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New and LF RP on Balmung!

Mina Rhaal

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Hi there, I'm new to the game (I just started when Heavensward released) and I'm having a blast. What a fun game and a great community. I've only done some minor RP so far (I've been busy leveling), but I'd like to start doing more. 


I have a list of my FFXIV RP characters on my tumblr, but I'm mostly interested in contacts for my main, a midlander named Mina Keatley. 


A bard and adventurer, Mina lives in Gridania. She's an outgoing character who will talk to anyone, hang out in taverns, go on adventures--perfect for all kinds of RP. Let me know if you're interested in setting something up; I don't know many RPers and am eager to start.


Slowly I'll get around to creating a wiki and such, but I wanted to say hi!

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Good luck with the wiki! They can be super helpful in getting people to engage with you, and learn a little more about your character.


My character has a history in Gridania when he was a child and a teenager, but visits from time to time, and may be visiting more. If you find yourself wanting for connections, feel free to let me know.

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Welcome and hope you are enjoying it sofar. Feel free to hit me up for RP, I may be able to entice others along also.


If you have not done so already, check out the [RP Linkskell & Free Company Lists for Balmung] for things that suit you. A Linkshell is like an in game chat channel and you can have 8, and a Free Company is like a Guild.


Feel free to come join us in [Hugs & Cakes Link Shell] where there is a nice positive bunch of RPers.

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Salutations!  Hope you're enjoying the RP on this fine sever.  I am envious of your diligence to grind out the MSQ into HW.  I've been mired in so much RP as of lates that I can never force myself to grind through the remaining quests.  


Anyhow, feel free to send a tell my way in-game sometime for some RP.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Aya's currently in Gridania for a while (which is really pretty rare for her!) and I'd be happy to RP sometime.  She's similarly outgoing and likes to have a good time while out ^^


She's also a former barmaid at the Carline Canopy!  Not sure if that may be a useful tie-in.

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Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome! I've met some great people on Balmung, and am looking forward to fun RP!


I made a wiki page for Mina that may help establish some connections.


Again I really appreciate all the responses. You guys are the best! I have a list of people to contact.

Hey, just started up on Balmung myself. Our active times match up. Feel free to add me in game... Xehn'a Hmyr

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