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New Player, Looking for RP of Almost any Sort!

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[align=center]Hey everyone![/align]


So, to cut straight to the chase, I'm almost entirely new to Final Fantasy as a whole, let alone the RP community of FFXIV. I've loved every minute of my time here so far, but I'd really love to get involved with the RP and get back into a living, breathing world in which I can really flesh out my character. MMO's are only half as fun if I don't RP in them, in my experience.


So, as for the things I'd be looking for... jeez, where do I even begin? I think a good place to start would be by saying that I do not like scripting my rps. I really can't stress that enough, I hate going into an RP already knowing everything that will happen. What I very, very much prefer, however, is a 'baseline' idea, so to speak. For example, if we wanted to see how our characters would get on as friends, we could know that's what we wanted to see, but stop the planning there, and simply have them meet somewhere. We could talk about an encounter, where it would happen, that sort of thing, but the RP itself I would very much love to simply have happen of it's own accord.


Specifically, I suppose for the long term... the things I'd really love to see my character eventually get involved in...


  • Friendships/Acquaintances: As a brand new player in FF, as well as being totally new to this community of RPers, this is my first and foremost goal. I need connections if I'm ever to have a hope of RPing, after all. This category includes everything from a chance meeting in a bar, to a gradual bond that grows into a deep friendship, in which the characters can truly confide anything and everything in one another. Likewise, even singular meetings, to add more faces to my character's memory would be appreciated! Even those vague acquaintances make for a more vast and detailed RP world in which to live. Not everybody will know everyone else inside and out, after all!

  • Romance/Relationship: Not everybody is interested in this, but I am certainly not one of those people. I absolutely love romantic, intimate RP. It is one of my favorite ways to develop a character. Now, even having said that, this is NEVER something I will script. Ever. If it's the sort of thing you're interested in, sure it can be discussed, but I will never force or be forced into a romance. If the characters click, perhaps there's a chance for it to happen, given time, but that's really all I can offer off the bat.

  • Adversaries/Rivals/Enemies: Nobody makes friends with every single person they meet! Theres a chance in any new meeting that the characters won't click at all, and that is totally fine! Frankly, I love having at least a few PC's that don't get on with my own. It opens up some great RP scenarios, be it tense meetings, venomous exchanges, or even simple situations like a pair of 'frienemies' that are constantly trying to 'one-up' eachother. If this is the sort of thing you might expect with our characters, I'd be more than happy to hear about that possibility, as well.

  • Work/Contracts/Employers: Wolkan is a sellsword. Burly, strong, and gruff, he is the ideal choice for much needed muscle, if a job calls for it. But of course, what good is a mercenary without employers to provide him with work? If you have work for someone like him, I would be more than happy to hear about it! This type of RP is the exception to a little bit of scripting, the reason being, if I personally don't find interest in the job-of-note, it would be very easy to simply say that when arranging the meeting, Wolkan informed the employer that he wasn't interested. However, if you would simply like the exchange, regardless, I am still open to that, as well!

If I took the time, I'm sure I could think of more types of RP I'd like to find myself/my character in, but for now, that should about sum up the sort of thing I'm looking for. I'm about to write up an actual profile for Wolkan, so when I have finished that, I'll link it here for anyone who would like to take a look. But until then, if you think any of these options might be interesting to play out, feel free to post here, PM me, or add Wolkan Lodall in game and send me a tell! I-if I'm online, that is...


Anywho, thanks for reading, and I hope to find some RP partners very soon!




The basics of Wolkan's profile are finished, and can be found here.


If you want to contact me more easily, feel free to add me on Skype @ "Cirinian", username "Nytstalker14" (Dont judge me on the name, I was young ._.)

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Be a highlander? Sure, Avelyn would just walk up, that's how easy it is with her!


My wiki is linked below, however my playtimes are a bit hit and miss due to being from Europe, although due to my work I'm allowed to stay up till late o'clock, so it wouldn't be too hard to hit me up someday ingame if you're up for roleplay!

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Hey there, and welcome to FFXIV! Mhaya's a gladiator and wouldn't mind making more friends, for sure! You can message me on Mhaya Bajihri in-game or friend me there if you'd like to set up some RP sometime. Alternatively, if I'm not online at the time you can always PM me here, as well!

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Well look at you! Welcome to Hydaelyn!


If you're looking for a solid stock of people and a place to call home, you might give Wayfarer's Rest a once-over, or shoot RiniKett a PM. The FC is small, but they're real friendly. If they don't sit well with you, or you don't feel keen to the domestic life - I'm always looking to add to my personal contacts for passive plots and interactions. Hope you settle into what you're looking for around here buddy!

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Hello! I play a curmudgeonly healer for hire type. They or may not get along, but either way could be fun. I'll try and remember to look for you in game. Likewise, if you see me around, send me s tell or just walk on up.


I might as well pimp my FC (that I am a member of, not an officer, I should clarify) while I'm at it. We have our fair share of gruff bastards, too. Garalona also happens to be one. I mean that literally, her being a bastard child and all. Here ya go: http://coralsea.enjin.com

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I... think I got into contact with everyone here...? My memory is terrible. ANYWAY, just a reminder/bump/update thingamajig that I'm still looking for folks to RP with! Feel free to PM me here or add me in game if I happen to be online. Im usually on at least once or twice a night, for varying periods of time, so hopefully you can catch me there. Conversely, I've slapped my Skype info up into the original post, as Im... literally always available there, unless Im asleep.

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