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Hello everybody!


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I'm hoping to make a bunch of new friends, IC and OOC, here on Balmung!

The wiki for my character, Rihxo Matoi, is linked in my signature.

--MMORPG background: I played WoW for four years, and tried out other MMOs as well. I'm kinda new to FFXIV.

--RP experience: I've RP'd for at least four years, be it table-top or in a game!

--Character ideas/info: Check my wiki!

--How did you learn about the coalition?: One of my IRL friends (Nanagi Nagi) plays too, and she told me about the game. Here I am.

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?: I'm a medium RPer, for sure.

--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc): I love to play tabletop and video games, and I love to draw and cosplay.

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I'm hoping to make a bunch of new friends, IC and OOC, here on Balmung!

The wiki for my character, Rihxo Matoi, is linked in my signature.

--MMORPG background: I played WoW for four years, and tried out other MMOs as well. I'm kinda new to FFXIV.

--RP experience: I've RP'd for at least four years, be it table-top or in a game!

--Character ideas/info: Check my wiki!

--How did you learn about the coalition?: One of my IRL friends plays too, and she told me about the game. Here I am.

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?: I'm a medium RPer, for sure.

--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc): I love to play tabletop and video games, and I love to draw and cosplay.

Welcome to the RPC!


Be sure to swing back by the "Open Campfire" thread, would love to continue the RP with you!

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Thank you all so much for the warm welcome! :love:

Feel free to PM me or find me in-game if any of you want to RP :)


Thanks Nanagi. (Even though you're sitting right here. :^) )

Sickety, I replied to the thread, in case you didn't already see, heh!

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Thank you all so much for the warm welcome! :love:

Feel free to PM me or find me in-game if any of you want to RP :)


Thanks Nanagi. (Even though you're sitting right here. :^) )

Sickety, I replied to the thread, in case you didn't already see, heh!



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