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    Adler Dufaud
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  1. Honestly, timing and presentation have a lot to do with what makes any particular comedy bit funny. Just read a transcript of a stand up comedian’s act and I doubt much of it will have the same effect as listening to and seeing it performed. That presents a problem with our mostly text based RP. It is a swell idea, of course, but would be difficult to pull off even for someone with a degree of skill at such things. That said, I would encourage you to try and if it doesn’t work out, you can always go the route of your character being a struggling or not-very-good comedian. The sorts of situations that might get you in would be worth quite a few OOC laughs at least.
  2. Always nice to have more friends, especially ones that can keep me alive when I fail to run away bravely from bad engagements.
  3. Needs moar bangaa
  4. Awesome! I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for her as she sounds like quite the handfull.
  5. Hello! I'm a new player to FF14 that came to play on Balmung with a group of friends since the server was open. Unfortunately, we had a falling out but I've found I generally enjoy the game and the world, and have been searching for new folks to do stuff with. Currently, the character I've sort of worked out is of a less-than-wholesome variety. A highlander male with a penchant for firearms, boasting, drinking, and gambling. A bit of a hothead and not keen on subtley, perhaps not the first choice for a delicate heist but a fair hand at a smash-and-grab. Adept with machinery and repair but secretly terrified of flying. Still much more to develop but this is more or less what I have come up with so far! Appearance wise, I'm using art from a previous character I have had, which can be found at this link! Currently seeking everything from friends and employers to rivals and everything in between. I'm generally on a bit later in the US evenings, around 9:30 PMish PST for a few hours and sporatically during the mornings M-F but my weekends are sometimes more open but generally stay the same with my current work schedule. But if interested in talking about what we could do, feel free to contact me either here, in game on the character Adler Dufaud, or on Discord @Adler#1134 Thanks!
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