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Au Ra looking for all types of connections

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Hello! :)

I have very little experience with this so please let me know if I'm doing anything wrong. 


Brief Introduction

Past: Aris is (yet another) Au Ra recently arrived in Ul'dah. She is a traditional Raen in her mid-to-late twenties, spending her previous life in one of the larger societies in Othard. After a grievance between an Xaela tribe and her settlement, Aris became a diplomat between the two clans with hope that they could work alongside each other in the future if they were to cross into each other's territories. She's trained with a lance and, while she still has a lot to learn, is a capable fighter, with hope of learning how to use her fists more in battle.


Current: Having left the settlement due to the Garlean forces, Aris has travelled to Ul'dah following a lead trying to find a previous acquaintance, and in the long run make a new life for herself.


Making Connections:

I don't know anyone ICly yet, so am open to any sort of connection, even negative relationships if your character isn't friendly towards Au Ra. Anything and everything. :P


As well as make new connections, I'd love to find some past relationships for her too.


Ways our characters may have met previously include:

  •  Met in Othard
  •  Xaela from a tribe she may have met
  •  Trained together
  •  Traveller from the journey to Ul'dah
  • Someone who could teach her cleaner & more skilled fist fighting

The only thing I'm not inclined towards is a family member or love interest (would prefer that to happen naturally).



I still consider myself new to roleplaying, and while you may have seen me lurking the site I have next to no experience with the real thing. Please keep that in mind if you prefer to have a more experienced roleplay partner. Light, medium or heavy roleplay is all fine with me, although some lighter conversations to start with would be helpful.

*Aris is also a semi-permanent name, and I plan on changing it to fit the naming conventions soon.


Replies, PM or in-game /tell to Aris Frey are the best way to contact me

Thanks very much for reading!

I hope her character is okay, I've never discussed it with anyone before. :blush:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just started recently and am planning to transfer to Balmung this week, but I chose to place Ornlu among the Dotharl Xaela to hopefully make it easier for other Au Ra (or non Auri) to engage him with a hostile disposition. 


Ornlu probably won't be "evil" - more like "certainly NOT-wonderful" - but the ruin that the Dotharl leave behind them rarely keeps him up at night. He is also proud to have been named for a dragon; in his eyes, a most fearsome beast, and is delighted that this gets some people pretty riled up. Particularly those Ishgardians.

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