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Trader Looking for Ul'dah/Thanalan Contacts!

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Hello, all! I used to play FFXIV, like, a year... ago... maybe... It's been awhile. Loved the RP, but had to unsub. But now I'm back, with a new character, in Ul'dah! Unfortunately... I'm a bit of a slow reader and I'm prone to overstimulation, so... yeah, the tavern doesn't work so well for me. Thus the need for RP connections. A bit about the character:


Name: Eunoia Anbolho

Race: Miqo'te (Keeper)

Homeland: Limsa Lominsa

Profession: Merchant, leatherworker, and amateur woodcarver.


Personality: Eunoia is... Well, normally, she's genial, a bit rambunctious, but can be a bit gruff and prickly when upset or put out of her comfort zone. She's got a temper on her, and her time in Limsa made her perhaps a bit too fond of throwing punches. She does have a sentimental side, but she tends to hide it at all costs, to the point of making an ass of herself. Anything smacking of sentimentality will probably come indirectly, offhandedly, or followed by an idle threat. Heart's in the right place, though. Probably. Usually.


What She's Looking For: Business Contacts, be it fellow merchants, clients, suppliers, or the like. Less-than-legal Contacts, information brokers, smugglers, et cetera. Scholarly Contacts, specifically those dealing with the theory behind magical writing, inscriptions, and staves/wands/etc.


What I'm Looking For: All of the above, plus friends, rivals, and the like for her! She can be... well, prickly, but she's energetic and not outright mean, so... she's bound to get along with some people.


NOT Looking For: FCs (she's ICly independent right now), ERP (if it happens, that's fine, but I'd rather that not be the intention overall), Shipping/Romance Plots (Euny's Aro, she can get affectionate with people she's on friendly terms with, but she just doesn't feel romance), Violent Plots (I am quite squeamish, I can't do it. Plus Euny's just starting out, it's a little early to delve into stuff that heavy)


Euny can usually be found inside Ul'dah, her most recent haunt has been Pearl Lane.


Lemme know if you have any questions! And thanks! Hopefully, I'll see you all in-game!

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Name: Eunoia Anbolho

Race: Miqo'te (Keeper)

Homeland: Limsa Lominsa

Profession: Merchant, leatherworker, and amateur woodcarver.


Well, layer me once with glaze and call me a donut, I was just thinking about finding merchants today for RP!


Looks like I may have found a keeper. I'll hit you up when I can this week.

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I have a Seeker who hangs around Thanalan! :) She could be a business contact, or a contact of the, ahh... less than legal variety!


Great! Euny's looking for ways to set her roots in Ul'dah. Business contacts help that, and... well, she doesn't shy away from less reputable business as long as it's not just morally irredeemable. That'd be great!

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You posted on my thread so I'll post on yours, heh! Firstly, welcome back to the game! And secondly, I think our characters could definitely have a connection upon reading your description of her. Angry smol kitty, check. Potential money-earning opportunities, check. 


Raih's an angry, taller kitty who works with a Skypirate crew that has all the contacts Euny could want, business, scholarly and of course, the less legitimate. Raih can probably get her hands on pretty much anything if she put her mind to it, so Euny would probably find her useful! 


I'll look for you in game and shoot you a friend request, they are more than likely to bump into each other in Ul'dah since that's Raih's place of work, too. Hope to chat with you soon~

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Since my character is located in Uldah, feel free to reach me out. She currently seems to be connecting with all the Keepers around the place (interestingly here since your Keeper seems to be from Lisma for a change!). I also think that your character is the kind of mischievous one that mines tends to gravitate around in the hope of "cool" and "edgy" stories.


Or just whatever sounds cool and wicked. 


I play her as a mainly supportive character explained like that, but I can do whatever works really.

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Wow, both those characters sound interesting, and (possibly) good fits! My work keeps me from being online until late night (about 10 Central) but I'm up until the wee hours, generally. I'll stay on the lookout for you! Euny continues to haunt Pearl Lane rather than the tavern, but if you wanna meet, she can have a reason to go wherever!

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Wow, both those characters sound interesting, and (possibly) good fits! My work keeps me from being online until late night (about 10 Central) but I'm up until the wee hours, generally. I'll stay on the lookout for you! Euny continues to haunt Pearl Lane rather than the tavern, but if you wanna meet, she can have a reason to go wherever!


Mh, I also forgot that Suen is still planning to do a more serious visit of Vylbrand/Limsa with her pilgrimage thing. Might be another hook.


For timezones, then I guess it might get more chances to happen the week end then, EU TZ here.

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Wow, how did I miss this thread!


Hello! The Wayfarers run a tavern and I love finding IC traders that bring certain supplies to our company rather than just saying they were orders from randomNPC#4.


We are located in the Goblet and Rini is frequently in Ul'dah. If you are interested in this feel free to PM me!


Good luck!

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My seeker Maco is spreading roots in the quicksand and Ul'dah in general currently. While she is quite good with magic it is somewhat hard to get her to share her knowledge. Besides it she always loves to hang around and is somewhat hard to provoke, should be fun. 


I don't know how things are with timezones, but you can shoot me a friend request and stuffs and we can talk more (and stuffs. God my wording is off today hehe.)

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Hi there!  My character Almeric is currently working as the personal bodyguard of a highly successful merchant and as such you may be familiar with the merchant and/or Almeric or alternatively the merchant's reputation.  I am in-game fairly often, even if I'm working or doing something else I often keep the game running to check in on tells or the like so I'm super reachable in-game and you can always message me here as well.

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