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So I am a 'new' recruit to FF XIV.


 As in I am going to Download the Benchmark when I go to bed this evening so it runs while I am sleeping.


I am looking into Roleplaying Servers ( that was how I ended up here, googling " FFXIV Roleplaying Servers".


 I am female, 26, and  have a BA in English literature! (Yes a soft liberal Arts Degree, but you know what it makes a game like FF fun and fantasstical.


I've been playing Final Fantasy since it was in the Single Digits! (I think IX was my first one, and then VIII, then X (and that is when I got kinda hooked on all things FF).



I've been roleplaying for.. gosh 10 plus years... via the internet which has allowed me to me really wonderful people like you all!


I am also a North American Player (Hurry up SPRING!)

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So lets talk, getting into a Server: Someone said that its actually kinda 'hard' to get into a Server (a.k.a Gilgamesh/ Balmung), because they don't open for new characters that often.. Truth?


This is sadly true. Best bet is to try just before/after a maintenance, which isn't a weekly thing now either so keep your eye on the Lodestone for announcements. People tend to post on this thread too when the server is open to creation. Failing that, you can always create on another server, wait 3 days and pay for a transfer which is £12 ($19?).

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But considering I am going to spend  50.00 for the Collectors Digital and then the 15.00 monthly fee and then... ontop of that.. the 20.00 transfer free.. seems a bit much.. at once to just get into the server I want.. hmm


Which is why we often recommend trying to make the character around maintenance time so you can get them over onto the server. It's a pain, yes, but it's one we have to deal with until SE fixes the crowding issue.


It did seem to be lightening up for a bit for a while. Folks were able to make characters at other times, usually around... what 5-8am EST on weekdays? Sometime around there. With the free return week event going on, though, I don't know how if that's still the case. Might be worth checking out, at least?


Otherwise, yeah, you'll have to pay for a transfer. Or start a character on another server and see how you like the game first, and have something to play around with while you're paying the monthly fee and waiting for an opening to make your RP character. And then, if you decide you want to transfer instead at that point, you have a character ready to move over with some levels already under their belt.

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If you're considering getting into the Balmung server, be prepared to wake up early. It was usually open for me around 8 CST, but it may open even earlier than that. For both my characters, I had to wake up before that time to get them in, and I had to hoof it with their creation. Prepping appearance data ahead of time would be a good thing.


Anyroad, welcome to the wonderful continent of Eorzea. Avoid the Missing Member and do not taunt the Lalafells.

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In addition to the tips being given on when to get onto the Balmung server, I highly suggest making a character beforehand. You'll be able to save all of the appearance data and be able to access it immediately when you find a server opening.

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Perish the thought, (man this download will take days), though I am curious, what is the best way to work through getting onto say a Free Company, and indeed a linkshell?


I am trying to get into  Balmung (when it finishes downloading), but  I'd really like to get my foot in the door since I'll be on the free trial, and won't have use of Shout/Tell/ or the market boards ect... as a free player I'd like to have some community to fall back on.

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And I quote:



[*][Linkshell Restrictions]

  • - Linkshells cannot be created by Free Trial characters.
  • + However, Free Trial characters can join already existing linkshells.

[*][Free Company Restrictions]

  • - Free Trial characters cannot join free companies.

[*][Party Restrictions]

  • - Free Trial users cannot invite other players to their party.
  • - Free Trial users cannot recruit party members via the Party Finder.
  • + However, Free Trial users can be invited to parties and use the Duty Finder feature. (in-game matchmaking system)



 so it looks like I can join  Linkshells... which are apparently seperate from Free companies.

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Linkshells are indeed different from FCs. Linkshells are what I'd like to liken to permanent chats while FCs are guilds. The Linkshells tab above has a variety of them that you may peruse and post in asking for questions/advice. You can probably post there seeing if you can get the invite there.

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