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Blade and Soul or Black Desert

BnS or BDO  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. BnS or BDO

    • Blade and Soul
    • Black Desert Online

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Poll time!


Which one of the two are you most looking forward to?


Any number of reasons may justify your decision.


I personally am looking forward to Blade and Soul over Black Desert. How well a game plays and PvP is far more important to me than the graphics and amount of content provided.

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It seems like this discussion was already started.




For me, I'm more interested in Black desert. The Blade and Soul art style kinda creeps me out. B&S is also being handled through NCSoft, and I'm not interested in their launcher or how they handled Aion. I watched buy the game and pay to play become completely free and get overrun by private servers and spam. ...probably also one of the reasons I've stuck with FFXIV for so long. Content may not always be up to snuff, but I feel like my money's being put to use at least.

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The Blade and Soul art style kinda creeps me out.


This is my big hangup as well.


I love me some anime visuals and all that (TALES GAMES TALES GAMES TALES GAMES TALES GAMES), but for some reason the people in Blade and Soul look kinda sweaty and greasy and just...Odd. It's a little odd and sometimes downright nightmarish to look at. That, and I don't like the way that they executed their overworld design either.


The animations also look rather stiff and don't flow well to me. I'll still probably try it anyway because I really like the concept of the game that they're making, but I'm still firmly more excited for Black Desert at the moment.

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The Blade and Soul art style kinda creeps me out.


This is my big hangup as well.


I love me some anime visuals and all that (TALES GAMES TALES GAMES TALES GAMES TALES GAMES), but for some reason the people in Blade and Soul look kinda sweaty and greasy and just...Odd. It's a little odd and sometimes downright nightmarish to look at. That, and I don't like the way that they executed their overworld design either.


The animations also look rather stiff and don't flow well to me. I'll still probably try it anyway because I really like the concept of the game that they're making, but I'm still firmly more excited for Black Desert at the moment.


I cna handle the excessive shine and gloss. But their cutesy race weirds me out. ...same reason I couldn't go near Tera. It feels like the game is trying too hard to have it's own aesthetics that it's hurting the design of things. ...and I'm still bitter about Aion. Crysis engine. In an MMO. I turned my laptop into a space heater for that game. :-:

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But their cutesy race weirds me out. ...same reason I couldn't go near Tera.


The Lyn/Elin creep me out, too. It really isn't the race by themselves, it was the players who gravitated toward them. The fact that I have to be one to play a Summoner pisses me off, too. It's such a terrible design decision.

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But their cutesy race weirds me out. ...same reason I couldn't go near Tera.


The Lyn/Elin creep me out, too. It really isn't the race by themselves, it was the players who gravitated toward them. The fact that I have to be one to play a Summoner pisses me off, too. It's such a terrible design decision.


Ironically, this is my hang-up with Black Desert in which, last I heard, many classes are race or gender locked.

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Blade and Soul.

But mostly because from what I've seen of Black Desert's gameplay being rather boring overall. I will look more into it though, but as of now, Blade and Soul is what I look forward to the most of the two.


Will Black Desert be F2P as well? If so, then I'll surely give it a shot when it comes out. When does it launch, anyone know?

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The Blade and Soul art style kinda creeps me out.


This is my big hangup as well.


I love me some anime visuals and all that (TALES GAMES TALES GAMES TALES GAMES TALES GAMES), but for some reason the people in Blade and Soul look kinda sweaty and greasy and just...Odd. It's a little odd and sometimes downright nightmarish to look at. That, and I don't like the way that they executed their overworld design either.


The animations also look rather stiff and don't flow well to me. I'll still probably try it anyway because I really like the concept of the game that they're making, but I'm still firmly more excited for Black Desert at the moment.

You can actually turn that gloss off all together, it's an option in the character creator. (which is actually a very good Character creator.)

But their cutesy race weirds me out. ...same reason I couldn't go near Tera.


The Lyn/Elin creep me out, too. It really isn't the race by themselves, it was the players who gravitated toward them. The fact that I have to be one to play a Summoner pisses me off, too. It's such a terrible design decision.

I dunno I managed to make a really good looking old master style Lyn. You can do a lot with the character creator.


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The Lyn/Elin creep me out, too. It really isn't the race by themselves, it was the players who gravitated toward them. The fact that I have to be one to play a Summoner pisses me off, too. It's such a terrible design decision.

I dunno I managed to make a really good looking old master style Lyn. You can do a lot with the character creator.



Your Lyn looks very good, but it stands alone as a bastion of good taste against throngs of lolicatgirls.

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Neither games have a proper endgame, you got B&S which goes the PVP tour or grind dungeons over & over.


And Black Desert doesn't have endgame to begin with as it's a full on sandbox.


Hmm, I'm not that much into full-on sandbox games. It's a neat concept, but I like questing storylines and such, to help me level in an enjoyable way. Usually, sandbox games = grinding the same thing over and over again until you reach max level.

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Neither MMO appeals to me though if I had to choose one I'd say that I like Black Desert's design slightly more. Like so many MMO's before them, however, even if I did try them out I'm confident that they'd be little more than a temporary distraction.


WoW and FFXIV are the only two MMO's that have managed to encourage me to invest for more than a few months. I'll likely make a few sly bets with some friends since it's inevitable that a lot of players will gush about the latest MMO's and then end up crawling back to FFXIV or WoW for various reasons.


Some will forge themselves a new home - but that is far from a bad thing. Most MMO's manage to maintain their own communities for quite some time which is pretty nice.

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