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Hello there!


I picked up a copy of Realm Reborn at the start of the month and I've been having a blast playing so far. Figured I should pop round and introduce myself!


--MMORPG background:

I've been playing MMO's for a while now since picking up Dark Ages of Camelot a few months before Trials of Atlantis was released. I've played WoW, Everquest 2, City of Heroes/Villains Warhammer Online, The Old Republic, Guild Wars 2 and Wildstar. In every MMO I've played , I've rolled a healing role where possible (No dedicated healing role in GW2 gave me all of the sad faces)


--RP experience:

I've been Roleplaying for nearly 11 years now starting with PnP games like Shadow Run and Vampire the Masquerade. I didn't really start RPing in MMO's until I started playing EQ2 and have been RPing in MMO's since then.


--Character ideas/info:

Jino'ya Traore [sCH]: A shy, somewhat bumbling Miqo'te Keeper with a love of stories and a penchant (See addiction) for apples. He wants nothing more than to travel with others so that he can chronicle their adventures.


Nananji Jojonji [MNK]: An ale swilling, foul tempered Dunesfolk smuggler with a strong passion for brawling.


--How did you learn about the coalition?:

I found the site after looking for "Final Fantasy XIV Roleplay EU" in Google.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?:

Medium - While I'd like to experience other aspects of the game (and ye gods there looks like a lot to do!) I'd like to focus a bit more on the Roleplaying.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc):

I'm based in the UK and when I'm not working or gaming I'm usually doodling or working on my writing project.


Looking forward to seeing you all in-game!

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WoW, Everquest 2, City of Heroes/Villains Warhammer Online, The Old Republic, Guild Wars 2 and Wildstar.


Shut up and make babies with me, that's a hell of a list :3


Oh, and uhh... hi! :3 Should probably get that in there, somewhere.  Welcome to FFXIV, the RPC, and Balmung, fellow UK player.  May your RP be plentiful, interesting, and varied :love:


Fingers crossed our paths cross IG sometime.

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