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AetherCorp All Saints Wake Maze!

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We will be opening our doors during select times of the day to allow players to enter our basement labyrinth!



Come as your are or in costume, IC or OOC, this event is for everyone to enjoy!



We ask that when you walk our maze, you have walk on and are in first person mode.


For more information, contact myself or Keroa Mosuke ingame!





FROM 3-5 pm EST October 25th - 30th

Server: Balmung

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Event sounds super fun, but can I ask why you're doing it when most of us are at work/school?


Well, we know that there are several other events on for Halloween as well as day to day life like work/school. We are having the event over 5 days to try and give everyone a chance to get to it, with possibility or later times if there is enough interest

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To those asking, the event begins on a sunday afternoon, 'officially' runs for 5 days, those are the days that we will be there to liven the place up a bit.

After that though, the Aether house will be unlocked and people can come and go at their leisure.

the maze will be up for a while.

(but we have goodies to give during halloween)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to say the event may be cancelled today. None of my other staff members are checking in. However I am unlocking the estate and all are welcome to come by and explore the maze at yoru leisure.

We hope all who came were able to enjoy themselves, and many seasons to come, we hope to bring new fun events for the community! :)

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