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Wayfarer's School - February Class Schedule

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Eorzean Institute closes its doors, but reopens them under a new name! Wayfarer’s school! We’re bringing together the people of Eorzea to learn and grow! Here is our schedule of classes for the month of Feburary:


Arcanima with Zy’dala Shen!

Feb 8th and 15th at 8pm CST / 9pm EST


Botany and Alchemy with Arietty Moonfall

Feb 17th at 7pm CST / 8pm CST


Engineering with Jujuwai Totowai

Feb 10th and 24th at 6pm CST / 7 pm EST


Conjury with Selarian Cloverbloom

Feb 13th and feb 25th at 9 CST / 10 EST


Thaumaturgy with Aulsoix Claimane

Feb 18th at 6pm CST / 7pm EST


General Combat with L’raha Nunh

Feb 21st at 7pm CST / 8pm EST


Close Quarter’s Combat with L’raha Nunh

Feb 28th at 7pm CST / 8pm EST


All classes will be done at the Wayfarer’s Rest, Ward 6 plot 58 the Goblet in room 15.

Are you a teacher looking for work? A student looking for one on one classes? Please contact either Arietty Moonfall or Aulsoix Claimane to set up a meeting.


[OOC Stuff: I’m looking for a few more teachers to round out a class course that doesn’t step on Ul’dah garden’s shoes, so if you have something specific you’d like to teach that isn’t listed here or at Ul’dah Garden’s thread let me know. Also, if you’re a teacher in the EU and would like a class of your own but aren’t sure where to start contact me via pm or mogmail and we’ll set something up.]


[if classes are cancelled or running late we'll try to keep you updated here so check back the day of. See you all in class!]

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Ahw man...wish I could make the Thaumaturgy class, but have Bell Choir practice at that time. At least I can make the Botany class. Zanther could always use more Thaumaturgy lessons...

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Conjury class tomorrow!


Will it be conjuring cookes? 


1. Get a packet of cookies

2. Get a summoning plate

3. Conduct the ritual of packet opening with the blessed nearest sharp thing that was to hand

4. arrange cookies on summoning plate

5. scoff the surplus one or more cookies

6. Serve remembering to finishing scoffing before you show your face

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Conjury class tomorrow!


Will it be conjuring cookes? 


1. Get a packet of cookies

2. Get a summoning plate

3. Conduct the ritual of packet opening with the blessed nearest sharp thing that was to hand

4. arrange cookies on summoning plate

5. scoff the surplus one or more cookies

6. Serve remembering to finishing scoffing before you show your face





See me after class. There are cookies to be had.

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