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When the end comes..


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While events often have a way of going a different direction than intended (*cough*hinthint*cough*) Eva's plans are to return to the deep underground where some of her duskwight family ascended from in leaving their ancestral homeland. This place/culture has been loosely referenced through a number of journal posts and she's not even entirely sure she will be safe there, but she feels it is where she is meant to go to keep herself [and her unborn babies] safe.


I'm sure there will be a curve ball thrown though, since she is planning on being at Mor Dhona in order to make that time jump since she will not be aging 5 years. How that winds up happening is still a bit of a mystery (in part even to me).

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Endemerrin will be hitting the time skip, as I don't plan on aging him. However, he would most likely be charging head-first into the fray alongside Popo and a few choice companions. There's no question of running for either Popo or him due to a few secret-but-not-so-secret reasons. Even with that aside, all the time they spent in the Garlond Ironworks would be for nothing if they just up and abandoned things right now.


We'll just see how things play-out in-game, I suppose.

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I'll be one of the people who plans to age the character by five years (I've already adjusted his present age in accordance with these plans). Events following the Full Cold Moon event this month will result in Ky's disappearance more or less. He (not by choice) will be leaving Eorzea with House Felstar to get away from the coming conflict.

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intriguing details. Havent done as much rp w Innes as id like. Im rerolling duskwight to miqote, ive played w ideas that the old and new char could meet, maybe while the prior was mortally wounded. Or the miqote would learn that the duskwight did not survive meteor.

edit: or party :o ... /neednewsigsoon

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(All of my plans are subject to change with the whole storyline and whatnot they present us, so I guess these are tentative decisions.)


Along with Kylin I will also be aging Deir 5 years. (Her age has already been adjusted)

Not going to give away all the details, but she will be in the midst of the fighting and survive.

And for what happens after 5 years well... just gonna have to wait and see~

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Mah Ariel will keep recovering from her wounds and helping out fend off Alliance camps from lesser Garlean soldiers. Once shiz get to the final stage of hitting the fan however she might sail off 'til ARR kicks in :P


That all IC of course >.>" OOC I just have a lot to get done.


On the "Hero saved by the bell" vs "just another citizen that by chance and effort made out alive" subject, I'm sorta holding off my final take, cause we don't really know if an option will be given xD. There are hints here and there, but I much rather take a knowledge-based decision than an educated guess based one.

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I have told a few people this, but it remains purely on the OOC still. Details depend on how stuff exactly happens, but Yssen will be choosing to stay behind. He will probably then proceed to cause trouble and shenanigans for the Empire. I have a vague direction to move in, but the real intent is to fill in the 5 year time skip with the others that are staying behind. Probably through forum or some other form of RP while we wait for ARR to let us in. That is my intent in a nutshell.

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I don't really know the full out plans for Mihana but she will be present for the final battle, it's unavoidable. Currently the latest events have left her mentally stressed that she might even be forbidden from going for her own safety by the Twin Adder. And even if she's scared of abandoning her friends and allies when they need her most she still intends to go and fight. Calzien I want to pull into the time skip too but I haven't figured out how yet. He's a part of the Immortal Flames but went AWOL after awhile. I'd imagine the Flames would be more insistent on making a possible deserter either fight or face imprisonment so he'll have no other choice but to go. Cal hates fighting, but also has a strong sense of trying to protect others so he'd be there either way.


So yeah, I don't have full details set but both are going to be there at the final conflict for Eorzea's future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sick and tired of all the loud noises and the chaos in the world, Uriah Nool has decided to go into hiding for several years until things blow over. He is in the process of packing his supplies, selling off everything he doesn't need, and looking for a nice cozy cave or hole in The Black Shroud to hide out in. The woods have been around for a long time and its guardians have weathered out such troubles in the past.


With any luck, when everything quiets down Uriah will venture out into the world again, in search of companionship and adventure once more.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Where I will be tonight depends on if any other past members of the Order of the Stormguard will be on' date=' and if they will welcome me to wherever they are - and if my low-level character can make it there.[/quote']


Aww, man! I knew I should have cleared the weekend! Too bad our characters have not met =/

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I think I'll keep Almil as she is but she'll kinda be new character. This is because I never really got to RP her properly and most of those that she had any connections don't play anymore... And I can't remember much of her 'old' life anyways or who she met or what she did with them.

So if you remember RPing with Almil, please forget who she is and that you have met her.... or something :roll:

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I'll be aging my character 7 years (from the last time he was on.) When the end comes he'll be with his family in Limsa where he's been taking over the family cartography business. This will be his excuse to get back out in the field to ensure that the West Cartography Company's maps are as accurate as they can be.

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Out of all three of the characters I've started, this is what happened to them:


My current character, Ailith, left the continent before the battle of Carteneau Flats so she wasn't there when Louisoix transferred everyone to the aetherial rift. It's still unsure if she'll ever return to Eorzea, but who knows.


Nedral Crenl died about a year ago, never wrote about it, but she was killed.


Eternal Darkness was saved and is still around.


And just to clarify her back story, if anyone remembers reading what I started writing about her, while Eternal was part of the Empire's army, they had planted a "bug" inside her brain so that, should she every do anything to anger them, the bug would be set off and start a series of events inside her brain that would eventually end up killing her. The main thing about the bug, is that it erased her memory of who she was. So during this stupor, as I've come to call it, she invented that she came from another realm.



Now, for my new character, Isaac Vadoma, Ailith's brother, he and Eternal were both in the battle at Carteneau, so those two are in the rift.


I'm still working out the kinks in Isaac's story, so in the mean time while we're waiting for beta testing and ARR to launch, I'll be writing. And writing. And writing some more.


This has all changed. :/ btw, do I tend to kill threads or something?

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