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Recruiting for a troupe (but not solely music based)

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Not sure how to describe exactly, but myself and a few others are trying to put together a group of people who are... the best term we kept coming up with was "hippies" because the "G word" is apparently a slur, I've learned. Anyway.


The group, while composed of several performers (music, dance, etc.) also offers services in the way of tarot readings, crystal and herbal healings, things like this (i almost want to describe it as being a witch, but not in the sense of a conjurer or black mage. not to say noone can have those abilities, though). There is no super special story arc for them right now, but moreso just a group of people coming together over similar interests. 


It will be linkshell based, not FC, too. The moral compass is pretty moot, too, so far. There are a couple thief-y little rebels involved but the general motto is to always be ready to accept the consequences of your actions.


The group will be called Animagus (as in a combination of the terms/definitions of Animism/Anima and Magi/Magus and nothing in relation to harry potter, noone here is a shapeshifter.)


Just wanted to post and see if anyone was interested in joining us. The group itself primarily lives off the land and will likely show up to festivals and events in the future to offer their services. They generally move in a caravan, tents, whathaveyou, but if you join the group you are not obligated by any means to stay with them 100% of the time.


Things are still being put together and the like. Some things, such as tarot readings, are still being kept kind of vague until we see how the arcana is represented in Eorzea. etc.

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Noted, Flynt. I admit that's always the first term to midn when I'm trying to describe this group, but most of the RPers I meet flutter about tumblr, so I tread carefully.


As for timezones and such, any timezone! It's just a general group of RPers, not any specific event. I'm sure we'll attend and perform at some in the future, though.

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Gypsy has been and can be used as a slur.


That said, there are official Rom groups who use the term "gypsy" to officially describe themselves -- so as with many words out in the wide, wide world, your mileage may vary. I don't think it is a tremendously widespread slur -- but do remember it's slang for "egyptian" as back in the day Europeans thought these people were from Egypt and so kinda derisively referred to them as such (the etymology is pretty fun).


(traveler or tinker is a decent alternative, but I still use 'gypsy' when I want to refer to a group of people who wander, have a specific set of skills, and generally aren't met with open arms)



That said, this sounds like fuuuun. Nice concept idea!

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Thank you! (both for the compliment and the information)


It is not my intention to offend anyone by any means. So even if it really wasn't a slur, I've seen people get pretty upset by it. So I avoid it altogether (although, learning that it is a slur makes things confusing, at least in America. So many things use the term so freely. But I digressss)


But yes as for the primary inspiration for this group it was "gypsies" in the sense of travelling dancers and fortune tellers, etc.

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I think Nebula, witch in training, would fit in well. However she would have to be more a friend of the troupe as she has other commitments.


She is very much from that alternative side of life and is also a performer. If you also need alternative healing or charms or dream catchers or alternative herbal highs she could supply.

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This has also caught my interest! My little Doman refugee has found herself in an Ul'dah that is increasingly hostile and after a tour of La Noscea, she's decided to see more of the world. I'm currently working adapting omikuji and Japanese divination into the mechanics of the game and would certainly like to explore the possibilities.

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I really welcome all people to join. As of right now, a large portion of the members want their involved character to be an Au Ra, so it looks like the full launch of the group won't be happening until Heavensward comes out.


However, until then, we're all still tossing out ideas and brainstorming for things that we may or may not want the group to be a part of. Here is a general quick list of some points I'd thought of regarding the group and had posted on tumblr:



- troupe name is Animagus, taken from terms anima/animism and magi/magus. (Not harry potter)

- aesthetic? I guess.. Inspiration coming from romani (i dont wanna use the G word but I would be lying if it didnt come to mind for explanation?), alphonse mucha, hippie, bohemian… Lotsa folk stuff too

- the base concept is inspired by IRL crafts such as witchcraft, divination, voodoo, as well as other such cultures. Each thing will be researched and implemented in a way thats lore friendly.

- some current services offered range from herbal healing/natural remedies, crystal healing, divination (tarot, tea reading, etc.), charms, spells, music/performance.

-the group is neither morally good nor morally bad. The leader has a strong belief in everything happening for a reason, that people need a safe place from others. However, she also believes in accepting the consequences of your own actions. Unless you’re like a serial killer just for fun thats kinda no bueno.

- the group will be LS based not FC

- your character doesnt need to stay with the group all the time. Just keep in contact with the pearl!

- there will be plans to perform at other players events, or our own. Also to offer tarot readings and what not

- all races, clans, and genders allowed

- as said earlier, if you’re a thief or something ophelia doesnt care. Do not put the entire troupe in jeopardy though, she will be upset. This is a -home-!


Thatsss uhhh. Off the top of my head, there. I feel like i might be forgetting something, but i cant recall.


Like i said, open to ideas and suggestions, whether you are gonna join or not!

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My advice would be to start the LS on a loose set of principles and let the RP shape it in some way. Like an actual community. Though you will need to main some control so it keeps within the IC concept.


I suppose I am saying.. when can I have an invite? :)

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Yep! That is the idea. Keep it loose to start. I know lthere have been lots of stress in the community lately so I thought it'd be good to keep it light for now anyway haha.


Invites soon! Need to scoot off and make the LS, probably today

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