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New RP server.

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Look, this is probably a silly question, but given how full both Gilgamesh and Balmung are, are there people on this forum who'd be interested in starting a third RP server.


I'm on Ultros now, and I know tons of people who wanted into Balmung, but couldnt ever find it open.


Are there enough people out there now to take over a low pop server and make it our own?

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Theres just not enough RPers on Ultros to RP with consistently.  I know plenty between various FCs and linkshells and what not, or people who would RP if their was more of an RP community, but theres just no real RP infrastructure or tradition to encourage people.


I havent found a good way to bring lots of RPers together on Ultros.

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Coordinating RP on a neutral (or hostile) territory is painstakingly difficult, and I don't envy anyone trying to colonize for that reason. If you've got contacts, why not try to get together for ? IC dungeons, random gatherings, what have you? If /s would draw bad attention, you could always work on it in /l or /p to get some ground laid out?


I'm obviously just spitballing; Knowing none of the people involved, I can't offer anything resembling real advice or insight.

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One of my favorite rp communities only has 20-30 people active in it. You don't need a Balmung size group for good rp, just for ease of finding open world rp.


My advice? Don't try to start a rp server.


Try to start good rp with what you have.


"I know plenty between various FCs and linkshells and what not, or people who would RP if their was more of an RP community"


You know what I'm fond of saying? I only need one person to build a fulfilling, engaging rp experience. Start rping with people. Build your stories. Be interactive. Be welcoming. But don't focus on the server, focus on the people you have and what you can do with them. Then once you've got your group and your rp, talk to newbies here who are looking for more of an intimate rp experience (don't falsely advertise), tell them what you have going on, see if they're interested.


It's far easier to build off a core then to just tell people to 'come here, some of us want to rp!'


You rp first. The rest comes with time and consistency.


edit - because honestly? The only way you'd attract me to another server is if you say 'we did this and this rp, and this kind of storytelling and these twists and these sorts of characters and we're having a blast!' Then I go 'ooh, that kind of plotting? Those kinds of characters? I like that kind of stuff. I wanna rp with you guys.'

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One of my favorite rp communities only has 20-30 people active in it.  You don't need a Balmung size group for good rp, just for ease of finding open world rp.


My advice?  Don't try to start a rp server.


Try to start good rp with what you have.


"I know plenty between various FCs and linkshells and what not, or people who would RP if their was more of an RP community"


You know what I'm fond of saying?  I only need one person to build a fulfilling, engaging rp experience.  Start rping with people.  Build your stories.  Be interactive.  Be welcoming.  But don't focus on the server, focus on the people you have and what you can do with them.   Then once you've got your group and your rp, talk to newbies here who are looking for more of an intimate rp experience (don't falsely advertise), tell them what you have going on, see if they're interested.


It's far easier to build off a core then to just tell people to 'come here, some of us want to rp!'


You rp first.  The rest comes with time and consistency.


edit - because honestly?  The only way you'd attract me to another server is if you say 'we did this and this rp, and this kind of storytelling and these twists and these sorts of characters and we're having a blast!'  Then I go 'ooh, that kind of plotting?  Those kinds of characters?  I like that kind of stuff.  I wanna rp with you guys.'

I dont necessarily think you are wrong, but I RP all the time, and the people I meet are generally quite nice about it, and I have a couple good RP partners, but arranging for those people to hang out together regularly, to build something together isn't necessarily practical.


I had kinda figured when I made this thread that either A. there was a sort of tertiary server that a small group of people were using or that B. there was a good reason for not forming that server, and having looked at that other thread I can definitely see the argument against it.


That doesn't mean everyone can just build their own RP community out of whatever disparate RPers are hanging around.


Can you have satisfying, even wonderful RP experiences with one or two people, maybe even a small group, sure, but thats far different than actually being able to build a community without a lot of assistance.

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Trying to colonize another server for RP because of a few individuals' hesitation to spend $18 for a transfer is like trying to convince us all that starting over in the development of clothing is a good idea.


"Hey guys! Who wants to wear loincloths? Loincloths are a good idea, right?"


"Not really, because over here we have pants, and pants are pretty great. Seriously, just spend the $18 to buy some pants and come hang out with us. It's not even that much money."

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I dont necessarily think you are wrong, but I RP all the time, and the people I meet are generally quite nice about it, and I have a couple good RP partners, but arranging for those people to hang out together regularly, to build something together isn't necessarily practical.


I had kinda figured when I made this thread that either A. there was a sort of tertiary server that a small group of people were using or that B. there was a good reason for not forming that server, and having looked at that other thread I can definitely see the argument against it.


That doesn't mean everyone can just build their own RP community out of whatever disparate RPers are hanging around.


Can you have satisfying, even wonderful RP experiences with one or two people, maybe even a small group, sure, but thats far different than actually being able to build a community without a lot of assistance.


What I'm saying is to build your core, and then build off your core. But ... okay, well, this is my opinion about people in general, and rpers in particular. So, keep that in mind.



Most people want to be involved in something bigger. They want to join something that is moving. They want to come in, see what's going on, and then do their own thing alongside or with that. Most people, when they see something already exists, will be more likely to join that (because they know it works, and they know it won't die).


So, with two servers already going, the prospect of a third that might possibly go belly up or not provide what someone is looking for in particular is not going to appeal to a lot of people. This is not counting the fact that still more others don't want to split up the rp community more than is necessary.


People need a reason.


So when you say "are there people on this forum who'd be interested in starting a third RP server." what people hear is "are you willing to put time and effort into building something that might go belly up."


And for a lot of people that answer is no.


What you're really looking for is an organizer. An active person (two or three working together is a good start, imo). Because this -- "That doesn't mean everyone can just build their own RP community out of whatever disparate RPers are hanging around." says to me "we need someone who will bring people together to rp regularly."


This -- "but arranging for those people to hang out together regularly, to build something together isn't necessarily practical." is totally doable, and in the context of building a new place for people to rp in, is the practical thing.




I used to function as a raiding recruiter. My guild was built around people with careers. It was semi-hardcore, and on a small server. I had to sell it to people with sometimes four or five characters who would then spend money to transfer all of those characters to our server. But before they would, I had to prove to each and every person I wanted in my guild that we had quality people, a plan, and that we were having fun.


So when I see the topic of another server come up, what I see in my head (to be blunt) is: does anyone want to organize and lead rp on another server?


And if the people bringing up those topics aren't willing to do that, it ain't gonna happen. In the end, it doesn't matter about practicality, or whether or not another one is "needed" or any of that. What matters is how you go about recruiting people to your cause. When it comes to rp? The first step is to build an active core community. The second step is to advertise/recruit for a specific purpose. The third step is to deliver and be consistent. Build it and people will come. Will it be another Balmung or Gilgamesh? I don't know. But can you have a small, thriving community on another that caters to a certain kind of rper, that maybe grows over time? You bet your ass.

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I dont necessarily think you are wrong, but I RP all the time, and the people I meet are generally quite nice about it, and I have a couple good RP partners, but arranging for those people to hang out together regularly, to build something together isn't necessarily practical.


I had kinda figured when I made this thread that either A. there was a sort of tertiary server that a small group of people were using or that B. there was a good reason for not forming that server, and having looked at that other thread I can definitely see the argument against it.


That doesn't mean everyone can just build their own RP community out of whatever disparate RPers are hanging around.


Can you have satisfying, even wonderful RP experiences with one or two people, maybe even a small group, sure, but thats far different than actually being able to build a community without a lot of assistance.


What I'm saying is to build your core, and then build off your core.  But ... okay, well, this is my opinion about people in general, and rpers in particular.  So, keep that in mind.



Most people want to be involved in something bigger.  They want to join something that is moving.  They want to come in, see what's going on, and then do their own thing alongside or with that.  Most people, when they see something already exists, will be more likely to join that (because they know it works, and they know it won't die).


So, with two servers already going, the prospect of a third that might possibly go belly up or not provide what someone is looking for in particular is not going to appeal to a lot of people.  This is not counting the fact that still more others don't want to split up the rp community more than is necessary.


People need a reason.


So when you say "are there people on this forum who'd be interested in starting a third RP server." what people hear is "are you willing to put time and effort into building something that might go belly up."


And for a lot of people that answer is no.


What you're really looking for is an organizer.  An active person (two or three working together is a good start, imo).  Because this -- "That doesn't mean everyone can just build their own RP community out of whatever disparate RPers are hanging around." says to me "we need someone who will bring people together to rp regularly."


This -- "but arranging for those people to hang out together regularly, to build something together isn't necessarily practical."  is totally doable, and in the context of building a new place for people to rp in, is the practical thing.




I used to function as a raiding recruiter.  My guild was built around people with careers.  It was semi-hardcore, and on a small server.  I had to sell it to people with sometimes four or five characters who would then spend money to transfer all of those characters to our server.  But before they would, I had to prove to each and every person I wanted in my guild that we had quality people, a plan, and that we were having fun.


So when I see the topic of another server come up, what I see in my head (to be blunt) is: does anyone want to organize and lead rp on another server?


And if the people bringing up those topics aren't willing to do that, it ain't gonna happen.  In the end, it doesn't matter about practicality, or whether or not another one is "needed" or any of that.  What matters is how you go about recruiting people to your cause.  When it comes to rp?  The first step is to build an active core community.  The second step is to advertise/recruit for a specific purpose.  The third step is to deliver and be consistent.  Build it and people will come.  Will it be another Balmung or Gilgamesh?  I don't know.  But can you have a small, thriving community on another that caters to a certain kind of rper, that maybe grows over time?  You bet your ass.

This is a pretty fair assesment.  Ive  tried doing some RP organizing of my own.  I generally have the time, but just, not the actual abiltiy to do it, s you are right, I am looking for an rp organizer over anything else.  I'm not lazy and looking to foist that sort of work off on someone else, but I just dont quite know how to get it going by myself.

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Just spend the money and transfer over. If you're looking for RP, it's worth it cause there's never a shortage of it. I'd prefer everyone be on Balmung so we can all RP and meet new people. But, honestly don't be stubborn, spend the money, we don't really have trolls, maybe once in a blue moon they pop up, but for the most part even people that don't RP are very welcoming and it's a pretty good community.

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It is still possible to get into both servers. You just need to know when. Generally just after downtime. Waking up early is a small price to pay to get on the server you want.

If your rolling in green paper currency money you can just buy a transfer after getting the character above a certain level on another server and waiting for a few days for it to be enabled.

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Sidenote: Siren has been an unoffical RP server for a while. They've been building the RP community there for almsot a year, I believe? Decent sized if you want something smaller than Balmung.


Can confirm. I've been on Siren for a little bit now, came over when Heavensward release was making queues ridiculous. 


Edit: Rather than try to vaguely explain the finer points of the RP community, which I've only recently begun to start delving into, I'll just post this. http://sirenrp.enjin.com/

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