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Chat Mods


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Hello there!

This is really my first post and attempt at communicating with the RP community outside of the game itself.


I really have just one simple question: Is there a mod, or software that would allow me to have my chat highlight my character's name? Or other keywords?


It would just make some of the spam that generally plagues popular places more manageable.

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Yoshi-P basically advises treating mods like Fight Club. He doesn't endorse them, but he doesn't outright condemn them either, under the pretense of everyone having fun with the game in their own way.


So, technically, it's against the game's Terms of Service, but there's no way to outright check for them. If you Don't Talk about Your Mods, you'll be fine. Lots of people use things like parsers, and those are enclosed and talked about in those communities (friend groups, hardcore Alex raiders, etcetera), so it remains on the down-low.


That said, the most popular one out there, to my knowledge, is FFXIV-App, which does a bunch of stuff. Install at your own risk, and Don't Talk about Fight Club.


On another note, it's possible that sanctioned mods and addons will be coming sooner than we think anyway.

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Do be careful about talking about mods, parsers, or other addons. Some do violate the Terms of Service for FFXIV, which by extension violate the rules on the RPC.


That said, FFXIV-App makes a great logging tool and can help give you a bunch more chat tabs. When I know I'm going to be logging a large/loud RP scene, I'll usually power it up in case I get disconnected or if I want to dump a log from the game longer than 5-10 lines. I haven't seen any name highlighting, but such a feature should be pretty easy to code in if needed.


(SweetFX/ReShade has been allowed as per Official Forum post here)

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All I want is chat bubbles, why is that so hard?!


I'd call it a resolution and PS3 limitation, likely. Imagine trying to render all those chat bubbles in the Quicksand or in other crowded areas. Or if someone's playing on 720p, it'd mean you'd see nothing else but text on your screen (or it'd be unreadable)


Or aesthetically, SE might just consider it messy. The chat log does wonders for that.

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All I want is chat bubbles, why is that so hard?!


I'd call it a resolution and PS3 limitation, likely. Imagine trying to render all those chat bubbles in the Quicksand or in other crowded areas. Or if someone's playing on 720p, it'd mean you'd see nothing else but text on your screen (or it'd be unreadable)


Or aesthetically, SE might just consider it messy. The chat log does wonders for that.


That chat log is decent enough until it turns into a scrolling marathon to see if someone's replied to you yet.

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