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--MMORPG background


EVE Online primarily. Excuse my rambling and/or insane posts, I come from a community of psychopaths.


--RP experience


How is it even hard for some people to RP? It's basically taking a role and acting it. But, uh, I'd say extensive. With many regrets.


--Character ideas/info


Planning on making my character a belligerent drunkard with serious issues. I mean, I can do a good cynical drunk. 


--How did you learn about the coalition?


Used to RP pre-ARR. I think I had an account here, but the email I used was more than likely wiped from the provider's database more than a year or two ago. My character was some female Miqo'te with a name with too few syllables. Nhir Nimba, I think? Hells if I remember.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?


Medium-Heavy. I enjoy going OOC when I need a break.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)


I shoot plastic pellets with Chinese made "toy" guns in an warehouse-turned-arena if that answers your question. :^)

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Ah, welcome! I am another EVE alma mater.


Welcome to where people actually just want to have fun.


Played EVE regularly from 2008 to 2013. Joined FFXIV in 2013. Have not looked back since.

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Ah, welcome! I am another EVE alma mater.


Welcome to where people actually just want to have fun.


Played EVE regularly from 2008 to 2013. Joined FFXIV in 2013. Have not looked back since.


Thanks for the welcome, man. So, from a scale to Meh to It's all Ogre what was your reaction to the Monocle-WIS incident?

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Ah, welcome! I am another EVE alma mater.


Welcome to where people actually just want to have fun.


Played EVE regularly from 2008 to 2013. Joined FFXIV in 2013. Have not looked back since.


Thanks for the welcome, man. So, from a scale to Meh to It's all Ogre what was your reaction to the Monocle-WIS incident?


Business as usual for EVE! Behold an MMO with a high budget and actual development! edit: (as in this MMO)

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Ah, welcome! I am another EVE alma mater.


Welcome to where people actually just want to have fun.


Played EVE regularly from 2008 to 2013. Joined FFXIV in 2013. Have not looked back since.


Thanks for the welcome, man. So, from a scale to Meh to It's all Ogre what was your reaction to the Monocle-WIS incident?


Business as usual for EVE! Behold an MMO with a high budget and actual development! edit: (as in this MMO)



Well, CCP devs HAVE been caught drinking on the job. Fanfest 2013 (2014?) was hilarious when one of them had a hangover during an interview.

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I noticed the many regrets *hugs* that is not uncommon and yet we are all still here doing RP.


Given what you say about Med/Heav RP and liking OOC chat I'd maybe try on of the larger Free Companies (guilds) as they tend to have that ongoing chatter. Though there are many smaller FCs that are really really nice if you can find one that suits you.


Additionally the Linkshells offer great places for OOC chatter and a large group to be involved with, I'd definitely get on a few of those that seem interesting to you.


Se the Linkshell section at the top of the page.

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