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Looking to Support Roleplay, perhaps more.

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Hello to anyone coming into this thread and reading it!


As the title says, I'm looking more for support roles in people's stories to make appearances or perhaps more if things get more involved. Maybe even a reoccurring figure either as an antagonist or helping hand?


Why? Because I've realized that my character doesn't really have much of a story to tell. At least nothing really grand to tell. The point where she is at in life is just a drifter/mercenary happy to live day to day and making her own coin to spend on mostly food and wine.


Until she gets swept up in a big scheme or caught up in someone's quest, A'zahana is essentially free to just follow the whim of the day.


Quick things to note:

ICly - A'zahana can be a bit blunt, rude and probably irritable. Possibly lewd. Most of it is mainly used to catch those who aren't familiar with her off guard. She isn't daft though.


OOCly - I will probably be cackling like a maniac at the terrible things A'zahana does or cringing. I'm probably more relaxed about dark/grim stuff than I should be, but hey, it is what it is.


Also, sending me a PM directly on here is a wonderful way to catch me and to set up a time to meet and such. My schedule has freed up considerably from when I first made this~ so here I am again. Timing can still be erratic.


More details and stuff can be found within A'zahana's wiki thing. A directory page is also available.



EDIT: If one would prefer something over discord or some other text based system inside game, that would certainly make things more flexible as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Solenne , that is perfectly fine and even a chance encounter could lead to more, depending on the situation. Could even be an antagonist, yeah? A'zahana takes work involving debt collection, sending a message via roughing up and the likes. Morally questionable things don't really phase her too much. Only rule is that she won't outright kill kids. On purpose, anyway.


@Parth Makeo , That sounds like it could be fun, but I'm I'm afraid I can't give much more of an answer without more information. ^ ^

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  • 1 year later...

It has been practically two years and figured I'll give this a small bump now that I have more free time. Not entirely a lot more, but more.


Two years, wow. Welcome back to your thread!


I am a returning player but haven't yet got back into the game itself, thus am not RPing at the moment, but I hope to in the future.

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It has been practically two years and figured I'll give this a small bump now that I have more free time. Not entirely a lot more, but more.


Two years, wow. Welcome back to your thread!


I am a returning player but haven't yet got back into the game itself, thus am not RPing at the moment, but I hope to in the future.

Haha, thanks. I've been "active" but not so much in RP.

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Ah, it's neat to see someone else who actively identifies their character as a "support" character! I kind of have the same feeling for Judge, but he's more of a "character past their prime" type and thus is the sort to leave the limelight to the younger generation.


Anyway, I hope you've been able to find a bunch of RP for A'zahana!

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Negui is a neutral guy(can be dark sometimes if something leans that way but hes got a big heart) that makes many friends usually. A lot of people pick on him but he doesn't mind! He is probably fun to pick on xD


He loves having more friends even though sometimes his selfish thinking can be troublesome. Pretty laid back and likes to joke, picking on people, and might have a gambling problem for a man of medicine.


I'd love to join you in travels or whatever! I am personally always looking for connections. Scheduling is best for me since i'm a busy person IRL too. :D


I have main story for myself BUT I love playing support as well. He is mainly a healer type anyway.

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Hey there! Are you still looking for potential RP folk? I have a tired, eccentric Ishgardian man who could use a little slapping around to help him with his arc. I'd be glad to have ya on board! The shenanigans would be fantastic, lemme tell ya.

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Support characters and facilitators are awesome for role-play purposes.  That's the niche I love to play in myself.  I don't really want to be the hero/protagonist or antagonist for a story, but I love enhancing roleplay or throwing people at one another to fill RP rolls.


Granted now I'm mostly doing it from an OOC sense.


I wish you luck in your search for a good fit.  I'll let you know if I hear something come up.  My usual go-tos for the more mercenary type stuff are currently still getting their SB fixes sorted at the moment but are coming out of it.

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Hello to anyone coming into this thread and reading it!


As the title says, I'm looking more for support roles in people's stories to make appearances or perhaps more if things get more involved. Maybe even a reoccurring figure either as an antagonist or helping hand?


Why? Because I've realized that my character doesn't really have much of a story to tell. At least nothing really grand to tell. The point where she is at in life is just a drifter/mercenary happy to live day to day and making her own coin to spend on mostly food and wine.


Until she gets swept up in a big scheme or caught up in someone's quest, A'zahana is essentially free to just follow the whim of the day.


Quick things to note:

ICly - A'zahana can be a bit blunt, rude and probably irritable. Possibly lewd. Most of it is mainly used to catch those who aren't familiar with her off guard. She isn't daft though.


OOCly - I will probably be cackling like a maniac at the terrible things A'zahana does or cringing. I'm probably more relaxed about dark/grim stuff than I should be, but hey, it is what it is.


Also, sending me a PM directly on here is a wonderful way to catch me and to set up a time to meet and such. My schedule has freed up considerably from when I first made this~ so here I am again. Timing can still be erratic.


More details and stuff can be found within A'zahana's wiki thing. A directory page is also available.


must...hug....all....femlalas *twitch*

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Erah'sae, thank you for the kind wishes. Casual scenes or just slice of life is super fine by me too.


Essara, it'll be hard to hug this particular lalafell if you're across realms in Mateus! But we can figure something out.


xypher, again, across realms but we can figure something out over text/discord if that is something you're interested in.

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