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Traveling medic/researcher looking for friends

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Hello RPC!


My character, Sera Fawles, is a traveling medic and researcher currently stationed in Thanalan. She travels from camp to camp, and likes to spend only a few days in one location before moving, her time mostly spent on her studies and research.


I'm fairly new to the roleplaying community of Final Fantasy XIV, so I'm mainly looking to make friends or contacts and just meet new people in general! My character is constantly moving and isn't tied to one location, as such she can be found in multiple places depending on your needs at the time (if your personal story line doesn't permit you to be in some other location).


Sera specializes in recovery magic, but would rather not use it as she believes it attracts the wrong kind of attention. She prefers natural remedies and more often than not makes her own. Her main goal in traveling to different camps and communities is to research new ways to make ointments and medicine. She's motherly, philosophical and an all-around free spirit.


I'm open to suggestions and I also do not have a FC right now (or linkshell for that matter). So if your character ends up wounded in the desert somewhere, gets a heat stroke or is just generally lost and needs a helping hand, hit me up! I'm always happy to help.


Also forgot to mention my playtime is usually during the day/evening EST. Thank you!

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I think her and Kaiz could pair up well. Kaiz is a wandering Xaela from the Kha tribe who is interested in exploring Eorzea to learn new things to bring back to his tribe one day. He's a sort of pugilist/hunter/survivor with a lot of wilderness experience.

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You could bump into Nebula anyplace, she is a healer but rather strange, think Pratchett's witches.

Also you would be welcome in Hugs &Cake Linkshell, where quite a few would be happy to RP with you I am sure.

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Thank you to everyone that replied and messaged me in-game! I can't wait to get things started.


@Kaiz: My character would really like to meet a fellow Au Ra, especially if he's an explorer. I'll keep my eyes out for your name around. Feel free to message me if I don't get to you first!


@Erik: Aye! I chatted with Cliodhna a bit last night and I'd definitely be interested in eventually joining your FC. I looked around on your website and it being military based, we might have to meet IC a few times and talk a bit but we can work something out for sure!


@Nebbs: Sera would love to meet other healers! I'll try to message you in-game when I can. And I'd really like to join the Linkshell (they're kind of under-utilized right now I feel) whenever we get a hold of each other.

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