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Maelstrom Command

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Last updated 6/6/2017


Maelstrom Command RP LinkShell


Recruitment is open!


We are looking for IC Maelstrom soldiers, Knights of the Barracuda, Yellowjackets, Foreign Levy, Privateers (Trade Sails, War Sails, and Black Sails), Mealvaan’s Gate assessors, and characters who are officially on the books as contractors/freelancers under the Maelstrom’s employ. If that’s you, hop aboard!


**NOTE: Main characters only for freelancers/contractors. Alts are fine for all other IC roles!**


Maelstrom Command is a RP LinkShell, and Discord, community dedicated to bringing Maelstrom roleplayers together for fun, Grand Company themed roleplay. And, as an added bonus, we're here to serve the FFxiv RP community in all of its law enforcement needs! Assuming those needs aren't out of the Maelstrom's jurisdiction, of course. ;]


We operate primarily as an OOC Looking For RP LS that hosts LS and server wide events periodically. Members are encouraged to create Maelstrom themed RP for the LS – whether one on one or LS wide.




  1. Read the Rules, Ranks, and Uniform Requirements in the above tabs
  2. Fill out this Character Sheet, per character you wish to add: http://tinyurl.com/join-mc-ffxiv
  3. Contact a LS leader to let them know you've submitted a character, either by replying to this LS thread or by whispering a Leader in game

LS Leaders:

  • Ojene Suinuet
  • Sounsyy Mirke
  • Sylbfohc Ostulmsyn (LS Owner, but try the other two first)

We have a FC as well for the sake of having a themed house (Mist W2:P51) open to all LS members, but we’re still LS focused. Joining the FC is not required! All communication takes place in the LS and in Discord.




  1. Think about what you’d like the Maelstrom’s IC involvement to be (friends or foes?)
  2. Figure out a loose timeline (we prefer 10 days in advance notice minimum if possible)
  3. Fill out this Event Request form: http://tinyurl.com/mc-ffxiv-event-request
  4. Sylb will contact you and figure something out!




"To the Skies!"

June 2017 - August 2017


This is a LS-wide, multi-event storyline that we’ve created to lead us into Stormblood ICly. We’ll partner with a handful of other RP LinkShells & Free Companies for fun cross group mini events.


ICly, the Maelstrom’s 1st Squadron, 9th Levy (AKA Mist 1-9, led by Storm Commander Sylbfohc Ostulmsyn) has been tasked with building the Grand Company’s first war airship. Having an airship outfitted for battle would mean that the Maelstrom could police the skies, following illegal skypirate outfits upward as well as keeping a more effective watch for Garlean approach.


It would also greatly improve the Maelstrom’s reaction time to realm-wide threats, and as the keepers of the first airborne war ship, Mist 1-9 will become the Maelstrom’s first responders, able to reach crises that ground and sea Units wouldn’t be able to reach in time. And, with threats rising toward the East, skyward mobility couldn’t come at a better time...


In order to achieve this engineering feat, however, Maelstrom’s Mist 1-9 will require aid from the brightest minds and most dependable hands that the realm has to offer.


Will you aid the cause?


'Til sea swallow all!



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post last updated June 24, 2017




That's right! After 8+ months of searching, we finally got a large plot in the Mist!!


We'll be moving to Mist Ward 7, Plot 2 in Stormblood patch 4.1 (assuming that this is the patch where the FC house moving features are implemented)


Maelstrom Command LS NEWS:

  • Interviewed for an IC article for the Crystal Chronicle
  • Maelstrom Command struck a deal with the Realmsward Initiative IC
  • We kicked off our To the Skies RP plot with a briefing event
  • We got a Mist Large!!
  • Stormblood released :o
  • We're taking a few weeks off of RP to play through the content


Updates Archive




April 9, 2017



Recruitment is open and we've adjusted our policy to include freelancers, foreign levy, and Maelstrom soldiers of all IC ranks – not just Captains and lower. :moogle: Main characters only for freelancers, please. Alts are A OK for Maelstrom Soldiers.


If you're looking to join, please note that we adhere to the classic rank structure of lore. A squadron commander in the new barracks model is not quite the same thing as a classic Storm Commander. ^_^ Need a classic lore refresher? We've got you covered: http://tinyurl.com/mc-ffxiv-lore


We are currently:

  • Planning our next LS-wide RP plot series
  • Actively recruiting new members!
  • Constructing new & improved armor for FC airships
  • On the look out for a Large plot in the Mist (always and forever ;])



January 7, 2017


:moogle: After a break for the Holidays, we're back and recruitment is open! :moogle:



  • Sounsyy Mirke joined the LS Leaders team! She'll be helping with recruitment
  • We're beginning brainstorming as a community about what we'd like to see more of RP wise for FLEET this year
  • We're beginning to plan mini-plots that will lead FLEET into the 3.5 MSQ
  • Event request submissions will reopen soon




October 9, 2016



Recruitment will reopen this week with some fab LS/FC-wide updates:

  • OOC Rules have been updated
  • IC Rules have been added
  • Lore based Units structure will be implemented ICly
  • Character Sheet has been overhauled to include Sylb's IC file on your character
  • Required lore-based Dress Uniforms have been updated
  • Required lore-based Field Uniforms have been added
  • DoM adaptations of the Field Uniforms have been created


We've also...

  • Completed the first chapter in our first LS/FC-wide, server plot – The Limsa Lominsa Bombings
  • Created a Maelstrom lore Google doc that LS/FC members add lore bits to as they discover them
  • Created a LS Member Handbook containing all of the info that our Members need in one handy place
  • Been doing a major crafting & gathering push to make enough gil to buy us a Large plot in the Mist


More to come! Stay classy, Eorzea 8-)




August 28, 2016



Phew! It's been a busy 2 weeks since our official launch! Here's what we've been up to:


All this and more to come! We have more bombing related investigation RP this week, and IC bunk assignments for our LS members next weekend.




August 13, 2016



Aaaand, we are launched, people!




All IC Maelstrom personnel are now welcome to join! To do so, read the information at the top of the page and follow the instructions to join!




August 7, 2016



Things are going great! Here's what we've accomplished this week:

  • Chose an official launch Date – August 13!
  • Planned out our server-wide launch RP event and chose a date (will advertise soon)
  • Planned out our first two reoccurring LS-wide RP events and chose dates
  • Unlocked the last of our Airship & Housing Prototypes
  • Finished decorating the LS/FC House
  • Began constructing a new fancy exterior for the house
  • Formed some new partnerships
  • Continued gathering lore


Approximately one week until official launch!! :bouncy:




July 31, 2016



Our official launch is just a couple of weeks away! :moogle: In the meantime, we're still moving forward with our pre-launch preparations.


Here's what we've accomplished this week:

  • We got a house!!! Mist (small) W2:P51 will be the IC location for Maelstrom Command LS/FC
  • We've established partnerships with a handful of related LinkShells & Free Companies
  • We've established support partnerships with a handful of reoccurring server-wide (La Noscean) event coordinators


We're always looking for more partners! Being a partner LS/FC of Maelstrom Command just means that we keep each other in the loop and support each other by participating in each other's RP events where needed and in whatever way is needed.


Maelstrom Command generally offers:

  • IC law enforcement presence at reoccurring RP events
  • IC enemies (in chase and battle) opposite to pirates and sky pirates
  • IC allied support for groups petitioning for help in their quests
  • IC investigation into matters troubling other groups
  • Continued IC support for Doman refugee groups
  • etc. etc.!


Keep in mind, however, that groups seeking IC battle/enemy status with Maelstrom Command need to be just as willing to lose as they are to win! Battle outcomes will be discussed OOCly ahead of time (if your group needs to win in order to advance your plot) or left to fate with /random rolls.


We seek to create realistic chase & battle scenarios in which both sides win some and lose some. It should all be in good fun OOCly. No one has time for sore losers. ;]


We will continue to work on building our lore base, making partners, and planning out our first handful of events.


More updates to come!


~ 'Til sea swallow all ~




July 23, 2016



We're now ten members strong! Still OOC until our official launch in mid August 2016.


Our major OOC push from now until official launch is LORE! We're collecting as many lorebits about the Maelstrom, Knights of the Barracuda, Yellowjackets, and Limsan & La Noscean history as we can get our briny hands on. The goal – to have a solid lore based foundation to build upon and to have a handy compilation of all-things-maelstrom lore for anyone who's looking!


If you're a lore monger who'd like to help, contact me (MoenMoen) here in the RPC or in game on Sylbfohc Ostulmsyn and let me know!


Apart from the great lore hunt, we've accomplished some other cool things this week as well:

  • Posted our first FC/LS announcement on Tumblr
  • Hit Rank 7 for the Free Company
  • Started reaching out to other FC & LSs about possible future IC partnerships
  • Launched the Maelstrom Command Discord channel
  • Started planning our first server-wide RP event


Goals for this week:

  • Continue the search for a Medium house in the Mist
  • Schedule our first server-wide RP event
  • Lore, lore, lore!


If you're interested in joining during this OOC kickoff period, shoot me a message here in the RPC or in game on Sylbfohc Ostulmsyn. I'll ask you to fill out a character sheet for each character that you want to add, and then toss each character an invite to the LS!


Until then, onward we sail!






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I play as a member of the Maelstrom and frequently spent my time on Vylbrand. I already have a FC and maxed out LS space atm, but if you need help with anything, I'm always willing!


I am an EU player, so my time is a bit tricky, but I happen to be a bit of a lore freak and I do my best to study Lominsan lore intensively.


I would love to meet you guys!

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I play as a member of the Maelstrom and frequently spent my time on Vylbrand. I already have a FC and maxed out LS space atm, but if you need help with anything, I'm always willing!


I am an EU player, so my time is a bit tricky, but I happen to be a bit of a lore freak and I do my best to study Lominsan lore intensively.


I would love to meet you guys!


Oh, excellent! If you're on Discord, we've got an OOC discord channel that you can tune into too if you'd like. I struggle with being maxed out on LS slots too. The struggle is real ;-;


PM me for an instant invite code.


We are in the midst of a major lore review now – gathering as much Maelstrom/Vylbrand related lore as we can so that we can compile it all in one place. So, if you've got any lore resources for me, I would gladly take them!


Other than that, we're just planning out our first few events and looking out for a Medium house in the Mist!

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July 31, 2016


Our official launch is just a couple of weeks away! :moogle: In the meantime, we're still moving forward with our pre-launch preparations.


Here's what we've accomplished this week:

  • We got a house!!! Mist (small) W2:P51 will be the IC location for Maelstrom Command LS/FC
  • We've established partnerships with a handful of related LinkShells & Free Companies
  • We've established support partnerships with a handful of reoccurring server-wide (La Noscean) event coordinators


We're always looking for more partners! Being a partner LS/FC of Maelstrom Command just means that we keep each other in the loop and support each other by participating in each other's RP events where needed and in whatever way is needed.


Maelstrom Command generally offers:

  • IC law enforcement presence at reoccurring RP events
  • IC enemies (in chase and battle) opposite to pirates and sky pirates
  • IC allied support for groups petitioning for help in their quests
  • IC investigation into matters troubling other groups
  • Continued IC support for Doman refugee groups
  • etc. etc.!


Keep in mind, however, that groups seeking IC battle/enemy status with Maelstrom Command need to be just as willing to lose as they are to win! Battle outcomes will be discussed OOCly ahead of time (if your group needs to win in order to advance your plot) or left to fate with /random rolls.


We seek to create realistic chase & battle scenarios in which both sides win some and lose some. It should all be in good fun OOCly. No one has time for sore losers. ;]


We will continue to work on building our lore base, making partners, and planning out our first handful of events.


More updates to come!


~ 'Til sea swallow all ~

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August 7, 2016


Things are going great! Here's what we've accomplished this week:

  • Chose an official launch Date – August 13!
  • Planned out our server-wide launch RP event and chose a date (will advertise soon)
  • Planned out our first two reoccurring LS-wide RP events and chose dates
  • Unlocked the last of our Airship & Housing Prototypes
  • Finished decorating the LS/FC House
  • Began constructing a new fancy exterior for the house
  • Formed some new partnerships
  • Continued gathering lore


Approximately one week until official launch!! :bouncy:

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So many members joining already! THE HYPE IS REAL!!


Thank you for making this FC+Linkshell and putting such good work and time into it Moen~ I look forward to RP'ing and building this community with you all!!


D'awww. Thank YOU for all of you hard work and for just being you! :3

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I've been looking for something like this since Faolan joined the Maelstrom ICly :D I went ahead and filled out the character sheet!


Huzzah! :moogle: Ojene Suinuet will keep an eye out for you tonight. If we miss you tonight, then we'll watch for you throughout the week. Thanks for the sheet!

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I've been looking for something like this since Faolan joined the Maelstrom ICly :D I went ahead and filled out the character sheet!


Huzzah! :moogle: Ojene Suinuet will keep an eye out for you tonight. If we miss you tonight, then we'll watch for you throughout the week. Thanks for the sheet!


Thank you! I usually get off work at around 8 PM EST so I should be available after 8 PM every day c:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I just have to say, I'm BLOWN AWAY by the level of detail and organization in your guys' FC! I took some time to take a peek at your FC house in the mist and it brought a tear to my eye. :cry:


If my native Limsan ever decides try try and be strong enough to join the Maelstrom, I'd love to sign up! When recruitment is open, o'course. :P


Again, REALLY well done and I can't wait to see more of you folks in action!

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