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Under Blue Skies [Open]


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Isaac places a reassuring hand on Genevieve's shoulder and smiles up to her. "Relax, we're not under attack," He looks over to the newcomer in time to see Hope landing on the ground, proffering up first a rebuke, then an introduction. He too was curious about this new, disheveled arrival. He made a mental note of how manny arrows he had left; he had only used two since refilling the quiver the other day. He looked back up at Genevieve.


"Save your energy and your wits for the deep croft." He smiled once again up at her and walked over to the fence Endemerrin sat upon and leaned against it, folding his arms across his chess. His sharp, green eyes scanning the surrounding trees and brush.


"I would rather not dally too much longer," he said to Endermerrin without breaking his gaze from the forest. "It's easy to loose track of time in the Deepcroft and it's not exactly a place I fancy spending the night."

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"Aye. Ah suppose it does now doesn' it?" the emerald orbed woman smirked as she crossed her arms over her chest. Naturally she would answer with an open ended question. However the next question directed her way caused her burst out in a fit of musical laughter. Her crossed arms siding down to her stomach where she held it as her head tossed back to the sky. The melodious laughter echoed of the trees.


"Oh? So Ah talk funny do Ah? Ah wasn't aware, were Ah come from we all talk like this. Even the wee chiselers. Ah'm sorry does it make me seem a bit banjaxed?" Now the russet haired lass was just haven a good jesting tossing about her homelands terms and phrases at the echoed voice from above expense. It was rather amusing quite frankly. "Ah don't think it really matters where Ah came from these days...Ah think the more important question is where do Ah plan on going!" She smiled shaking her head.


A thin eyebrow quirked up at the mention of her "sword" with a quizzical look painted over her features. She couldn't help but question just how deadly it looked? Then again she was used to it. "Agian Ah beg yer pardon but where do ye suggest Ah put it?"Slowly and casually she held her hands up, including the one with a sword and twirled in a circle. There really wasn't a place for her to put it, she hadn't even a sheath. She merely had on her performance skirts of various reds and oranges with hints of gold paired with a matching halter top. Honestly it wasn't the best thing to be running about but for her it was perfectly fine. It was simply yet free and could often be found chasing the wind. Much like herself at times.


Her cheeks coated with a slight hint of rose as two of the travelers with the over head voice seemed to jest of their own followed by their own fits of laughter. Pursing her lips she returned her gaze to scanning the green canopy with patches of blue up above. Strangely enough a crazy looking little opo-opo like lad jumped from the branches landing in a cloud of dust. A small scoff bubble from her lips as the youthful male had stood before her with hands upon his hips and rather extra particularly bright grin plastered to his features.


"Ah surely must have had a bad dose. Yer a LASS?" She question not intentionally meaning to be insulting. Though now upon closer inspection it was rather clear the youthful child was just rather tomboyish. "Well, what do ye know. Learn something new everyday." She shook her head as if to clear out the cobwebs and beamed just as equally bright back at the young girl. "Well Hope, Ah suppose ye can call me Abai. We'll stick with that for now."


Her attention went back to her feet before returning to the lass. "Ah can't seem to remember where Ah left them last?" She offered up with a shrug before shaking her head once more with a chortle. "Ye want the truth?" She asked leaning forward a bit placing her hand on the side of her mouth as if it were a secret though her voice never changed. "Me taste are too expensive...and...it's easier to dance without them." Abaigeal dropped her hand and continued to on. "It would be a shame to have shoes when Ah would be spending more time then not without them...though Ah suppose Ah should look in to repplacements...."


"Why do ye swing from the trees and play a phantom of the heavens?" She asked a question of her of own. " And rocks Lass? " She smiled showing good faith that it was merely a question for a question.




(Abai is read or pronouced as Abbey)

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Xenedra passed Hope and the new comer at a lazy pace, padding gracefully by in her gold gilded, black bard's heels. "C'mon, children~ we don't have time to play twenty questions. I'd like to be in and out of the Deepcroft before nightfall."


Truth be told, she didn't expect that they'd manage it. The caves and halls down there had an overly winding, seemingly pointless mess of paths before, so now they were likely to be broken and somewhat impassable as well. There was no telling what Bahamut's rage had done to the area until they got down there, though. There were new rumors surrounding the old tunnels now, too. Some "shadowy, malicious, hulking figure" was said to now stalk the deeps. She wasn't sure how anything under ground could appear as anything BUT, until you shined a little bit of light on it, and took the rumors with a grain of salt. Xenedra DID wonder if any of the others, aside from Endemerrin, were aware of the rumors, though, since they'd all happily come skipping along to play. Best not to ask and scare off the skittish one.


"Keep up if you're coming~" she sing-songed back over her shoulder.


(PS! No, we do not have a posting order, post at will!)

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Raising her hand to the back of her head once more, Genevieve gives the slightly smarting bump a quick rub before dropping her shoulders again and falling in line behind the others. Inwardly chiding herself, she closes her eyes and stands with squared shoulders beside the others one the fence. If this was how jumpy she was out here in the relative safety of the forest, just what was it going to be like in the dark? The thought of losing track of the others and dying alone and scared in the tunnels sent a quick shiver up her spine, and for a brief moment she considered apologizing to the others and taking her leave. But instead, she clenched her fists and took a deep breath. This was something that she wanted to do, that she had to do. Every journey begins with a single step, as long as you are brave enough to take it. At least that's what Aeron had always taught her.


Opening her eyes slowly, she gives her neck a crack to each side and looks down at Endemerrin, trying her put on her best game face. "Okay, I'm going to follow your lead, and try to stay out of the way. But if I jump into your lap suddenly like a giant, cowardly dog...please don't use me as an impromptu weapon."

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Hope tilted her head slightly as she looked Abai up and down a bit. "Well I suppose that means you get to come too. Maybe we will find you shoes." She turns and meanders down the path, eventually she whips herself around and walks backward. "I swing through trees and play phantom because that stuff is fun. Why are you overwhelmed that I am a girl?"


Hope adopts a puzzled look. "You can be overwhelmed, and underwhelmed. Why is no one just whelmed? Weird."


She keeps her pace until she reaches the camp, walks up to the fence, and turns to Genevieve. "I hit you with the rock, didn't I? Sorry about that."

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Endemerrin drummed his fingers on the fence as he stared at Xenedra with a roguish grin and eyes that seemed to stare on for miles. Though he was clearly lost in thought, he was snapped out it as a few of the other party members began to gather around him. "Children?" He mused to Xenedra. "Well, I guess the opo-girl is a bit green behind the ears yet. Same with the big-" Endemerrin shut his trap and cast his gaze up at Genevieve as she approached, though the sun caught his eyes, causing him to squint slightly as he did his best to focus in on her face.


"You know, I'd be careful if I were you. Xenedra might bite you if you try and jump in my lap~" He spoke slyly as the roguish grin once again returned to his face. "Oh, and do me a favor, love," Endemerrin lifted his right arm from the fence and gently pointed to his left. "Mind moving juuust a bit to the left?" He brought the hand up above his eyes to help shield them from the sun. "The canopy isn't really doing it's job right now."

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Genevieve laughs and looks down at Hope with a wide smile. "That's quite alright Hope, I've been hit in the head with worse things, and by far worse people" she says, giving the spry girl a wink. Turning her gaze to Endemerrin, she looks a little confused, but does as she is told, her head and disheveled hair providing ample cover from the sun. "Like this?" she asks, still uncertain of just what she was doing.

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Abaigeal answered the young opo-opo-like girl's questions as best she could or as best as she wanted to rather. It was strange the young lass amazed her. She found her to be rather comical, and yet still had that youthful innocence about her. The kind of innocence that would forever find joys about life and always look to the brighter side. It was good that she still had it. Not many did these days...Abaigeal smiled to her with a hint of chortle before her attention was caught elsewhere.


One of the travelers in the party had paused as she passes by slowly. She had a uniquely pretty face and ears that were surrounded by the most vibrant of red hair ever. As it made roses pale in comparison. Abaigeal smiled in awe. Her own hair did that once...used to be long as well. She wasn't particularly envious of the graceful miqo'te until her emerald hues caught the lasses feet. It was her feet, that was what really caught her attention was the woman's taste in shoes. Fine and elegant gold gilded heels only the deepest color of midnight onyx. There was her jealouscy not that she would have shown it.


The miqo'te woman seemed to be the calm and level head one of the group. She had seemed to address herself and Hope. "Children? Twenty questions?" her head twisted to the side as the small opo-opo girl looked to her.


"Hmm? Oh Ah suppose that does? " She reached out ruffling the young lasses hair. "Ah don' know Hope...we'll have to see. Maybe perchance ye can help me pick a pair?" She offered a warm and gentle smile that painted over her features.


"Ah see! Well...Ah suppose if ye have fun. Ah can't say that Ah don' entirely blame ya. "Slowly and carefully she pace along the cobbled pathway with dainty barefooted steps that could make any dancer cry. It was almost a bit ironic that statement itself. Her gaze still lingering on the young lass. "Ah wouldn't say that Ah'm overwhelmed. Just a wee bit shocked...Ah honestly mistook ye for a lad. Yer short hair ashen blonde tresses and all. Not to mention yer mannerisms. Then again ye seem the type to be free spirited. It comes with having eyes of emeralds...Ah would know!" She cast a wink to the young girl as the Crimson haired miqo'te remind they all need keep up.


"Hmm...Ye ask a strange question lass...though Ah think the answer is...Ah think ye can in Eorzea..." She veiled her eyes with a rather impish smirk.


'Perhaps...Ah shall hang around for a wee bit longer...if anything the lass is amusing...'



((10 things I hate about you quote..with a 10 things I hate about you response with a twist~ Thank you Yssen I LOLedâ¥))

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Isaac ran a hand through his black, wavy hair as he watched the exchanges of the others in the group. He sighed slightly, feeling somewhat out of place. Though he would continue on the quest and accompany them into the Tam Tara Deepcroft, he had never spent much time with a group of people he hardly knew and was a little uneasy. His left ear twitched as he heard a rustle in the bushes again. He looked over the camp, at the different people gathered, idly gripping the knock of an arrow between the knuckles of his index and middle finger, allowing his bow to slide off his left shoulder and into his hand.


Isaac was slightly on edge and his scar burned slightly. He shook off the bad feeling he had and re-slung his bow over his shoulder. He rubbed his left arm trying to subdue the burning sensation and stepped away from the gate. They were close. He untied the small leather thong that held his tail around his waist, letting his tail out to its full length which oddly seemed just slightly too short for his height.


Isaac tilted his head back, raising his face to the sky, closed his eyes and took a deep breath basking in the sun light.

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The Midlander's eyes darted back and forth as he stared at his companions with an incredibly bored glaze over his face. He took a deep breath and exhaled sharply, shoulders sulking and head dropping in the process. He remained this way for a moment before abruptly snapping upright with a sudden energetic fury burning in his eyes.


Endemerrin cracked his fist into an open palm a few times as he hopped down from his perch on the fence. "Hey!" He thrust an arm up in the air and waved down the group. "Adventure waits for nobody!" A sly grin spread across his face before he spun around and gracefully vaulted himself over the fence. "Last one to the Deepcroft has to carry all the loot back by themselves!" He hunkered down into a focused martial stance as a gust of wind swirled about him momentarily before blasting off down the path with overwhelming speed, kicking up dirt and leaves in his wake. "Ahahahahaha~!" The monk's psychotic laughter slowly trailed off as he tore down the path.

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Watching Endemerrin curiously as he exhales, she leans closer and reaches out to touch his shoulder. "Are....are you oka..." she yelps suddenly as the Midlander snaps upright once more, looking flabbergasted as he energetically commences the operation, racing off down the trail at blazing speed. Shielding her eyes from the dust swirled up in his wake, she looks to the others for just a moment before racing down the trail after him. It wasn't that she minded hard work, having worked in Aeron's warehouse for so long, but she certainly didn't want to fall too far behind the one whose example she was hoping to follow. Bounding down the trail with long, powerful strides, Genevieve does her best to keep up with the fleet footed monk. Though nowhere nearly as fast as Endemerrin, Genevieve is still impressively fast on her feet, and likely hard to keep up with by natural means.

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Xenedra forks a hand through her hair with a sigh and visually takes in the distance between herself and the rest of the crew. She flicks her shoulder and reaches behind her as the bow shifts forward, then plucks a certain set of notes off the attached harp. Those close-by are enveloped in blue swirls of notes and will feel perhaps lighter or more energized.


"I promise he's not actually crazy. Let's keep up, mm?"


With that, she takes up jogging after Endemerrin at a swift song enhanced pace, nearly comparable to the monk's.

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Hope shakes her head as she watches as Endermerrin take off laughing. "And I thought dad got weird..." She stretches looking over the rest of the group, and then scanning the crowd. An excited smirk washes across her face as finishes her the last of her notes. She shifts into a stance, and a pulse of win kicks up the dust at her feet. "Always wanted to try this. Dadoo always warned that this was a bit of a risky trick. Here goes..."


And with that, she is off like a streak.

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Making careful note of the other party members she followed along. Whether she was truly invited or not was not of consequence. Rather the young lass was rather humorous, paired with the crimson haired beauty they were more than enough to keep her interest. After all the Miqo'te lass had said to follow as long as she could keep up. And that she shallâ¦especially if she stayed behind the woman in question. As if her shoes were not already the object of envy, the delicate step and gentle curvature of the rose headed lass's hips as she glided over the cobble stone was more than appealing.


The closer they moved to the fence Abaigeal noted that there was another miqo'teâ¦a male. His tail was freed from it binding which caused her to blink in confusion. "Ah have to ask ladâ¦why have yer tail bound as ye do? It seems a bit foolish to try and hide one true self? " She tilted her head curiously as her emerald hues danced over his form. He seemed to fiddle with his arm of sorts. It was hard to tell but she could have sworn she had caught a glimpse or two of what looked like ânoâshe was mistakenâ¦but the way he rubbed his arm. "Pains there love?" She quirked a brow in concern.


Her attention however was drawn away as the rest of the party collected to join a ash blond who seemed extremely bemused by his rag tag travel companions. Her gaze wandered over him as well taking in details of sorts. Concern was written about his face as he stared back at the faces in the collective about him. One of the members a tall and skin the color of sky like the sea after the storm seemed to worry a bit herself. Her features seemed to sheepishly soften that was untillâ




The jovial sound broke the air sending everyone in the party into a bit of a shock. Abagieal couldn't help but chuckle as the crazy arse took off with his hands flailing about like overcooked noodle that could barley stay attached to a fork. "Are ye sure ye all are followin him? " The accented lass jested as she watched the man tear off down the road.


It wasn't long for the rest of the party to follow in suit. The Miqo'te crimson haired beauty gracefully took off after him. Abaigeal smiled as he assured the lad was not as banjaxed as she or the others could have thought.


"Aye! Is it a race ye want?" The dancer called out after the others as she hefted the hem of her skirt up enough to not interfere with the running. Scanning ahead Abaigeal took off bare calloused feet padding swiftly over the road as she kept a close pace with Hope.


"Yer Dadoo? What is that?..OH! ye mean yer Da!! " Abaigeal called out as she ran. "Over protective is he?" She smiled her gaze returning to the front of the pack . "The Miqo'te lassâ¦can ye tell me about her? Or Can ye tell me about any of them for that matter? Perchance Ah should ask me self?"She shrugged.

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"Dadoo? Over protective? Maybe a little. He says I have problems being subtle. As for Red, I don't know her. She is on Father's watch list, along with our fearless leader Captain Whacky Laugh McNoodle Arms up there. Don't ask me why. His Big Eared Blue Majesty doesn't often choose to give me rhyme or reason to his task lists sometimes. Terribly mysterious to a bloody fault, that is him."


Hope placed her arms behind her head and shifted herself to jogging backward. She scrutinized the path and camp behind them for a few moments. "It does not matter really," she continued, turning toward the barefoot dancer again. "I figure his ever watchful eye has got it's golden gaze on someone or something else. Mhm. This seems to be something he isn't to worried about me being able to accomplish on my own. Billy. As for the others. Shy girl, archer boy, possible other things bumping around. I just met them, so you are possibly better off getting to know them yourself. My observation skills are decent, but Dad says I should often keep my opinions to myself."


Hope grins at Abaigael and turns to face the right way down the path.


"Given present circumstance I plan to have a little fun while doing as he asked, but I still plan on doing as he asked. This group seems ripe for fun, don't cha think? We can find more out together? THAT should be a lark. Hmmmmmm? Shall we catch up and make inquiry?"

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A man waits near the entrance to Tam-tara Deepcroft in sunglasses, a black haori, with a gold-thread lining kept together in the front by a black leather strap, and a tall collar obscuring the lower half of his face. Beneath it a Darksteel Breastplate is visible, with gold ornamentation. He wears black leather gauntlets, a pair of bowed darksteel metal shoulderguards with gold ornamentation, and shoes with darksteel plating on them, and black pants. His right hand is holding the hilt of a very large single edged sword that he rests on his shoulder, while his left arm is missing, and his sleeve drifts in the wind. His hair is swept up to the top of his head from both sides, streaked with grey, and his face is rough and beaten.


He waits quietly.

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Zesiro continued down the sun-dappled path towards the aforementioned Deepcroft. As Captain wacky-laugh McNoodle Arms dashed passed, he tried his very best not to turn around on the spot and forget the notion of ever working with these 'people'. However the lack of weight in his purse was a bit more pressing than his want to keep away from Eorzea's more interesting adventurers. With no small effort he swallowed his pride and continued to silently plod down the road.

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Endemerrin shot a brief glance behind him before pushing onward with even more haste, jumping and rolling through downed trees and brush without so much as a single break in his gait. Before long, the domed roof of the deepcroft crept into view in the distance, which only served to push the Monk even further. The walled-in pathway that lead down to the deepcroft began to rapidly approach, yet still he kept the pace. At the last possible moment, Endemerrin leapt off the ground and vaulted through the air and over the stairs. A brief look of panic crossed over his face as he noticed the strange man standing at the entrance to the deepcroft.


"Heads up! Coming through!"


He slammed into the ground and slid across the loose gravel on the sides of his feet, kicking up a healthy shower of dirt and dust in front of him. As he just barely managed to skid to a halt, a massive draft of wind followed up behind him, violently blowing his hair and clothing about while stirring up the already thick cloud of dust even more.


"Whoops." He coughed out while wafting some of the dust away from his face with a hand. "Eheheh. Sorry."

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Xenedra catches up shortly after and easily slows her pace without all the mess and hullabaloo of the over-excited monk.


"Killing people today, are we, darling?" She smirks at Endemerrin and glances briefly at the haori-wrapped warrior. "Apologies, he's just a liiiittle excited."


--But wait. That goofy up-swept hair was awfully familiar... She turns her full attention back on the man that Endmerrin tried to run over, head tilted and brows knit ever so slightly in curiosity. Whilst peering his mostly covered face, she presses gently, "No hard feelings... yes?"

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Somehow Zesiro failed to notice the shock of red hair running past him on the forest path. It's likely due to the fact that he was still contemplating counting his losses, turning around, and finding a job that made more sense. No, he'd already spent money on potions and potables, he would have to see this job through to the end. He unsheathed the scimitar strapped at his hip to once again admire the fine craftsmanship of his new blade. He hadn't had it for very long, but it had served him well in cutting down a few over zealous Ixali.


He sheathed the blade as he saw the steps down to the Deepcroft come into view. He'd heard a few stories concerning the old Tam-tara Deepcroft, and unfortunately none of it was good. More than a few adventuring parties had never reported back from scouting missions into the old tombs, and rumors of necromantic rituals occurring in the catacomb spread quickly on the lips of adventurers and Gridanians alike. Zesiro certainly did not want to become one of the nameless adventurers lost to the Deepcroft, but even more than that he wanted more opportunities to cull creatures of the void.


Before he could even take the first few steps down towards the Deepcroft's proper entrance he saw the strange dusty-brown haired Hyur and the red-haired Miqo'te standing before a man he actually recognized. His spirits elated, he approached the group with vaguely less caution than before.


"Ho there!"

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Hope finishes scampering her way up to the entrance of the Deepcroft and rocks back and forth on her heals as she looks at those that have already arrived. She stops suddenly after a few moments, her eyes falling on the black clad stranger waiting at the entrance. She purses her lips ever so slightly and then unfurls them into a wry grin. "Do I know you, Mr. Brooding-Black- Dressed-Stranger-Man? Do you know me? No tricks now."


Hope giggles and flops against the wall imitating the dark armored stranger's previous "serious business" in a playful fashion. After a few moments she peeks her tongue out and makes a face, returning to a bit of giggling. "Being tricksy to a sweet little girl like me would just be ever so mean," she says in a sing song voice, stretching out into a more relaxed pose against the entrance. "Don't be mean. I have rocks and I know how to use them."

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Myllor turns his head to face the red haired miqo'te as she also comes careening into the entrance, albeit in a much more controlled manner. He chuckles briefly. "No, no hard feelings." He looks her over a moment as well, but is interrupted by the male miqo'te's entrance.


Zesiro comes down the path sheathing his familiar blade. He turns back to the two that already arrived. "Here with a whole party, eh?" As Zesiro pads in, he does a quick motions to a greeting, and responds. "Ho there, Zesiro. I see you're taking care of your blade."


He turns to the young girl that scampered in behind Zesiro. "You may. You're the child from Little Ala Mhigo. Hope, right?" He chuckles at the rocks comment. He looks around to the small party around him, and smiles unseen behind his collar.


He once more double checks the two that arrived before.

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Running down the path at a brisk pace, Genevieve smiles confidently for the first time. If there was anything that she had faith in, it was her strength that allowed her to push herself harder than many of her peers. But there is a limit to strength, and she looks dumbfounded as Xenedra and the others whisk past her easily, carried on the winds of her song. Furrowing her brow, she drops her gaze to the ground and pumps her arms and legs as hard as she can, determined at the very least to not be the last person to the entrance. Her brow dotted with the sweat that streaks into her eyes to bothersome effect, she closes her eyes and charges at full bore down the path, completely unaware of the ground dropping out from under her as she crests over the last rise in the path and over the first step of the stairs down. Flailing comically, she shrieks and tumbles headlong down the stairs like a clumsy bowling ball, her velocity carrying her on a collision course with Endemerrin.

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