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Gauging Interest

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So, I've had this idea rattling around in my head for a while and I'm deciding to try and see if other people like it.


I've observed the Grindstone and its booming popularity from afar, never really having characters to interact there much. With my recent reroll, that might change, but that's going off on a tangent. Anyway, I (and many others, obviously) enjoy that combat RP, the thrill of competition, and all of that made me realize there's an entire other side to these kinds of events.


Where the Grindstone focuses on the training and combat atmosphere, I want to run a different sort of event from my FC house. I want to host some fights where the focus is less on the combat (though there will obviously be a good portion of focus on that), and more on the sport and the gambling. These fights would be bare knuckle brawls that spectators would be encouraged to place bets on.


There would be other forms of gambling available at the house, including possible Triple Triad tournaments and any other house games. I toyed around with Blackjack using the /random dice roller, but I think a rolz room would be more suitable to something like that.



Would you be interested in:

-Fighting, spectating, or betting on underground bare knuckle brawls

-Other games of chance, for RP or real gil

-Triple Triad tournaments for real gil

-Illegal or borderline-illegal activities: drug trade, information trade, den of iniquity-type things

-Paying a small, real gil cover charge to pay some of the participants (fighters, tournament winners, etc)


If any of these things are something you'd like to participate in, especially as a fighter or employee, let me know!

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I think it'd be very interesting to see :) I'd be interesting in spectating it. If it gets held at a time where I am still awake, I do have an alt that could help out as an employee no matter how illegal things might get. 

I quite like the idea of betting on people, though I'd probably be most in favor of not letting it involve real gil.

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Time would probably be Mondays sometime between 5pm and 10pm Eastern US time to start. But that's dependent upon my current schedule, and I'm in the process of hiring into a new job. So I'm not quite sure yet.


An alternative (but one that I think sounds better on paper than in practice) is to do the underground scene properly and do random days and times.

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I would be rather interested in this, especially in watching and betting on fights.  But, I would be very much leaning towards not having real gil involved.  Besides, the most fun bets never involve money anyways!


As for times, if you make it too random to begin with then nobody will know when to come.  So, I would personally suggest a fixed time/date, etc.

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This sounds interesting!


Just keep in mind you'd have a lot of moving parts to sort of monitor. It's not secret that I'm pretty immobile during the bulk of the Grindstone, and that's mostly due to tracking all of the fights and settling questions and making sure nothing explodes that isn't supposed to. If you're having 1) fights and 2) bets and 3) RP, as a host you're going to have a lot of things to watch to make sure they don't boil over.


...or not! It's possible that you'll have a solid crew who keeps it from being too much. If the betting is without real gil, that's an easy thing to keep handled because no one's being cheated "for real." If you've got house fighters who are just going with the flow and not using dice, you don't have to worry about making brackets or "booking" matches beyond the start of the night.


Looking forward to see how this develops!

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Told you many months ago, whatever you do, you got my support :)


Oh, but when I tried to get Domri killed, I didn't have your support then!



The betting real gil idea was just as a means of compensating the people taking the time out to involve themselves and is by no means something that has to happen. I never intended it to be really expensive, either. Grassroots level, 50-1,000 gil probably (because of the seedy element of cheating and whatnot, but that can be RPed with fake currency too). Nothing that will be missed. Since there's a lot of opposition to the concept, it's easily discarded.


If I can get enough people to do 2 or 3 fights, maybe I can push to do this on July 13th (two Mondays from now).

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