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Engineer looking for FC and companion

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Nicholas Holt ニコラス・ホルト: Nick is an aspiring machinist and is a smart Midlander, in the sense of mechanical stuff. He and his family hail from Ala Mhigo, but when the Empire took over, his father Lufaine joined the empire to protect them, leaving Nick to be raised as an imperial Ala Mhigan alongside his sister Emma and their mother Aurora. He aspires to make machines that help people, and to be like his father. He carries with him the pair of goggles his father gave him when he first went out adventuring. One day he built a clockwork puppet called a mammet, which he affectionately nicknamed Mammy, who serves as his assistant. He is kind and outgoing, but tends to be eccentric and too caught up in his work, leading others to believe that he is isolated. His main weapons are a sword and a gun, which sometimes he wields both at the same time to be versatile, although he is capable of fighting hand-to-hand although he mostly uses kicks, since he wants to protect his hands so he can still engineer. He is 19 and has a medium voice, but still young. Recently an incident has caused Nick to turn into a female.



Likes: Machines, Mammy, Magitek, Water, Helping others, Gunblades


Dislikes: Being alone, syringes, death, evil, corruption


Quirks: Humming, tapping his foot, walking around in circles, being hyper

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When you say companionship, do you mean friendship?


Generally speaking, friendship. But more specifically a partner or person that can be quite accommodated with Nick. Possibly leading to new feelings.


What kind of feelings?

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When you say companionship, do you mean friendship?


Generally speaking, friendship. But more specifically a partner or person that can be quite accommodated with Nick. Possibly leading to new feelings.


What kind of feelings?


Romance. Love.


I find that it's best to let such things happen naturally. Now, if I recall correctly this isn't the first thread you've made along these lines - though if I'm mistaken, my apologies - and I have to say that this sort of thing can come off as a little creepy and/or clingy.


Why do you specifically need a female companion? Why not leave it open to both genders, since the dynamic of a male sidekick/best buddy may very prove to be much more interesting and natural than anything specifically set up to give your character a love interest?

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I feel like my Au Ra girl would get along with him and they should be friends! Because relationships should be natural anyway. Soooo much more fun. But if you ever see me in game on Mayu Cloudwalker give me a poke! She's Doman and from a fishing town that was taken over by the Garleans. Her mother had married a Garlean and she's on the run since she ran away from a betrothal! She has a natural curiosity for magic and machines and a little excitable.


Also, my FC the Gilded Rose, is always looking for new members and we have a few engineers in our company despite us being a tavern/cafe. So, anyone with the GR-RP tag will be happy to ask any questions you have on it.

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When you say companionship, do you mean friendship?


Generally speaking, friendship. But more specifically a partner or person that can be quite accommodated with Nick. Possibly leading to new feelings.


What kind of feelings?


Romance. Love.


I find that it's best to let such things happen naturally. Now, if I recall correctly this isn't the first thread you've made along these lines - though if I'm mistaken, my apologies - and I have to say that this sort of thing can come off as a little creepy and/or clingy.


Why do you specifically need a female companion? Why not leave it open to both genders, since the dynamic of a male sidekick/best buddy may very prove to be much more interesting and natural than anything specifically set up to give your character a love interest?


True. I've decided to generalize the companion search to both genders. Just note that Nick, although he is a female, is still technically a guy and thus is still hetero. He's looking for either a way to turn back to normal, or the source of the transformation so he would know how to turn back to a male.

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Generally speaking, friendship. But more specifically a partner or person that can be quite accommodated with Nick. Possibly leading to new feelings.


What kind of feelings?


Romance. Love.


I find that it's best to let such things happen naturally. Now, if I recall correctly this isn't the first thread you've made along these lines - though if I'm mistaken, my apologies - and I have to say that this sort of thing can come off as a little creepy and/or clingy.


Why do you specifically need a female companion? Why not leave it open to both genders, since the dynamic of a male sidekick/best buddy may very prove to be much more interesting and natural than anything specifically set up to give your character a love interest?


True. I've decided to generalize the companion search to both genders. Just note that Nick, although he is a female, is still technically a guy and thus is still hetero. He's looking for either a way to turn back to normal, or the source of the transformation so he would know how to turn back to a male.

Hey now don't tell me you haven't told everyone you were my sidekick since we first me have you?


Stop holding secrets!

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