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Oh No! ~ Looking for RP

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The wind was whipping through Limsa Lominsa as a small storm blew in. Janasia stood just inside the archway leading to East Hawkers Alley, chatting with the tinker and completing her purchase.


"Ye best hurry, miss, or ye gon' get soaked." The tinker handed her the small cloth sack, giving the dark haired girl a wink. Janasia nodded and handed the tinker her gil and took the bag.


"Thanks again." She flashed a quick smile and turned away just in time to hear her name being called.


"Janasia! Janasia!"


She turned to see her friend, Ane'ir coming towards her and waving what looked like a stack of parchement in his hand. He paused in front of her and held out the pages.


"These came for you at the club." Ane'ir smiled, an impish gleam coming to his eyes. "Can I be your first customer?"


Janasia reached out to take the pages, grining at Ane'ir. "Sure." She replied just as a heavy gust of wind and rain blew through Hawkers Alley, ripping the pages away from her grasp.


"Oh no!" she gasped, as she and Ane'ir watched in horror as the flyers she'd commissioned took flight. They scrambled after them, looking like they'd lost their minds,jumping after pieces of paper dancing on the wind. They were able to catch most but it seemed the storm had a mind of its own and teased the two by twirling several of the pages around and around their heads before carrying them away.


Higher and higher some twisted in the wind before disappearing over the side of the railing. Over and under, around and around, the winds carried the flyers to differnet parts of Limsa. A few found their way onto an airship bound for Gridania, the soggy flyers sticking to the side of the airship as it left its dock. Down below, flyers drifted down to Limsa's lower docks and stuck to a few travelers who were hurrying thorugh the rain towards a waiting ship bound for Versper Bay.





Hi Everyone!

I'm looking to branch out and make more RP contacts.  As part of my character's background, she works as a masseuse for her FC. 


The great thing about this flyer is that:

 1. It gives us a reason to get in contact with one another! 

 2. The first session is free! Actually, all the sessions are free, I only want you for your RP, not your gil. :D

3. It doesn't matter your background, everyone likes free things!

4. It promotes RP!


I am EST and on fairly regular during the evenings so feel free to send me a friend request. In-game name is Janasia Morgan.


PS. It doesn't have to be RP regarding Jana's work. I'm open to making connections of all sorts and looking to expand her story and having her grow ICly.


PSS. I was really nervous making this post so forgive me for all the typos and Lore flubs in my story.

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Walking along the docks in the rain was as close to bliss as Nebula knew. The scent of the sea, the weather on her face and the feeling of freedom that she got from Limsa. Life could not be better, and as if in answer her nose twitced with a warning.


The flyer landed over her eyes, her familiar, Xym, did that anoying thing of getting between her feet and her oversized robe joined in by getting caught under her heel. The world spun and she would have fallen forever if not for the sea that caught her.



So it was a drenched and dripping Nebula that stomped through Limsa, a witch's frown clearing the way. The flyer in her clenhed fist her first clue in finding a target for her wrath. Though a free massage while her robes dried and maybe some hot chocolate could go some way to compensating her... Yes a very big mug of hot chocolate, and a cake

.. no, two cakes.

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There was a bit of laughter from among the trees outside of Gridania as the Delivery Moogle made his way past branches with the days delivery. A couple Elvaan kids being disrespectful tossed rocks near the moogle causing it to jump and weave and losing a scrap of paper that floated away on the wind.


Aiswynd was just outside the inn in Gridania doing his morning routine of stretches to try an loosen his ever bound up muscles up when he suddenly was assaulted by a flyer that landed on his face. He held it away for a moment as he read it and furrowed his brow. An hour later, a message was sent off to one Janasia Morgan asking if the first massage was indeed free, and if she was skilled enough to work through Au Ra scaling.

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