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The Second Great Eorzean Wine & Dine Festival - 26 March @ 8 pm GMT/4 pm EST

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The Second Eorzean Wine and Dine Festival!

A collaboration between Jackal & Hide and the Kindred.[/align]


Last year, we held the first Eorzean Wine and Dine Festival with the Kindred. We're doing it again this year and hope to see a collection of both old and new faces!


Starting at 8 pm GMT/4 pm EST, 26 March 2016, and being graciously hosted by the Kindred at their home in the Goblet at Ward 4, Plot 11, an evening of fine food and drink await!


Whilst we're still ironing out the timetable for the night's entertainment (and will update accordingly once finalised), what we can promise is:


  • Wine Tasting provided by Nailah Quill
  • Drinks Mixing Contest provided by W'gahr Lupercal
  • Cake Decorating Contest provided by J'inarah Marad
  • Hog Roast provided by Bert Brewforge
  • Kebab Class provided by Fejika Menajika

And much more, including a full menu, to be confirmed.


Security for the evening will be provided by a combination of Jackal and Kin forces, to keep those who, ahem, greatly enjoy their libations in check. Please also note that weapons must be checked into the Kindred's storage upon arrival, as we don't want any unfortunate mishaps.


Hope to see you all there!


Jackal & Hide and the Kindred

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  • 2 weeks later...

[align=center]Come one, come all, to the Second Great Eorzean Wine & Dine Festival this Saturday![/align]




20.00 GMT: The Kindred's doors open at Ward 4, Plot 11 in the Goblet. Staff will be on hand downstairs in the charmingly named "Bottom" bar to serve drinks whilst everyone settles in.


20.15: Wine Tasting begins in Room #7 of the Kindred estate. Don't know your Bacchus from a Cedarmill Red? Let Nailah Quill educate you on the nuances of a variety of wines brought in from all round Eorzea.


21.00: Downstairs in the bar, the Cake Decorating Contest and Kebab Class will start. Speak with J'inarah Marad to try your hand at decorating a cake; best (emoted description) decoration wins an Onion Prince minion to call their own. Meanwhile, Fejika Menajika can show those with more savoury tastes how to craft the perfect kebab.


21:45: What better way to satisfy your appetite than a good old fashioned Hog Roast? Bert Brewforge will roast a succulent hog over the open fire outside the Kindred estate for all to enjoy. Meanwhile, Quinthel Moranguin will challenge guests to the Pudding Walk. Balance a plate bearing a pudding through a set path (/random above a threshold several times); if you succeed, you get to eat the pudding!


22.30: As the evening draws to a close, it's time to get a little crazy. Join W'gahr Lupercal for a Drinks Mixing Contest that'll be sure to knock you out! Creator of the best drink wins an adorable piece of furniture crafted by Nailah.




Should you need a drink or a bite to eat during the night, head down to the bar, where our staff will be happy to offer you something from our menu. All recipes prepared by Quinthel Moranguin unless otherwise stated.

























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Hey guys, just wanted you to know that this was a great event, and I was happy to participate! The drink mixing contest was especially fun, and I'm happy to have attended! Keep on keeping on, KinRP.

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I'm sorry for being such a nuisance.


I was told you escaped our bouncers by slipping out of your clothes hahaha!




Anyway, thank you all so much for coming! We had a fantastic time and hope you did too. We were delighted to see such a wonderful turnout!


Congratulations to Andromeda Dulaque for winning the cake decorating contest with her vineyard-themed creation! However, she had very stiff competition indeed from Yzaba Il'qestir, who decorated a stunning Hatching-tide cake.


Congratulations also to Mika Nel, who won first prize in the drinks mixing contest with his entry, the White Ishgardian! He had a close win too, followed right behind by Rheya Tayuun with her Beggar’s Banquet.


Finally, big thanks to the wonderful people in the Kindred and our Jackals, all of whom worked very hard this evening. You did a great job!


Kilid took a huge amount of screenshots - full album here - but here's a few I picked out:








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I really enjoyed the event even though I wasn't able to stay there for the entire thing. The screenshots also look really nice. Thank you for hosting such a nice event, I do hope you guys will do this again. :)


If we happen to find a screenshot of our character that we really like, do we have permission to save it and even post it on the wikis (leave credit, of course)?

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