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EU time-based Adventuring Linkshell Interest Check

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Hello there!


I’m doing a little research to see if I can drum up any interest in a linkshell idea that I have had brewing for a while. The basic idea is adventurers/mercenaries/random folk from all walks of life and nationalities that are drawn together out of coincidence or fate. The catch is the majority of things (at least from my end) would be organized around EU prime time!


What I’m aiming for here is to create a kind of “mobile adventurer’s guild”. A group that has come together and helps each other with jobs and other problems. I’m kind of looking to create a ‘Final Fantasy-esque’ story and I see this linkshell as serving what connects the different 'party members' together. We’d create our own ‘MSQ’ to play through in a way!


What I'm really pushing for is ways to broaden my RP contacts and to also keep things fresh for myself and others. I have some story arc ideas in mind (general ideas that are due to change via member actions) but I would also love to witness other people’s stories and be able to get involved. I've always had a bit of a struggle with developing RP outside of a FC, so I'm hoping for this to change that, really!


The linkshell would be an IC linkshell, though should there be a demand then I would be willing to set up a second OOC LS as well for those who wish it.


The kind of RP I’d be looking to actually do through this is:


  • Journeys and traveling. Although aetherytes are part of the game world, I really enjoy RPing a long journey from one location to another with stop offs at cities/towns in between. Reasons for this would be along the lines of items we need to transport are not able to be moved via aetheryte or some other simple idea. I'd be hoping to create journeys with side distractions such as helping a town out with poachers or bandits and the like!

  • IC Dungeon Runs. Not much more to this! Although there would, of course, be some lore changes. It wouldn’t be us running through Snowcloak chasing after Lady Iceheart, for example. Perhaps dealing with a closed off group of heretics is the reason we’re inside. Lots of fun to be had with that!

  • Campfire RP! Getting to know and bond with the other adventurers sharing the journey with you. Also a lovely way to wind down for the evening!

I’m always open to suggestions and ideas, as well! Please let me know if you would be interested in this kind of thing. Please send me either a PM here or message me in game (Seidan Buhen) and hopefully we can get some stuff sorted!

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Going to give this a little bump as we get closer to EU prime time! Had a few pokes showing interest, so it's looking very positive. Any ideas/thoughts would be welcomed! Give me a poke via PM, in this thread or in-game if you're interested. I'll be looking to get something set up over the next week or so I imagine. :)

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Hey, im from the UK and i'd totally be up for this. I was actually looking for some RP very similar to what the OP described. Count me in! 

Although, my character is quite heavily chaotic but in a comedic sort of way. Kind of like a comic relief character with a real stick up his arrogant arse. 


Could create some nice character conflict/development though amongst the party. Although i'll make sure never to go overboard or disrupt thr flow of the story. 


Long story short..... is that ok? xD 


- Ember :bomb:

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Hello there, I'm in EU too and newcomer in Balmung.

Although my character will probably not fit in this kind of RP storyline, I'd be glad, however, to meet you and see if we can figure something out ^^


My character names is "La Pacificatrice".

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