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Miqo'te Mage looking to meet and greet.

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It seems that someone has kept their nose in his tomes a bit too long!


Jihl'a is a 25 year old Keeper, who's got a love of books and is looking for some friends to talk about them with. Or set things on fire, depending on what they feel like doing. Right now he's simply finishing his leveling and hoping to find some people to have some story and develop with.


I'm hoping for: Friends! Romance! Conflict! There's plenty to be talked about, and more to see. Missing a book? Looking for one? Want to talk of the secrets of the void? Want to simply compliment him and run away screaming? (You don't have to do that one). All is welcome!


A little extra info: I'll keep it a tad short, but when it comes to things like romantic involvement, I'd rather have chemistry between characters and some development for it to happen. Let it be natural, like it is normally! I'm not specifically looking for it, but I welcome it if it happens.


Bonus: I'm also looking for an FC so I'm open to all ideas for that! For more info, feel free to look at my Tumblr posting for him on this amazing page for a bit more on him. I also use that to do RP or various things like that! Feel free to hassle and bug me in game with a PM, send a message there or here, send an ask on Tumblr or post a reply! Thanks! (also thanks to the previous thread for being a base for me to make this look a little spiffier. Don't mean to make it too similar!)

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Hey there! I also just recently posted a making connections thread for my character, Raih. she's also a Keeper and lived in the Shroud for most of her life, so maybe she could have bumped into Jihl'a during that time? 


But right now, Raih's just started work in Ul'dah with the occasionally visits back to Gridania. I don't know if she'd be interested in his books or the void, but I'm sure they could have a conversation of some sort. Or she could try to steal from him, maybes. Let me know what you think! o/

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Hey there! I also just recently posted a making connections thread for my character, Raih. she's also a Keeper and lived in the Shroud for most of her life, so maybe she could have bumped into Jihl'a during that time? 


But right now, Raih's just started work in Ul'dah with the occasionally visits back to Gridania. I don't know if she'd be interested in his books or the void, but I'm sure they could have a conversation of some sort. Or she could try to steal from him, maybes. Let me know what you think! o/


I could easily see them having bumped into each other a few times while growing up. It could always be said that maybe they knew each other, or met while their tribes traded or spoke. Maybe even in Gridania at some point. Could've easily happened!


Even without books or something to do with the void, he's happy to speak about nearly anything, especially if it's something he doesn't know a ton about, such as sky pirates. He frequents places like Ul'dah and Gridania so he could have a potential contact depending on her work. If stealing from him sounds like an idea, you're welcome to try! He might not enjoy it much, but it could be a great starter. :D

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Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested. Also, I'd be glad to role-play sometime!

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Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested. Also, I'd be glad to role-play sometime!


Well hello fellow Tumblr person! I'm actually looking into your FC at the moment, and it would be wonderful to RP sometime!

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Always looking too meet new peoples! Feel free to tell or approach!


I'll keep it in mind and keep an eye out for you!


Hello! Nanagi is a powerful thermaturge, an astrologian in training, and loves books.

She's formal and likes killing Amalj'aa.


You should check out my wiki, I would love to RP with you. : D


I think another thaumaturge would be a dangerous and fun conversation! I looked at the wiki and she seems great. He's pretty neutral on the Amalj'aa situation, but isn't against getting rid of a few.


Xha could use moar friends in the Miqo'te community should you see me on. Smile


I'll be on all day today so I'll keep an eye out for you!

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I think another thaumaturge would be a dangerous and fun conversation! I looked at the wiki and she seems great. He's pretty neutral on the Amalj'aa situation, but isn't against getting rid of a few.



I wont be online until Saturday. If you would like to discuss more please feel free to send a PM my way.

Also if you find forum RP to be more convenient (like it is sometimes for me), then we can also do that as well.

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Feel free to approach. I have a total scatterbrain of a character that loves pretty much everything that Thaliak would love.


I'll do that! I love scatterbrained characters so I'm sure they'd have a great conversation.

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