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MSQ and Primals Rant

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Oh man that is a loooooong time.


As allgivenover mentioned, I really recommend shouting for help for any 'older' trials like that. Now everyone is over-geared it only takes 5 minutes, so there are many kind strangers willing to help, especially if you can offer the solidery bonus (but often they'll just help any way). I've done it a few times when seeking a tank for Hydra/Chimera and someone has always come along.


I can't get on for another hour but send a /tell, or I'll send a message, if you still need a healer/DPS for it, or anything else. :)


Edit: I mixed up names oops.


Edit 2: I also forgot to answer your question. ._. Cape Westwind for me. I think it was around 2 & a half hours?

PvP queues are always awful, which is disappointing 'cause I really like those lv 40 gears. :K

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Oh it has to be MSQ? Damn, can't include my 4 hours waiting in PvP while I was atma farming.


The longest I've waited is 2 hours for Cape Westwind and that trial is lvl49 so no damn soldeiry bonus for anyone that joins. No one wanted to join because it didn't give bonus soldiery.

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Any EX Primal:

  • You never drop my pony
  • I have no problem walking new people through the fight. I was new too once! Also, not a power-player in complete ironworks ready to devastate. But it hurts my brain when new people queue and do not speak up while having no clue how the fight works!
  • If someone in the group makes a mistake, don't be a jerk and berate them. Mistakes happen and nothing is more obnoxious than captain dick talking about how we would not have wiped if not for x person.
  • If someone is just too bad to bear, just initiate a vote to remove - no need to be nasty about it.



I like the narrative but it gets tedious running errands and delivering chocolates to orphans when moments before you were tasked with stabbing a primal.


On the positive side, I like that most things can be skipped and reviewed later in the inn rooms. Good job on that, SE!

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Dear lord! 


I don't think I've ever spent that long online, let alone in a que 0.o 


I salute you. Normally I just run my expert daily afyer the usual 15 minute wait and if no one is rping, I log. I honestly don't play this game for the game part. I play cause of rp. Lol.

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My queue times last night were all around 15-25 minutes which really isn't that bad, not bad enough to complain.


The thing thats really bugging me though is once I hit 50, which was yesterday - first job at 50 yay!, is that people just really don't seem to care about those doing these things for the first time.


Ever group i join, I announce that I'm new and no one says anything or bothers to explain a fight. Even though i looked them up on YouTube before queuing. Also people go so freaking fast that its hard to keep track. I really don't mind all this as I've been playing MMOs for long enough to have tough skin and not be bothered by people but damn if new 50's aren't shrugged off.


Not trying to derail your thread, i just saw an opportunity to rant and took advantage.

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I used to get at least 3 hours of queue for EVERY FUCKING THING as a ROG/NIN when I first got into the game. After getting 307 minutes in queue for Garuda story mode, I decided I'd never play a DPS job again. And that's what I did. I erased that character and started again as GLA. Without even liking to tank, I just wanted to be able to play without sitting around for hours.

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@ Septha - PvP queues have always been long ones for me too. Luckily, PvP in this game hasn't been able to keep my interest unlike other MMOs, so I don't need to deal with those xD


@ Leanne - Queues are terrible for that, you can sit there for hours and nothing. The moment you get up? There goes your queue lol


@ Mongi291 - Any DPS queue during the release of NIN was a nightmare. I remember staying away from dungeons unless I had my own tank/heal for almost 2 month. >.>;;


Also, a HUGE thanks to Ilwe'ran and J'azhar for saving me from the queue and offering to tank!:love:

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My queue times last night were all around 15-25 minutes which really isn't that bad, not bad enough to complain.


The thing thats really bugging me though is once I hit 50, which was yesterday - first job at 50 yay!, is that people just really don't seem to care about those doing these things for the first time.


Ever group i join, I announce that I'm new and no one says anything or bothers to explain a fight. Even though i looked them up on YouTube before queuing. Also people go so freaking fast that its hard to keep track. I really don't mind all this as I've been playing MMOs for long enough to have tough skin and not be bothered by people but damn if new 50's aren't shrugged off.


Not trying to derail your thread, i just saw an opportunity to rant and took advantage.


By all means, rant away! I get what you mean though, when it comes to the fresh 50 things, people are just speed running these days. It can get overwhelming for new people. If you ever see me on, feel free to poke at me. I don't mind running old things with newer people.


Also, congrats on making it to 50! \o/

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DPS queues are forever ridiculous :/ It's the nature of the beast when you and everyone else wants to play the pewpew classes by an overwhelming margin. Here's hoping Heavensward will make tank/heals cool again (well, kind of -- I love healing and I also love the almost instaqueue, so it's not exactly advantageous to me since I'm already benefiting from the imbalance <_<) to help smooth things out a little more.

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Queued for Titan EX a week or so ago with Nick and they can totally back me up when I say the queue took two hours before we finally just gave up. Two attempts, both almost lasting an hour, no dice. The same thing happened with Ramuh Hard for me not much later, a seventeen minute wait time went over an hour... And I was queue'd as a healer both times.

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Queued for Titan EX a week or so ago with Nick and they can totally back me up when I say the queue took two hours before we finally just gave up. Two attempts, both almost lasting an hour, no dice. The same thing happened with Ramuh Hard for me not much later, a seventeen minute wait time went over an hour... And I was queue'd as a healer both times.


I believe you! Me and a friend (A healer) waited 5hrs on Ramuh while messing around(Had time to cook, eat, do laundry and other random things lol) before we gave up and started to look for help xP.

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