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The Whispervine

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[align=center]Welcome to the Whispervine![/align]






[align=center]The Whispervine is an OOC networking and information-sharing linkshell located on the Balmung server for characters who have ties to the Eorzean underground! Our goal here is to put people spread across the server but with similar themes in their roleplay in contact with one another, to not only stir up more opportunities for roleplay but to give the often 'handwave-y' nature of the larger underground picture some much deserved love and life![/align]


[align=center]Please read through the tabs to the right for more information on what the linkshell is and what resources we offer. Most importantly, if you would like to join, be sure to read the rules! And as always, if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to post them here or send a /tell in-game to me on either Xheja Rajhera or Meiko Amano.[/align]




Questions & Answers




If this is an 'underground' LS, does that mean that everyone is evil / criminal?[/align]

[align=left]No, no! When I say 'underground', I don't specifically mean just the evil-aligned, morally-black, mustache-twirling bad guys that stalk the streets. This LS isn't limited in that way, and is just as inclusive of players of characters of other alignments and motivations who have somehow found themselves implicated in the underground scene.



[align=left]Then what do you mean by 'underground', exactly?

The way I'm choosing to define it for this LS's purposes, 'underground characters' simply refers to characters whose jobs, hobbies, circumstances, affiliations, etc. are not suitable to be "advertised" openly amongst the general public. The 'underground' itself is the ambiguous phrase referring to the web of connections between these types of characters and organizations in the form of rumors, reputations, interactions, "friends-of-friends", etc.[/align]


For Whispervine's purposes, it also includes people who perhaps aren't directly involved in the underground themselves but have connections to it, such as information brokers, law enforcement, bounty hunters, etc.


Can you give me a more concrete example of the types of characters that you consider 'underground'?

Of course! Here's a small list of potentially 'underground' character types that I had in mind when I created the LS. Keep in mind, though, that it is by no means all-inclusive!


Thieves, burglars, muggers, and highwaymen. Smugglers and other black marketeers. Fences of illicit goods, and buyers of illicit goods. Information brokers and spies. Saboteurs. Assassins and common thugs. Those involved in businesses like prostitution, the drug trade, etc. Loansharks and debt collectors. Craftsmen of goods fit only for private markets (i.e. poison-makers, illegal/controlled weapon types, etc). Various groups or individuals who keep the underground "under control", such as the Rogues of Limsa, bounty hunters, etc. Crooked law enforcement, merchants, and people in other positions of power and/or influence. Those who are associated with companies, groups, or other businesses that have underground ties and are thusly implicated, such as organized crime rings, street gangs, bandit groups, etc.


I'm not part of the LS, but I need a thief / assassin / etc. for a plot. Can you help me?

We would love to! As much as we're here to connect underground types to each other, we likewise want to give the scene overall a sense of life and activity in the community as a whole. To that end, our website forums are open and viewable to the public. You're welcome to look over character profiles, RP hooks, etc. there and get in contact with those you think would fit your purposes. 


Otherwise, feel free to ask myself or someone else you know that's in the LS to make a call in LS chat / post on the forums for you. (Such as, 'Hey guys, I've got a friend who is needing an information broker with information on XYZ for a plot. Is there anyone who can help her?')




[align=center]Note:  Please note that as of 03/01/2015, this linkshell and the associated website are not complete. As such, things are subject to change. Please be sure to keep an eye out for a future announcement for when everything is finalized![/align]



[align=center]Joining the Whispervine[/align]


If you would like to join the linkshell, please take a moment to read the rules in their entirety. Be sure you understand them and agree wholly to adhere to them. I expect all members to be on the same page in regards to this, and the excuse 'I didn't know that was even a rule' will never be acceptable if an incident arises.


After you have read the rules, the quickest way to get a pearl to to get in contact with an officer directly in-game. A list of current officers & recruiters is as follows:


  • Xheja Rajhera / Meiko Amano (Owner - US Central)
  • E'shtola Halha (Recruiter - US Pacific)
  • Leggerless Hanzou (Recruiter)
  • Aeron Volkova (Recruiter - EU GMT +1)

If you are unable to catch an officer or recruiter online, you can also apply for a pearl through the Linkshell Website. Simply navigate to the 'Join' tab once you've had a look around, and then complete the short, simple application. (Really! It's not a long, tedious application at all, I promise!) If you don't care for website membership, you can also post here on the directory thread. However, please note that asking for a pearl on this thread is the slowest method.


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[align=center]Questions & Answers[/align]


How many alts can I asked to be invite into this linkshell?

I have decided to set the limit of alts allowed per person in this linkshell to two (2) characters. I'll keep an eye on the growth of the linkshell and potentially raise or lower the limit, pending the interest and availability of slots.


Can I get a pearl on my PVE / non-underground RP alt?

At this time, the answer is 'no'. Unfortunately, this takes up one of the few LS slots that could be filled by someone who may actually need it on their character.


I've retired my character / changed to another alt. Can I keep my spot in the LS, but transfer my linkpearl?

Absolutely! If you decide you want to change over one of your existing two pearls over to a different alt for any reason, please contact an officer to arrange a transfer of linkpearls!


My friends / RP partner / free company would be really interested in joining. Can you invite them?

Of course! Just politely ask an officer or recruiter to invite them and give us their names, and we'll get them a pearl ASAP! Of course, please make sure that they have also read and agree to our rules before joining!



[align=center]The Rules:  A Must Read![/align]


The rules are always an extremely part of any group, and the Whispervine is no different! If anything, it is more important, given the fact that 'underground' RP can sometimes lead into IC events and OOC discussions/ideas/philosophies that vary greatly between players.


Be sure to read the rules in their entirety. Everyone get one warning before they will be removed from the linkshell;  however, if the offense is serious enough to warrant it, a warning may not be given and the player(s) and all their alts may be removed.


If you ever have an issue with someone breaking these rules, please take screenshots of the conversation (if applicable) and contact an officer with them. We will do our best to assist you and resolve the situation.


[align=center]- - - - - - - - - -[/align]


[align=center]Rule #01:  Be courteous and respectful -- to everybody![/align]


In this linkshell, we fully expect all members to treat each other with courtesy and respect at all times, no exceptions. You don't have to like everyone, but you do have to be civil towards everyone. This includes refraining from making passive-aggressive, snippy remarks and the sort. If you've got nothing good to say, then say nothing at all. If you feel like you're in such a mood that you can't hold your tongue, then kindly mute LS chat until you settle down.


More serious offenses like racism and other forms of discrimination, derogatory terms, etc. are under a zero tolerance policy, even if you're "joking". You will be removed swiftly and disallowed from rejoining in the future.


Essentially, it all boils down to this:  We're all grown here, so let's act like it!



[align=center]Rule #02:  Chatter is allowed, but be mindful of others.[/align]


Idle, friendly chatter between members is very much encouraged in this linkshell. However, please also be mindful of what else is happening in linkshell chat. If someone is trying to set up an RP hook/event/etc., please hold back on the unrelated chatter out of respect. We're here to mingle, but more than that, we're here for the RP first and foremost!


That said, there are a few banned subjects from LS chat:  Real-world religion, real-world politics, real-world morality, pro- or anti-ERP/MRP discussions. This list may be expanded upon in the future as necessary. It's not that I don't believe these are topics worthy of discussion or that they can't be debated civilly. This just isn't the place for it.



[align=center]Rule #03:  Dark and mature themes are private-channel only.[/align]


We are aware of the fact that dark, mature themes often come up in underground style RP, and many of us do participate in these styles of RP. However, while The Whispervine is an 18+ Only linkshell, it is not dark/mature RP exclusive and thus caters to a wider audience. Everyone has varying levels of 'okayness' with these themes for various reasons that must be respected by everyone.


As such, we ask that you please take all detailed discussion of mature / adult themes (sexuality, violence, gore, and other 'squick' material such as sexual violence, torture, etc.) to a private channel. We even provide a special tag on the website forums to mark 18+ discussions, roleplays, advertisements for RP, etc. However, you are allowed to mention these very vaguely and in passing in LS for visibility's sake (i.e. 'Hey guys, I just had an idea for an RP hook, but it's dark-themed and mature. If you're interested, /tell me or check X titled thread on the forums!')



[align=center]The Website: Optional Resource[/align]


I've started up an Enjin website for the Whispervine, located here. Membership to the website is totally optional and offered only as a resource for people to better keep track of the characters involved in this large RP circle, create and respond to calls for related RP hooks, and even as a secondary source for people to conduct forum RPs when they're unable to RP in-game.


Even if you choose not to join the website, the forums are open for everyone to read. You will also be able to read about news and announcements there, even if you aren't a part of the site. However, to actually post anything yourself, you must be a registered member.


To join the website, simply navigate to the 'Join' tab and fill out the quick, easy application form! I promise, it won't take you but maybe three minutes to complete!



What if I already have a linkpearl in-game? Do I still have to complete the application on the site?

Yes, for simplicity's sake. Applications on the website make it easier for me to get everyone rounded up in one spot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[align=center]Whispervine Status Update:  March 2015[/align]



[align=center]March 12th, 2015[/align]


Just a quick update about the LS! So far, we've enjoyed a lot of interest in the LS and pulled in quite a few people. We've also enjoyed some early successes, too! People meeting, mingling, setting up RPs, and simple one-off scenes blossoming into unexpected miniature plots, and still other members getting some bigger things ready to throw into the fray soon. 


Add all this to a community of people that have, so far, been very friendly and helpful. Overall? Things look very, very promising for The Whispervine!




[align=center]Another few things that have changed or you should know that have happened:[/align]


1.)  After a unanimous vote (15-0) amongst a majority of the current LS members, we have decided to make the Whispervine an 18+ Only linkshell. This really changes little about the LS. Explicit and 'squick' content is still strictly private channel only. We just have a tendency for our joking around to get a little rowdy on occasion!


2.)  The linkshell website seems to be a success so far, even though I'm still working as time allows to finish it all up! We're getting character profiles up, and I've added a new forum recently for others to introduce their underground-related RP groups, as well. As always, website membership is encouraged but not mandatory.


3.)  Now that we've got our feet off the group, I would like to begin enlisting the help of a few more 'Recruiters' - basically, people who will help me get people into the LS and website faster. Please note that it's not an Officer position, however, and is solely for volunteering to help the community grow. If you're interested, let me know! ♥



[align=center]People whom have expressed interest but I still haven't found in-game yet:[/align]


[align=center]Rhuya'tan Maivha[/align]

[align=center]Enzo Dubhthach (alt)[/align]

[align=center]T'shina Vashka[/align]

[align=center]Caelia Salinas[/align]

[align=center]A'to Meme[/align]

[align=center]Synglona Eyrinebbwyn[/align]

[align=center]Aris Frey[/align]

[align=center]Ardent Ghost[/align]




As always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them here or contact me in-game as Xheja Rajhera or Meiko Amano! Likewise for joining, though you can also contact E'shtola Halha or Leggerless Hanzou or apply through the website if you're interested! Thanks!

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Love, love, love this LS <3


Agreed, only been in it for a short period and it already feels like home. :blush:


Come and join us, people viewing this thread~ One of us~ One of us~


Aw, shucks, you two~! ♥ Very glad to have you both in the LS as well!



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  • 2 weeks later...

/raises hand


Would love to get in on this. Will keep an eye out when I'm at the keyboard and pop into the site.


Sounds good! I'll keep an eye out for you. (: If you catch them on before me, E'shtola Halha, Leggerless Hanzou and Aeron Volkova also can send invites!

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Vet returning for a new bout, and would love to join the network. Need to go ahead and try to update Riken's wiki page (at the very least get a general timeline going), as I stopped using this site when I joined my group pre-hiatus, and there's a lot of development that I was too lazy to notarize on here. D':


Cheers, mates!



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  • 4 weeks later...

I might be a little early on this but will you be accepting Au Ra characters into the LS as well? I've been poking and planning about with mine and he's shaping up to be (unless some lore bomb explodes the concept somehow) something of a smuggler/scout/thief.


We absolutely under no circumstance will we ever accept an Au Ra character into this linkshell!


(Just kidding, haha! :P A good deal of us are foaming at the mouth waiting for 3.0 to make / fantasia into Au Ra ourselves! Just hit us up whenever you'd like an invite!)

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I might be a little early on this but will you be accepting Au Ra characters into the LS as well? I've been poking and planning about with mine and he's shaping up to be (unless some lore bomb explodes the concept somehow) something of a smuggler/scout/thief.


We absolutely under no circumstance will we ever accept an Au Ra character into this linkshell!


(Just kidding, haha! :P A good deal of us are foaming at the mouth waiting for 3.0 to make / fantasia into Au Ra ourselves! Just hit us up whenever you'd like an invite!)


Thaaaaaaanks :D Funny enough, I actually think I saw you ingame yesterday/last night maybe? I was on my Elezen and had to stop and squint because the name looked familiar.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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