estate as his three older brother have taken other paths. However, his eldest brother is the true owner of the home.


A few notes: Reina can't remember most of her past and doesn't know she has family. Upon starting to learn about her origins she'll probably be more than a bit of an ass. This brother character would be driven enough to get through that, but this is gonna be a rough brother-sister relationship. Big Bro understands a lot about who she is/was as a child and wants to give her a home. And probably change her back to who she used to be. We can hash that out.


If here are way that we can change this without ruining the concept that'll make this more interesting for people, I'm open to suggestions.


That is all I can think of right now. I leave off a lot of the details of Reina's history in the wiki cause I prefer some mystery when others RP with her, but should people be interested in playing this character, I will share more details and hash things out with them to make sure things work. I want to make sure that people are able to make this character a whole character instead of a plot-oriented NPC type.


If I wasn't going to being spending a lot of time away from the game (new baby on.the way!) I'd say I'd be perfect for this role, I have 2 younger brothers and 3 younger sisters. Role-playing a big brother would be super simple for me!

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I was thinking a big brother house type event.. what is my mind up to?

*Looks into the camera*


"I mean, he just keeps talking....doesn't he know to shut up? He stole the damn peanut butter and he knows it!"


*Camera cuts back to the house*


-was Big Brother style joke-

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That... well I'm just gonna say right now all three of those posts made me laugh. xD


Someone's already talking with me about making this character, though! I'll keep it up until things are properly decided but it looks to be about resolved. :D


Hope it works out for you!

If you ever see me around walk on up and say hi!

(either IC or OOC)

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